Author Topic: Sincerity  (Read 374497 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #765 on: January 25, 2025, 07:17:46 PM »
Alright. I have another update. Pretty much everything Sincerity said would happen did happen and this is regarding all of the readings I've had with her since 2023, minus a couple of pending items.

1. She said there'd be a shift by the end of the year and that he'd move out but stay around and deal with the situation, but that there would be a brief pause between us during the early part of 2025. All that happened. The shift was me asking him to move out because I needed change and felt that change would never happen if we remained living together. I was very done with the dynamics of how things were for the last two out of three and a half years. He did move out. Some of his stuff is still here but 75% of his stuff is gone. We did break up, briefly. The break up or pause lasted about 6 weeks. However, we never did stop communicating for weeks or anything like that. It was like a couple days here, couple days there.

2. She said anytime between the time of that reading (November of 2024) and March 2025, he would have a total change of attitude and a reconciliation would occur. That also did happen about maybe two weeks ago or so. We had long talks and reconciled. Our relationship is much better now. Better then it's been in years. I'm enjoying living separately for the time being. It gives time for both of us to grow and work on things we need to without the distraction of too many emotions involved. We've made plans to purchase a house in a year or so and we will then reside together again.

3. She said he would calm down and not want to go out with his friends as much and that his body would be feeling tired. All that is true. He said his body can't handle the same stuff anymore and he hasn't gone out with his friends once since early December 2024.

4. She said he'd start focusing more on work and our relationship by the end of January/early February 2025. All of that is true as well. He's now focused on getting his business started and he has put a lot more attention and focus on our relationship. He's even began using the words "us", "we", and "our". He hasn't used those words for the last two years.

5. She said she kept hearing the words "I'm sorry" in two different readings. He's actually apologized for how he's treated me for so long twice now. He said he wants to turn things around and wants our relationship to work. He's even agreed to read through a couple of books regarding healthy relationship dynamics together. Whereas before, for the last two years, he'd refuse to do any of it and would always tell me he didn't care.

6. In 2023 she told me he would get sober. He did beginning January 1, 2024 and has remained sober ever since.

7. She said he would get his shit together, grow, change, and become the man I need. I feel that's in progress right now.

There's many more small things she's said that all happened as well. There are a few things pending regarding my work/finances that were predicted for April/May of 2025 and a few things with my health that she picked up that I never asked about that's still pending. Pending in a positive way though, thankfully.

Sincerity has become my new Kisha.
A rollercoaster of a "relationship" like yours can never be good. One day he moves out and treats you like he doesn’t give a damn and the next you think of purchasing a home. Only reading your posts makes me feel like in a rollercoaster myself. A good relationship would never have what you are experiencing. A disaster.

Well Catherines, I will both agree AND disagree with you at the same time. A much healthier relationship from the start would never have had all the issues that have gone on within mine. You are definitely correct about that. I will not argue with you on that one. However, the relationship as a whole has not consistently been "back and forth" if you will. There were not multiple break ups and make ups. This was the first real break up we ever had out of nearly 4 years. There was never a time when there was no contact for weeks and months, etc.

When people have certain traumas and issues, change and healing is a process and a process typically takes a year or more. I made a choice from the start to help him heal and recover. I knew his issues and I was somewhat prepared because I also had some of the same issues/traumas outside of addiction. I've never had an addiction issue. We both came from backgrounds of abuse, neglect, violence, abandonment, poverty, etc. When you mature, you strive to understand people moreso than judge them. In our case, I chose to understand because I saw something else there. Something much deeper. For the first time in his life he was provided with a foundation, stability, security, safety, by me. He needed that in order to heal and recover. I had no issue giving that to him. However, I also understand that sometimes people can become "too" comfortable and then a massive change is needed. I endured with understanding what I could, until I couldn't. Once I decided to make that change, everything else changed too.

Now you can say that a situation like that would "never work" but I whole-heartedly disagree with you. When two people CHOOSE to make positive changes, it WILL and it DOES work. But BOTH people have to be willing participants.

