Hello all!
I just wanted to let everyone know about a psychic medium named Thomas John. His website is mediumthomas.com. I read with him last month. Most of his predictions for me are further out, but a big one he predicted for mid-March is happening right now! This man also has a blog on his website where he posted 2012 predictions (I can verify they were posted back in early January) . MANY of these have happened already, including the recent major destructive storms in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana and 'health issues' with Whitney Houston. He also reads on Keen under honesttogodpsychic.
You can also listen to him on Blog Talk Radio,, Voices From Beyond show, on the first and third Sunday of every month. This guy is the real deal!
I don't know, always had my doubts about male readers, but I did visit his sight out of curiosity about his 2012 predictions, and he's pretty much wrong on a lot of them.
Gold prices going down 'significantly'?? Umm, no - i don't think so. In fact, current economic indicators dictate gold may slip very slightly, temporarily, yet still will remain quite high, and forecasts indicate gold continue to rise above current in 2013 & 2014. You can look at the historic data on gold prices yourself, and the current and future indicators. I am an investor myself, so I keep a keen eye on such things.
Whitney Houston having health problems?? You don't say! Like this HASN'T been in the media for, oh, idk, the last FEW YEARS...

Natural disasters in the mid-west and some of the lower states?? Again, look at historic data for these types of natural disasters occurring in these parts of the country.
And the 2012 super bowl - neither one of those teams were even IN the Super Bowl, unless he is predicting this for 2013.
These are just a FEW of his 'predictions' that really are not predictions at all. And I thought I saw on his site something about him being on Best American Psychics thing or something??? And didn't someone JUST POST a few days ago about Best American Psychis? I could be wrong, I would have to go back and re-read all the posts, but its something that caught my eye.
Are you in fact this Thomas John?? Just curious.
Here's some of my own predictions, and I by no means am claiming to be a 'psychic': gas and food prices will continue to rise, less homes will be foreclosed upon because of Obama's new program to help those underwater refinance at lower interest rates, it would SEEM that jobless rates are going to be slightly lower, as reported in the media, but not really the case - the reality being those who were on unemployment, their benefits have run out, NOT because they found new jobs, and the middle class will continue to get screwed.