Author Topic: Law of Attraction/Manifesting  (Read 6158 times)

Offline LiliM93

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Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« on: August 10, 2020, 11:45:29 PM »
I am beginning this new journey and I'd like some insight please. How did you begin? What tools did you use? Did it work for you? How can you get things to manifest faster? How do you completely remove doubts/negative feelings? I have been doing it for about a week now and so far, it's been interesting. It's been good. But I'd like some guidance on anyone who has more experience. Are there any readers who speak about the LOA? I'd appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2020, 03:19:31 PM »
I would suggest focusing on your limiting beliefs / negative thoughts first.  Really try to go deep and nip those bad boys in the bud.  Work on your mental diet.  Get clear about what you want.  Be patient and kind with yourself.  Try to practice gratitude even if it feels forced at first - it will start coming more naturally eventually.

It is hard at first for sure and when I started doing it I would literally repeat things like "it's all good" in my head thousands of times a day.  After about 6 weeks of this I didn't need to do it anymore, am way more focused and notice immediately when a negative thought pops into my head and just let it go.

I highly suggest meditating if you don't already.  I am an extreme over thinker and cannot focus, like ADHD level, but consistent meditation has really helped me.

There are so many youtube videos out there, but I suggest picking a few "coaches" that you like and sticking with their videos otherwise it can get confusing.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 03:22:19 PM by Kayrid »

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2020, 03:21:08 PM »
Also personally I'd recommend really limiting psychics while doing loa stuff, especially if you tend to really believe what they tell you.  Just get clear on what you want and focus on that.

Offline CancerBumble

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2020, 03:48:46 PM »
I'd recommend looking up some podcasts. They are usually free and it would save you money rather than talking to someone on Keen.

Offline LetItBe123

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2020, 03:49:28 PM »
I definitely agree limiting readings, I think it sways your thinking too much.

I personally got into candle work and I love it. Every week I write down what my “intention” is for that week and then daily I will light the candle and pray on my intention and deeply envision it. I swear it has changed my life and worked so far. I focus on one small intention per week and focus hard on it, whether it be for my relationship or career or health or family. See if there’s any candle stores nearby to you where you can get candles specific for what you’re manifesting.

Offline Intheotherside

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2020, 04:37:16 PM »
More than half of my reading with Cookie is about affirmation... I really need to work on it. I told her that I had in my prayers and she said I need to pray and do affirmation. So thanks for this topic, I will try to learn from you.....

Offline Psyche1111

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2020, 05:57:24 PM »
Watch Roxy Talks videos on youtube! She also has some workshops. One of the most helpful things I learned in her workshop was realizing what my limiting beliefs were. I didn't think I had any.. then I realized the patterns in my life and relationships and this was all because of limiting beliefs. LOA is real but it takes some work. Scripting or doing 555 methods work but you have to deal with "you" first. It's totally worth it though! Also, I saw someone mentioned candle work and I think that is great too. The principals are the same. It's about your intention and story you are telling yourself.

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2020, 06:10:22 PM »
Regarding manifesting, there are many different techniques that you will come across.  Ultimately I think each person needs to try different things to see what works for them and there is no one way to manifest.  Just remember the goal is to be able to "live in the end" as if you already have what you want and detach from the outcome.  Whatever you are doing - scripting, visualizing, etc. should make you feel good.  If it ever feels forced or makes you anxious I believe you should take a break.  Just remember that none of the coaches know exactly the formula - they are basing it off of their personal experience and clients experiences.

Personally I mostly visualize, script, give gratitude and meditate.  But like I said before, I think the most important thing is first dealing with your limiting beliefs.

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2020, 10:27:52 PM »
My question is, when you attempt to attract what you want and you do everything you believe you were supposed to do, in the cases where your desire does not manifest, how do you treat with things at that point? Do you say to yourself you must have done something wrong? Do you say to yourself its not yet time? Do you say to yourself manifestation doesnt always work? Whats the next step when the desired goal hasnt been attained? 🥺

I am by no means a pro but I really think you need to trust the universe in that what you want or better is coming.  I think you have to really believe it’s already yours and not affirm that something is going wrong or it’s not happening, because that comes from a state of lack.  It’s so hard but you have to really try to drop the NEED.  You can still desire it, but I think you have to know you will be ok no matter what happens.  That’s my take anyway!

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2020, 10:41:36 PM »
I love Esther / Abraham.  If I am feeling down I will listen to her / them because I find her very uplifting and listening is able to help me refocus and pull me out of a mood.

I don’t know how the universe works, that’s for sure.  But when I look back on my life at the positive and negative things that have happened I can see how I may have manifested them pretty clearly actually.  I have said it a few times, but I really don’t see the harm taking control of your emotions and life.  I have been only practicing loa stuff for maybe like 7 or 8 weeks and have definitely seen huge improvements in my mindset and have seen positive changes in my personal situations that I am trying to manifest.

