Author Topic: Synergy's Tally  (Read 28310 times)


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2012, 02:34:37 AM »

I have gone thru similar situations where I resulted to calling all the "Most accurate readers" only to be disappointed in the end. And silly me I've repeated this calling cycle with many relationships and or ordeals that have come up in my life. And like you when the predictions didnt come, I tried to reach out to that person only to find out that the feelings were not mutual.

The sad thing is you reached out to C and he told you to move on, meaning that you did not need a psychic to tell you anything you could've had the closure you needed for free and without the false hope provided by these psychics. I tallied up 12mts worth of keen deposits and it is in the 5figuires and I told myself enough is enough because I know the vast majority of that went to psychic(s) who all were Dead Wrong in there predictions.

I initally came to this board looking for confirmation and guidance because I was 85% convinced that these psychics were a waste of time and after reading your thread I am 100% convinced. when I saw all the glowing recommendations of psychics (kisha, Magical sandra, etc) I thought maybe all these years I've just been talking to the wrong people. I've talk to 3 of the most highly recommended readers on  this forum and each time I hung up thinking "Ok what was all the fuss about" 

Thank you for sharing your story, I hope you find peace within yourself, and Next time a relationship goes south please save your money and don't take yourself thru the unnessecary emotional drama/trauma that comes with calling these psychics. I've been calling for Yearssss and I can attest that in the end the $ spent was never worth it!

But, I do have my own prediction. Time surely has away of healing pain one day you'll look back and laugh and thing omg I can't believe I was calling about you. Its happened to me over and over again..AND NOT ONE PSYCHIC HAS EVER PREDICTED THAT! ;)

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2012, 02:46:07 AM »
I spent so much money that I started to use three different credit cards as the monthly bill wouldn't hit me like a ton of brick.  Wish I had spent that money on me and my kids.  I know I have said good things about Aurora.  But may be I volunteered a lot of infor about the idiot SM.  Also, I was hurting so bad back then that any half good empath would have known idiot boy hurt me really badly ab=nd as such it is a no brainer to say he would do the same again.  I guess, what I am trying to say that I need to take care of my psychic addiction.  I hope I can and save my money as I really need to focus on my finances.


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2012, 03:14:10 AM »
I spent so much money that I started to use three different credit cards as the monthly bill wouldn't hit me like a ton of brick.  Wish I had spent that money on me and my kids.  I know I have said good things about Aurora.  But may be I volunteered a lot of infor about the idiot SM.  Also, I was hurting so bad back then that any half good empath would have known idiot boy hurt me really badly ab=nd as such it is a no brainer to say he would do the same again.  I guess, what I am trying to say that I need to take care of my psychic addiction.  I hope I can and save my money as I really need to focus on my finances.

So sorry, this is a sad reality for me also. The emotional pain is still there and your $ is not.


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2012, 05:02:45 AM »
^^^^, A waste not because a predication did or didn't come thru..A waste because the answer and clarafication she was seeking was provided for no charge, and came from the horses mouth.

After years of calling I've found that psychics more often then not leave me with more ?s then answers. Just my opinion.

If you have beeen bless to find the perfect psychic whose predictions 90% of the time come thru then by all means keep calling, I however have not been that lucky :-[
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 05:06:08 AM by PsychicWhore »


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2012, 09:49:11 AM »

She couldve  asked him sooner! Only reason why she probably didnt is because the "Psychics" told her he would come back within a certain time frame.

There is nothing wrong with her asking her guy where she stands with him. I rather her, I , you or anyone else ask b4 calling psychics. I'm not saying its over with her and her guy, I'm saying that simply calling psychics wasting time and money, being confused and pumped with false hope, isnt worth the emotional stress.

Its frustrating as hell to deal with conflicting predictions given by "top rated psychics".Its easier to deal with emotional distress w/o the added BS.. even if the prediction is correct if it didnt save your life, or aid you in avoiding a major catstrastophe then what the hell did you gain?

Ask the man where you stand, he says move deal with everything and move on..and eventually not give a dam OR

ask psychic #1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and so on, get confused by the multiple and conflicting predictions,the  false hope, readings arent free so substract the 1000s of dollars from the bank account.....wait patiently for the prediction, prediction dosent happen, now you're upset and even more confused so result to option A

If you believe that "psychic insight" is worth it then by all means call...If you've found a remarkable reader thats again 90% accurate for you then again keep calling. I'm saying that in all the years I've been calling, and when the dust was settled, psychics did not play a significant role in helping me move forward, nor did their "insight" provide me with the tools needed to cope thru the situation. And if you are NOT apart of the solution you ARE part of the problem!