It seems to me that you have a very miserable and bitter outlook on many things. I'm unsure what's happened to you in your life or what is currently happening, but clearly you're in pain. That said, I will not take offense to anything you say because you're speaking from a place of pain and anger. I get it. We've all been there. I do wish you the best on your healing journey, should you choose to do so.
No pain at all on my side. You know nothing about me or my life. But a "relationship " like yours is bound to be misery.  I don't care about your guesses and assumptions. Irrelevant to me but your endless novels here one day black and the next white about your relationship speak out loud for itself.

I don't go to psychics and much less to pay millions to ask about a guy. If you have to pay psychics to ask about someone you are with you already have the answer to the shit of relationship you are in.
 I don't need to do that and I come from a stable and loving family so your guesses are just that, guesses and completely incorrect.

It goes beyond my understanding that you come here to vent and tell your whole story of your so called relationship. Can't you see that you are talking to yourself here, disclosing your life entirely?? That in itself speaks out loud about you. And your rollercoaster even more.

For someone that doesn't use psychics at all for anything, I wonder why you're part of this forum? How did you even happen upon it? Seems a bit odd, no? You certainly don't have to read my "endless novels". I post my experiences here because, well, that's the entire reason for the existence of this website. I figured that would be common sense to the average person. Guess not. You're not obligated to read my novels but somehow, you find yourself reading them anyway. They must interest you to some degree.

Your negative and "endless judgment" speaks volumes. Your bitterness is more than obvious. What's typically the root cause of bitterness? Anger. What's typically underneath anger? Pain. Regardless of your background and the fact that I know no specifics about you or your life, it is easy for anyone and everyone to see that you are bitter and miserable. If you weren't, you wouldn't continue to attempt to be nasty. Nevertheless, what you think of my relationship is your problem. Not mine. Your opinion is noted but not considered. Have a nice evening. :)

My God. You know it all. One thing is to review psychics. A different thing is to tell your life story on a forum. I used a psychic for general readings about anything. I most definitely don't pay money for a psychic to tell me what my partner should be telling me. You are in a very toxic rollercoaster. If you weren't you wouldn't be exposing yourself in a public forum and much less spending a fortune for a scammer to tell you what your so called partner is not.
Your story screams toxicity from all angles.
And again, I am afraid that you are completely wrong about your judgments. And most importantly I don't care.

You said in your previous post, and I quote, "I don't go to psychics and much less to pay millions to ask about a guy." Now you say you used a psychic for general readings about anything. This alone proves you to be a liar. Nobody calls and says "What should my partner be telling me." That sounds ridiculous. Most people call during times of confusion or rough patches in their relationships or when breakups occur. They want to know what lies ahead. Which is the same reason YOU call. Clearly, you DO get readings, just like the rest of us, and it's HIGHLY PROBABLE, it's about a POI, just like the rest of us.

I've not shared my entire life story. THAT would actually be a 4 part novel. I'm sharing details about my readings/predictions. I can share what I choose. There are many on here that share details and some share minimal info, others share nothing at all, such as yourself. I'll be the judge on what I do and do not share and if some want to read it, great. If no one wants to read it, great. It's there for those that want an idea of accurracy from a particular reader.

Relationships in general are subjective. What works for one, doesn't work for another. Example: There are people out there that are married but have an open marriage are swingers. It works for them. Would I personally want a marriage/relationship like that? No. But if it works for them, then great. I'm not going to judge them on their preferences. You haven't been involved in the entirety of my relationship. You only know the pieces and parts that I've shared here which certainly does not contain the entire story. It contains the rough patches that I've experienced. Every relationship on this earth has its ups and downs, good times and hard times. That doesn't make them toxic. It means that it's a learning experience and an opportunity to grow, either together or apart. Every relationship that everyone experiences has its purpose. I'll be the judge as to whether or not I think it's toxic. He's never cheated on me. Never beat me. Never screwed me over financially, never disappeared on me for weeks and months without word. This hasn't been an on/off relationship. I also trust my own intuition and there are certain things I've known from day one. Perhaps no one else would understand it, but they don't have to. It's my life and my relationship. I will do as I please. Your opinion matters not.