Offline Rosieroo17

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2020, 08:10:31 AM »
Ugh- I’ll bite
For me manifesting is a consciousness lifestyle. I started ... I dunno but I’ve always got into these weird high moods and just got what I wanted, at least as kid.
I did at some point try Abraham Hicks and techniques... but I always go back to Neville and the Bible. I’m currently not a fan of Abraham Hicks, I find her confusing AF, the vortex what?, and frankly I think she belittles her audience... I use to be heavy in ppl like Aaron doughty or jake deucey or manifest with jasmine but I find them also fake AF. Not to say they don’t have good insight here and there... but yeah I can agree everyone has there own way of getting to things. And definitely watch out, cause the next on the list after psychics( tarot, astrology, etc) is LOA/manifestation coaches.

I’m currently heavily into my mental diet, and self concept/self care (aka self esteem)... and my fitbit

So I rather only focus on teachers who are Neville based: Pluto’s gate, illuminatingjoy, create your future with Amanda, Joseph Alai, Shelley Bullard, and sammy Ingram ... I’m sure there’s more... (I’m still on the fence about Roxy talks But did enjoy that video)
And the Bible... yes I have and can manifest with the Bible and I’ve seen other people do it without realizing they were doing it. (For example one of my former roommates she confessed to me she would read those verses of love is kind... 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 she would replace the word “love” with her name and her Bf name: “SP and I are kind, SP and I are patient... “ etc, they never fought and currently happily married) it wasn’t enough that she said it, she didn’t have to, she just believed it and practiced it, in her relationship, and in herself. It was her NATURAL MENTAL DIET, She believes in very hard Christian based but there was no doubt in her mind... that’s the huge other thing don’t feed your doubts; get on that mental diet)

I realized that my mind creates better than when I dabbled with/ into Santeria ... of course out of desperation... and I realized sometimes shit just came to me without even getting the tools: aka candles, or the oil... I realized my mind can and does have an affect without all that stuff. My fears even trickier - holy mother-don’t give into my fears; cause that shit is wildfire for me!

But I do love this stuff! I got techniques galore but its coming down to a point for me where, “techniques”, mean nothing without the mental diet and self concept (aka self esteem grounded)... and yes you can are manifesting all the time

I agree with you on Esther, I do listen to some of her videos but don't find i connect with her so much. I did see her live in rome and just could not get into her herself. And the same with Jake and Aarron think they just hash out the same kinds of videos.

But i am a great believer in LOA and think it works . Its just letting go of resitance i struggle with

Offline Kayrid

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2020, 02:48:24 PM »
I do agree that some of the "coaches", including Esther, Aaron, Jake etc. can be a bit phony.  I also agree that loa would come next after psychics for most people, however with loa you are doing things that will improve your life / mindset if you are doing the self-love work instead of relying on psychic predictions.  Also I don't mean to judge anyone, I really don't and I also agree that you are always manifesting, whether it is something you want or don't want.

My take and what works for me is to listen to / practice ANYTHING that gets you into the end state and makes you happy.  I do not believe there is one way to manifest.

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2020, 10:06:53 PM »
I have to say I have been binging on psychics, and I find I will feel good for a little and then something won't come to pass, so I would get hooked again trying to find contact/reconciliation/predictions... I found Sammy Ingram started getting into Manifesting and in August POI was much more a part of my life and we were doing well, I fell off started having readings and tonight did a card reading with Golden Tarot and started crying and freaking out. I think I need to stop with psychics and focus on me and manifesting, it seems to be the real deal. The "cards" keep changing, predictions get pushed back and the more I think of it these psychics have a 50% chance with a yes or no on contact and reconciliation. So I need to work on myself right now!

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2020, 12:35:13 AM »
I have to say I have been binging on psychics, and I find I will feel good for a little and then something won't come to pass, so I would get hooked again trying to find contact/reconciliation/predictions... I found Sammy Ingram started getting into Manifesting and in August POI was much more a part of my life and we were doing well, I fell off started having readings and tonight did a card reading with Golden Tarot and started crying and freaking out. I think I need to stop with psychics and focus on me and manifesting, it seems to be the real deal. The "cards" keep changing, predictions get pushed back and the more I think of it these psychics have a 50% chance with a yes or no on contact and reconciliation. So I need to work on myself right now!

This.. 100 percent.
I am someone who has always had interest in the spiritual realm.. in the things we cannot see, and though I believe that 80-90 percent of these psychics are fake or computer generated, I believe there is a small percentage of people who have a gift to sense and pick up on others. That's where my quest began and my slight "addiction" to psychics also began.... and it's no good.

I started watching Joseph Alai on youtube and I bought some books a few weeks back on energy/manifestation. Manifestation is such an interesting topic and i'm still sorting through the theories.. but if nothing else... it puts your mind in a positive place and teaches you to be in control of your life.. most importantly.. your thoughts. And the way you think absolutely does influence your surroundings.

xx <3

Offline Watercolors

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2020, 03:58:56 PM »

Thanks for posting the link to the Roxy Lee video. Talk about a breathe of fresh air. She's a rocker chick and doesn't look anything like your average LOA guru and she's wise and straightforward.

In her one of her videos, she made the point that everything has already been created. We're not trying to make anything new, we're just here creating a new reality for ourselves with the things that have been created. She likened our lives to creating creating a collage...and how we need to be more mindful and aware of what we are adding to the collage. Brilliant.