I would go much deeper into this but this is a psychic forum and I don't want to offend anyone. But I will say this in the end Time heals, not the top rated advisor, hindsight is 20/20 not psychic readings!

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2012, 11:56:57 AM »

She couldve  asked him sooner! Only reason why she probably didnt is because the "Psychics" told her he would come back within a certain time frame.

Not always true. The main reason I never asked my ex in the beginning was because I believed he was confused and like someone said, I didn't want to rock the boat. He was still talking to me after all, and giving me mixed messages so I went with the flow. With his personality traits, had I asked him it would have pushed him into a corner and he would have walled himself in from me or ran.

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2012, 12:02:00 PM »
PW, I guess all of us would have our own learning cycles.
you had been calling for years before you stopped calling,
synergy will have her own experience. this is what this forum
is for, to share our experiences. thanks for sharing yours too !

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2012, 12:08:34 PM »
putting psychics aside, I agree that one could rock the boat by asking in the
first few months. my own opinion is we should do no contact and give enough time
for the other party to figure things/feelings out. this no contact is very painful
and that is why we started to call psychics. not saying we should or should not be calling,
but I totally understand the pain that drives people to call.


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2012, 02:52:51 PM »

She couldve  asked him sooner! Only reason why she probably didnt is because the "Psychics" told her he would come back within a certain time frame.

Not always true. The main reason I never asked my ex in the beginning was because I believed he was confused and like someone said, I didn't want to rock the boat. He was still talking to me after all, and giving me mixed messages so I went with the flow. With his personality traits, had I asked him it would have pushed him into a corner and he would have walled himself in from me or ran.

Why do we have to put up with this type of behavior? They're scared and result to games and we have to sit back and try to decode and fiquire out where we stand. I wish I could care :'(,  I'm emotionally Bankrupt and emotionally detached so I havent had to put up with this crap in a while. And in someway I'm happy it protects me and in the end thats whats its all about.

He plays games- goodbye
you're scared- ok goodbye
you don't want a relationship- ok, but you want all the emotional and sexual benefits of one-GOODBYE
You're idea of a date is me coming over watching your TV- GOODBYE

You Just need time? hmm mm sounds good...GOODBYE

My time is precious to me and at this point in my life you need to prove you are worthy of my time, I'm not sacrifing my needs so that all yours can be met. its unfair and if you are not ready to give me what I need then theres the door! and you don't gotta call a psychic to decode that lol :D

but O well I guess I'm a typical emotionally unavailable aquarius.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 03:05:28 PM by PsychicWhore »

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2012, 03:50:58 PM »
Hi Synergy.........I love what you said about living your life and not waiting for things to happen...many thanks.. :)


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2012, 06:43:21 PM »
I agree with Jordie. I use to call too much about when or if something was going to happen. Now I lean towards readings that guide me or make me aware of information about people/situations I would not know by just asking them, so that I can decided what I want to make of the situation. I'm rarely dissapointed with these type of readings.Thats why I like LadyP so much..its not always about "this will happen at such and such a time".

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2012, 04:15:28 AM »
As if I didn't already think most of my favorite readers were wrong the moment he told me to move on, I have been able to confirm that he has a girlfriend. Not just that, but a picture of she and him is now his Facebook profile picture. I never had that "honor".

So all the readers who told me he was afraid of commitment because of what his ex put him through we're just plain wrong. All the ones who told me he just wanted to be free and experience his youth without being in a relationship were wrong as well. The fact is he just doesn't want to be with me.

I still had hope but now I can say that I am officially done with psychics. Done.

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2012, 04:32:05 AM »
No...  We're not fb friends anymore. I removed him back in January. I got the urge to go look because of what I had learned about this possible girlfriend. Now I know it's true.


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2012, 04:49:40 AM »
I'm so sorry Synergy. So he was seeing this girl all along? No psychic picked up on this?

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2012, 05:27:16 AM »
I'm sorry synergy. Im starting to realize that all these psychics are wrong. Their timing is wrong and im sure their outcome is too. I'm slowly starting to stop calling. Everyone has been wrong in some way.