Author Topic: Sincerity  (Read 374785 times)

Offline wishfulthinker

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« on: March 07, 2012, 03:36:28 AM »
Hi everyone!  I read with Sincerity last night.  I was very impressed with her.  She really nailed the personality of my friend.  She knew things she just couldn't.have guessed at.  Has anyone read with her?   Has any of her predictions actually happened? 
@ Blessed - I know you have read with her also.   How long have you been reading with her? She is very expensive, and she has an accent so I had to ask her to repeat herself several times.  But I was happy with the reading.  She's kind of scary good.


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 04:14:10 AM »
I just read with her the other night too.She is very accurate in describing the present and the person in question and their feelings.As for predictions nothing has come to fruition as of yet.I usually call her through her personal line.She charges $75 for a 15 minute call and there is no noise and interruption in our call.I say she is scary accurate too but the prediction part I am no so sure about.However she is still my favorite.
Take care.!!


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 04:18:20 AM »
Hey Wish. Sincerity is the only other psychic from Keen that I would recommend other than Aurora because she is the only one who was right for me.

SINCERITY- I don't know how she sees so clear but she is phenomenal and worth the price since she is in the U.K. after the international rates plus whatever Keen takes out she isn't making a fortune or charging that much to be greedy. She was the first reader to ever give me a name and it was of a guy friend I had not seen in close to 10 years, she saw me bumping into him and a week after my first call to her I did out shopping and it took me totally by surprise because I did not have anyone in my life at the time with that name and dismissed it. The only thing with her is that her timing is not the best but her details are teeny tiny and crazy what she picks up on. For example, she saw me meeting a guy gave me two letters, described his physical appearance, said he was a man in a uniform, and had a red and white vehicle, and that I would meet him last January. Well, last May I met a firefighter with the descriptions she saw and after I got to know him a little more the letters which didn't turn out to be his initials were the last two letters of his nickname.


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 05:17:03 PM »
I have read with many on keen. I started off with Silvana Fillmore (This actually is the fakest of the fakes - thank God, I realized this sooner rather than later), I read even with Celest and a host of others. All were wrong about my situation, all of them. I found Sincerity by chance, and she was the only one that I felt was right. Her timing was off however the reconnection was as she said and the object of my calls confirmed everything when we got back together. Sincerity even predicted another break up and the reason for that as well. I never saw it coming but it happened. I again started calling Keen but only sticking with Sincerity. She can tell you whats happening, what happened and what is going to happen, however timing is an issue. Her timing however was right on one occassion,  when I was looking for a new job, she told me that I would get it in the last week of Oct, when the 17th of October arrived and I didnt have a new job, I called her and I was telling her, that I dont know what you do in England however in American we must give 2 weeks notice and since its the 17th, I cant do that and still start this new job that you see me working at during the last week of Oct. Since never changed her predictions and the funniest thing happend, my current firm called me on a thursday and told me whether I could start on monday, which actually was the last week in october. I should never doubt her however the one prediction that I am waiting on, the second reconnection, hasnt happened yet. I guess its because I put too much of my energy wanting it. However of all the people on keen, I trust this woman, just wish she could always be correct on timing

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 05:37:19 PM »
I have read with many on keen. I started off with Silvana Fillmore (This actually is the fakest of the fakes - thank God, I realized this sooner rather than later)

I have heard SCARY things about this lady....


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2012, 06:03:35 PM »
Yes Silvana is a mad person. She started off as the winner of some show, which I eventually found out she only won an episode and cant legally call herself the winner. She told you everything and anything, I should have recognized a con artist when I saw one however I was mislead. I followed her advice and my Ex, almost bit off my head the times Silvana told me to make contact and that she saw a favorable reception. Sincerity always told me to stay alway that my Ex was dealing with family issues and eventually I found out that she was right. Silvana even referred me to Oracle by the sea, one of her other readers and i should have known that these people share notes and write feedback for each other. However I was deceived until one day I woke up and my mind told me to pick an event in this case I was having an exam and I called every single reader that I had called in the past. I asked whether I would pass or fail the exam. Only Sincerity told me that I would pass and she even said something that no one else did, she said the exam is a 3 day exam which it was and that on the first day, I would transpose my answers and I would only catch it late and that I should slow down. Well it happened and I caught the mistake only because the questions kept referring back to the fact pattern. I also tested all the other readers again, I told them I had moved on to another relationship (which I wasnt) all of them, I mean all of them told me the new person (wo didnt exist) was betetr for me and loved me and they saw marriage. Only Sincerity told me that I have a vivid imagination and that she could not sense or see anyone around me. I know she has a gift, I just wish, I could get what I want and not have to call any more.

