There was one reader I have not talked about here. I had a really horrible experience with her, worst I've ever had on Keen, and eventually I left bad feedback so she blocked me. And yeah that was not nice being blocked however I had to push it to that point so I would stop calling her. She didn't just block me because I told her that her predictions were all wrong...I had told her all about that and she had been responding to emails and sending free minutes too. But it was just making me crazy to keep talking to her.
I wrote to her again under a new account and she was so kind and told me she was so sorry about what happened and about her predictions not coming true and to keep her posted on what happens. That meant a lot to me...I mean just made a world of difference. It still hurts, it's not like it made everything okay again, but it helped tremendously.
When other readers like Judi and Dawn Maree have blocked me, it was brutal.
I normally don't send mails a lot on Keen and hope there is no need to if things make sense in the reading. But every once in awhile I just have a follow up question or maybe am curious about when they will be on again. I took Spiritual Medium off my favorites list because she was not responding to any mails.