Author Topic: Sincerity  (Read 363844 times)

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #495 on: July 08, 2019, 02:26:38 AM »
I just had a reading with Sincerity she seemed quite good but ofcourse wont know if accurate as predictions are pending . Does anyone know how she is with timeframes and if she is accurate?
Her rate is super high as and like others im not in US so couldn’t afford to talk for long with her on Keen. I liked her energy.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #496 on: July 08, 2019, 03:11:28 PM »
Agreed with all of you! She’s great. I had read with her twice. The first time during a breakup, she told me that he’s talking to another girl, its a fling of interest, nothing will transpire between them, gave me a prediction for his return, an accurate assimilation of his emotions and thoughts (that he later verified upon reconcile) at the time I wanted to brush her off thinking god no, not another girl haha but when I looked back on the notes, saw she was literally correct with everything. I found with her, its best to let her just talk once you ask your question she will keep channeling more and more info. The second reading I had with her, I cannot validate just yet. Her predictions are for July 10 onward. She says that July is a huge month for us to take positive steps forward. She even mentioned an event that we will be discussing, and planning (something that we ended up fighting over after the second reading so she had no way of knowing!) I hope her overall prediction is correct. She said she only reads two years out though, that’s the only disadvantage.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Glad to hear you've had a positive experience with Sincerity. I am just wondering how accurate she was regarding timeframe in the first reading. Did reconciliation happen in the timeframe she'd given you?

Yes, in two ways. So she saw a three she said in 3 weeks youll start to really talk again and the reconcile begins, but the dust didn’t actually settle into the true relationship dynamics until 3 months later so she was right both ways. The last reading I had with her she gave a specific timeframe and she said the month of July basically from mid-July onward and that was unusual bc the first time I just got numbers from her (which both were right) at the time when she said 3, she said in a couple of weeks reconnection but that’s when it began, if that makes sense. It just took so long to get back to that good place.. or so I thought lol

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #497 on: July 09, 2019, 05:34:10 AM »
Agreed with all of you! She’s great. I had read with her twice. The first time during a breakup, she told me that he’s talking to another girl, its a fling of interest, nothing will transpire between them, gave me a prediction for his return, an accurate assimilation of his emotions and thoughts (that he later verified upon reconcile) at the time I wanted to brush her off thinking god no, not another girl haha but when I looked back on the notes, saw she was literally correct with everything. I found with her, its best to let her just talk once you ask your question she will keep channeling more and more info. The second reading I had with her, I cannot validate just yet. Her predictions are for July 10 onward. She says that July is a huge month for us to take positive steps forward. She even mentioned an event that we will be discussing, and planning (something that we ended up fighting over after the second reading so she had no way of knowing!) I hope her overall prediction is correct. She said she only reads two years out though, that’s the only disadvantage.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Glad to hear you've had a positive experience with Sincerity. I am just wondering how accurate she was regarding timeframe in the first reading. Did reconciliation happen in the timeframe she'd given you?

Yes, in two ways. So she saw a three she said in 3 weeks youll start to really talk again and the reconcile begins, but the dust didn’t actually settle into the true relationship dynamics until 3 months later so she was right both ways. The last reading I had with her she gave a specific timeframe and she said the month of July basically from mid-July onward and that was unusual bc the first time I just got numbers from her (which both were right) at the time when she said 3, she said in a couple of weeks reconnection but that’s when it began, if that makes sense. It just took so long to get back to that good place.. or so I thought lol

That's interesting. And this time she gave me a month instead of number and told me he will "definitely" back in Sep. I'll update you if it comes to pass.

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #498 on: July 09, 2019, 07:47:40 AM »
She gave me the number one for news (didn’t get a chance to ask what the 1 refers to) but said contact between now and end of this
Month beginning of August so will update if correct.

Offline Heidimary

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #499 on: July 10, 2019, 08:52:48 PM »
What’s her website?

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #500 on: July 11, 2019, 05:48:12 AM » is her personal site. Better rate.

Wow... the price is half of the keen!!!
Thanks for sharing

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #501 on: July 11, 2019, 12:52:52 PM »
@Jili - you're welcome. She said to always follow up with an email to her if you don't get a confirmation email from her 24 hours after you booking and paid for a reading.

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #502 on: July 11, 2019, 01:15:05 PM »
I couldn’t actually see her prices listed not sure if it was because i was looking at page via my phone but emailed her..
How much cheaper is she on her own website?

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #503 on: July 11, 2019, 01:28:20 PM »
I read with her on Keen and on her website, depending on the urgency lol. I know she has a few different min/price options but all I ever used was the $150/30 min reading.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #504 on: July 11, 2019, 01:54:05 PM »
I read with her on Keen and on her website, depending on the urgency lol. I know she has a few different min/price options but all I ever used was the $150/30 min reading.

Hey Yaw Yaw , did she work well for you , prediction wise ?

I read with her the other day and she validated well, and actually her predictions all lined up with others . So I have hope at least . She seems to be very hit and miss

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #505 on: July 11, 2019, 02:48:25 PM »
@diamond, Sincerity validates really well for me with past and present and feelings...Also contact prediction timeframes (when she was given one). However, my situation is complicated and slow moving (like majority of us here) but what she predicted is in line with Mattie, Will, Kisha, Micah, EJ, Gaylene, Yona...

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #506 on: July 11, 2019, 03:02:40 PM »
Thank you @yaw yaw.

She said the same things as others so I’m hopeful !

Offline Yaw Yaw

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #507 on: July 11, 2019, 03:28:00 PM »
@ Diamond, you're welcome. Waiting is hard as we all know but in the meantime please stay strong and trust your gut and instinct. I haven't share my story on this forum but if you like to talk more, about readings or vent or anything, please feel free to message me.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #508 on: July 13, 2019, 11:38:38 PM »
Agreed with all of you! She’s great. I had read with her twice. The first time during a breakup, she told me that he’s talking to another girl, its a fling of interest, nothing will transpire between them, gave me a prediction for his return, an accurate assimilation of his emotions and thoughts (that he later verified upon reconcile) at the time I wanted to brush her off thinking god no, not another girl haha but when I looked back on the notes, saw she was literally correct with everything. I found with her, its best to let her just talk once you ask your question she will keep channeling more and more info. The second reading I had with her, I cannot validate just yet. Her predictions are for July 10 onward. She says that July is a huge month for us to take positive steps forward. She even mentioned an event that we will be discussing, and planning (something that we ended up fighting over after the second reading so she had no way of knowing!) I hope her overall prediction is correct. She said she only reads two years out though, that’s the only disadvantage.

Hey Scorpio - any change yet ? I know it’s not far after July 10th lol but you never know right ? She says things look good after 21 July so I wanted to see if she’s good with dates etc

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #509 on: July 13, 2019, 11:45:35 PM »
I read with her last year (on Keen) and none of her positive predictions happened. I was sooo hopeful. When I asked her about it, she blocked me. 🤷‍♀️