Everyone on Keen are fakes, they are just out for money and prey on people that need help or are emotionally hurting. The only ones that have worked for me happen to be Sincerity. I have also read with Cookie however I limited her to telling me only about the Past and the present. I dont want to know anything about the future from another reader unless they are experts in timing. I just want to know what is happening and why. I also spoke to SE and I felt she was not up to par, she said the same thing as Sincerity not in detail however something inside me doesnt agree with her, this may be because, when I called her again from another a/c she gave me different timing. I also spoke to Kisha based on reviews on this site and her first timing happened without me even knowing it did. She said contact within a 3 and contact happened within a 3. She gave me other timing on my second call which I wrote down and hid in my locker. I will wait and see. I think if you remove your energy and concentrate on other things, Things happen. (although I sometime think its impossible to do, however since I have been let down by alot of these fakes)

Sincerity however has been right for me this 9 months or so and she never has changed her predictions even when I right now think its hopeless. She told me things that I cant confirm until I get back or atleast sit down and talk with my Ex. However the alst break up, when we did get back together, things she said were confirmed. So I am hoping that if she was right the first time, maybe there is some hope that she is right again.
I am happy that I no longer call alot of readers any more and just Stick with Sincerity. I tried Cookie, SE and Kisha because I came upon this site by chance and I like Cookie and Kisha but I will stick with Sincerity. I will try Cookie one more time and write down my questions before I speak to her. Kisha I will try after another timing happens (if it does) SE however, I am not going to try again.

Oh One thing with Sincerity that I found out, If she Tells you that she SEE something happening, you can basically take that to the bank regardless of the timing. However if she says that she FEELS something will happen - its a 50-50. I Always try and get her to tell me what she See's. Thats the only way I think this woman works best.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 06:18:43 PM by vtech »


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2012, 06:21:03 PM »
I have read with her for years. She is truly gifted and compassionate reader. For me she has been the most accurate. Things that I thought no way were proven to be correct. I have read with many but she is tops in predictions that actually happen. She really is worth the money and worth the wait!

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2012, 07:15:03 PM »
I'd really like to get a reading with her, but I've already spent so much on readings already, and her rate is so high....

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2012, 07:16:48 PM »
I just read with her the other night too.She is very accurate in describing the present and the person in question and their feelings.As for predictions nothing has come to fruition as of yet.I usually call her through her personal line.She charges $75 for a 15 minute call and there is no noise and interruption in our call.I say she is scary accurate too but the prediction part I am no so sure about.However she is still my favorite.
Take care.!!

Hi.  What is her personal line address?  thank you...

Offline skyline

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2012, 10:31:57 PM »
edit: Just wanted to clarify. I spoke with her on her personal line 3 years ago. It wasn't a clear reading where I knew what the predictions were. There was one or two made, and they didn't come to pass. Maybe she saw 5 years into future, who knows.  ;D But I didn't feel it was worth to reup and call her again.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 07:38:51 PM by skyline »

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2012, 07:47:29 PM »
Does anyone else have any experience with Sincerity coming true or information you can verify that she was correct about? Timeline? Empathic? Anything come to fruition that can be verified.

I read with her last night. I liked her a lot... but I just would like a point of reference from you guys.

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2012, 09:10:17 PM »
hi there- I read with Sincerity a few times and the last time I read with her was June 2011...she gave me predictions and numbers and unfortunately nothing came about. To be quite honest, not one single reader ever got a big prediction right for me, not even contact information. I got very tiny facts confirmations from a few (Cookie, Sapphire21, at times Whitelightangel) but asides that nothing...I am starting to wonder if any reader can connect to me! I would say she is a bit expensive and there is a long lineup for her but she may work for you...each of our experiences are different and hopefully she will give you predictions that will actually pass. Good luck!


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2012, 09:37:09 PM »
She has been accurate with me for past, present, and future. The last time I spoke with her has been a while, but she has some predictions coming up for me in May.

She is good at remote viewing. While I was talking to her one time I was laying on the couch putting cotton balls between my toes preparing to paint my toe nails, and she asked me to please place my feet flat on the floor and to remove whatever it was between them. So that she could get a good connection with me.

She told me a lot of "little" things that other psychics haven't picked up on. She has also made big predictions that came true too. She read my past superbly. She told me I was going to get an apology one time and I did. She describes actual scenes and the ones she has described for me were accurate and tok place in the future. and have taken place So far for me she has been accurate with past, present, and future. I have other predictions coming up, so I will update. Timeframes, she hasn't really given me any. I never asked the things just sort of happened. I speak to her about once every 4 months or longer.

She told me one time to take a bath with Epsom Salt before calling her if I spoke to other readers because it removes the energy of other psychics or to wait a few days before calling her if I wanted an accurate reading.

Overall, I like her and se is worth it to me, but I know every psychic doesn't connect with everyone. Lisa Dianne, (no connection) Ellen Hartwell (no connection) WhiteAngelLight (no connection) Denise Monique(spelled wrong) she's like  I thought she connected with me, but her predictions never manifested. I could go on and on from Keen.  But if I could find (1) Psychic that could get everything right MOST of the time then I would be happy, just until then I have several on rotation for when I need them. Some will do great for many months then just do horribly..then that's when I think I've called that psychic too much.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 03:46:28 AM by Highlyfavored2 »

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2012, 09:46:14 PM »
Ohhh Epsom salt bath. That would be lovely. LOL


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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2012, 10:01:02 PM »
This is new to me, she has never told me to take a bath to calm down. I recall many times when she tells me to calm down because I am aggitated and that she cant read me very well. I stay away from any reader that recommends that I use candles or anything, I believe that if readers get their gifts from above then I just need them to tell me what has been planned or the fork in the road for me to make my own choice.
I am grateful for finding this site because I found a cheaper way to call her on her person website and I no longer use keen. However i have noticed that this site has actually had a positive effect  on me, I no longer have an urge to call new readers (apart from Cookie) and I have seen my money in my bank increase. I bought an Ipad3 yesterday and I use it to tell me about my future (Google). ;)

