Author Topic: Law of Attraction/Manifesting  (Read 6320 times)

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2020, 05:02:35 PM »
One of the best manifesting youtubers:

Pluto’s Gate

Offline Wishful Thinker

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2020, 06:35:26 PM »
Pluto’s Gate is awesome and also Kim Velez.  They did a joint video together.  She’s an LMHC as well and has been on YouTube for a few years but just now showing up in the algorithm.  Everyone is definitely you pushed out.  Don’t like the way people treat you, change yourself.  Like Michael Jackson said “Start with the man/woman in the mirror”.  Then people will most definitely change around you. 

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2020, 10:47:04 PM »
I have to say I have been binging on psychics, and I find I will feel good for a little and then something won't come to pass, so I would get hooked again trying to find contact/reconciliation/predictions... I found Sammy Ingram started getting into Manifesting and in August POI was much more a part of my life and we were doing well, I fell off started having readings and tonight did a card reading with Golden Tarot and started crying and freaking out. I think I need to stop with psychics and focus on me and manifesting, it seems to be the real deal. The "cards" keep changing, predictions get pushed back and the more I think of it these psychics have a 50% chance with a yes or no on contact and reconciliation. So I need to work on myself right now!

This.. 100 percent.

I am someone who has always had interest in the spiritual realm.. in the things we cannot see, and though I believe that 80-90 percent of these psychics are fake or computer generated, I believe there is a small percentage of people who have a gift to sense and pick up on others. That's where my quest began and my slight "addiction" to psychics also began.... and it's no good.

I started watching Joseph Alai on youtube and I bought some books a few weeks back on energy/manifestation. Manifestation is such an interesting topic and i'm still sorting through the theories.. but if nothing else... it puts your mind in a positive place and teaches you to be in control of your life.. most importantly.. your thoughts. And the way you think absolutely does influence your surroundings.

xx <3

I agree! I honestly have gotten sooo many psychic readings and they change tune from month to month so if the predictions don't "stick" wth am I paying for, I can bitch to my friends about things that I want that I don't have... I have been watching sammy and pluto's gate us amazing too! I can't keep spending my hard worked for money on a prediction that could change in literally days...

Offline LiliM93

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2020, 01:33:03 AM »
I love Roy talks too! She is crazy expensive for coaching though ($500 for an hour, $1000 if you want an emergency session). So her free videos on YouTube will suffice for me. She explains things in pretty simple terms. I've also been working on limiting my psychic readings because sometimes they send me on a binge and it throws me off if it's negative. But I've always thought negatively towards life in order to prepare myself for the worst just in case, so now I am worried about things I have manifested in the past that hasn't shown up yet. I've since switched my thoughts but I'm always worried about things I've previously subconsciously set in motion, if that makes sense. Good luck to everyone on this journey! I wish you all well.  :)

Offline court1130

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Re: Law of Attraction/Manifesting
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2020, 02:16:41 AM »
The main thing with LOA is having faith and living your life as if you already have the person/thing you're trying to manifest. That, in my opinion, is the hardest part because LOA works both for you and against you. The more positivity you release into the universe, the more abundant your life will become and vice versa: more negativity, more deficiencies. I'm a testament to this theory and it just proves how powerful the mind really is. So when you hear people saying LOA doesn't always work, it's actually not true. It's working all of the time and it's all based on your thought patterns and behaviors. To reap the benefits of LOA, you need to have total faith in the process. Any doubt will just delay or prevent the very thing you're trying to will into your life. The Secret is a good book if you're looking for tips on how to manifest everything you desire and the power of positive thinking.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 02:52:40 AM by court1130 »