Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

What are your thoughts?


When I went on my massive binge last year I noticed that some psychics, mainly the empaths would give eerily similar predictions to the psychics I would read with before them. I know they read in the present, but I reckon they pick up on our past readings somehow? I read with an empath and then another psychic, went back to the empath and they had changed their reading to what the other psychic said - this was within a day!!! What are your thoughts on this? Do some empaths pick up on your last reading and is this the reason so many see the same thing?

I think that is highlyy possibleee!! hm :o I do recall a time that I read with two trusted psychics both got a same date for something, and it ended not happening.. its kinda like how you both got the same date and ended up being wrong lol


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