Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Thomas John

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@toknow: yeah, I really apologize for that - was having a bad day, highly emotional time - when I wrote that, so I do apologize.

Timeheals, no problem, no apology needed. We're all agitated at times about the stuff we talk about out here - we're upset, we call, we get ripped off most times. 

Kind of funny story, when I first read your reply to my post I was a bit agitated.  I wrote a long and somewhat abrasive response. I was distracted a couple times during the composing of the response and when I finally hit POST,,, I'd already timed out and had been logged off.  I figured that was my 'SIGN FROM THE UNIVERSE'  to cool out!!  LOL!  Today I realized I really didn't give any convincing details about my experience with him so I put what I could out there.  I"ll post more if and when they happen. 


--- Quote from: toknow on March 14, 2012, 05:17:33 PM ---Timeheals, no problem, no apology needed. We're all agitated at times about the stuff we talk about out here - we're upset, we call, we get ripped off most times. 

Kind of funny story, when I first read your reply to my post I was a bit agitated.  I wrote a long and somewhat abrasive response. I was distracted a couple times during the composing of the response and when I finally hit POST,,, I'd already timed out and had been logged off.  I figured that was my 'SIGN FROM THE UNIVERSE'  to cool out!!  LOL!  Today I realized I really didn't give any convincing details about my experience with him so I put what I could out there.  I"ll post more if and when they happen.

--- End quote ---

@tokow: lol, thanks but - yes, I did need to apologize to you . But now I know not to write stuff when I am feeling like that - like you said, give myself time to cool off.

I know this was an old thread, but just wanted to add that I had a reading with Thomas John several months ago and almost nothing he said has occurred,  I am not even sure of what he actually said on his own because he was asking me so many questions.  I thought psychics were suppose to tell you answers, not the other way around.  He seemed like a very nice guy, he just really didn't have any answers for me.  Unfortunately, after wasting so much money on psychics that so many people swore by, I find it hard to believe anyone knows anything anymore.

@Dm11 - ugh. I heard that guy was good too. Total bummer.


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