When it comes to psychics, I've sifted through an embarrassing amount over the last 15 years. I'm pretty sure I know who's a scammer and who isn't by now, for me personally. I also understand the dynamics of frequencies. Not everyone connects with every reader just like not every human gets along with the next due to different frequencies.

My assessment of your character is fully accurate. I've studied enough psychology and human behaviors to know what I know. Lie to yourself but I can see right through it.  Nevertheless, only knowledge imparted to a fit recipient will yield the desired results so I'm unsure why I waste my time explaining myself to you. I think I'll stop now. Good day.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #766 on: January 25, 2025, 07:18:50 PM »
Really happy for you! Thanks so much for sharing your reading in such details. It is not easy to do so but it helps so many of us who are seeking a good psychic. Wishing you the very best and hoping that things only get better for you from here!

Alright. I have another update. Pretty much everything Sincerity said would happen did happen and this is regarding all of the readings I've had with her since 2023, minus a couple of pending items.

1. She said there'd be a shift by the end of the year and that he'd move out but stay around and deal with the situation, but that there would be a brief pause between us during the early part of 2025. All that happened. The shift was me asking him to move out because I needed change and felt that change would never happen if we remained living together. I was very done with the dynamics of how things were for the last two out of three and a half years. He did move out. Some of his stuff is still here but 75% of his stuff is gone. We did break up, briefly. The break up or pause lasted about 6 weeks. However, we never did stop communicating for weeks or anything like that. It was like a couple days here, couple days there.

2. She said anytime between the time of that reading (November of 2024) and March 2025, he would have a total change of attitude and a reconciliation would occur. That also did happen about maybe two weeks ago or so. We had long talks and reconciled. Our relationship is much better now. Better then it's been in years. I'm enjoying living separately for the time being. It gives time for both of us to grow and work on things we need to without the distraction of too many emotions involved. We've made plans to purchase a house in a year or so and we will then reside together again.

3. She said he would calm down and not want to go out with his friends as much and that his body would be feeling tired. All that is true. He said his body can't handle the same stuff anymore and he hasn't gone out with his friends once since early December 2024.

4. She said he'd start focusing more on work and our relationship by the end of January/early February 2025. All of that is true as well. He's now focused on getting his business started and he has put a lot more attention and focus on our relationship. He's even began using the words "us", "we", and "our". He hasn't used those words for the last two years.

5. She said she kept hearing the words "I'm sorry" in two different readings. He's actually apologized for how he's treated me for so long twice now. He said he wants to turn things around and wants our relationship to work. He's even agreed to read through a couple of books regarding healthy relationship dynamics together. Whereas before, for the last two years, he'd refuse to do any of it and would always tell me he didn't care.

6. In 2023 she told me he would get sober. He did beginning January 1, 2024 and has remained sober ever since.

7. She said he would get his shit together, grow, change, and become the man I need. I feel that's in progress right now.

There's many more small things she's said that all happened as well. There are a few things pending regarding my work/finances that were predicted for April/May of 2025 and a few things with my health that she picked up that I never asked about that's still pending. Pending in a positive way though, thankfully.

Sincerity has become my new Kisha.

Hi SGVues. Thank you very much for the well wishes. I appreciate your kindness and high vibes. I definitely wish the same for you! Sending you love and blessings hun!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #767 on: January 25, 2025, 08:31:43 PM »
Oh goodness. That string is getting too long. Alright so, in 2018 I was with someone completely different. That ended completely in 2019. That one was very toxic on a covert level. The new one began in 2021, as seen by Kisha and two others. Guess you didn't read my stuff in its entirety since you seem to be stalking all my posts. Totally fine with me. Let me quote some of your posts.

"A lot of the ones mentioned are scam 100% such as Matilda. Avoid like the plague.I will not comment further." This was in comment to a list of readers someone posted. How would you know unless you read with them before?

"I don't go to psychics and much less to pay millions to ask about a guy." You said you don't go to psychics but then you turned around and said "I used a psychic for general readings about anything." Therefore, you HAVE gone to psychics before whether in the past or in the present. Your first comment indicates you never have gone to psychics. I definitely don't buy it that you only got a general reading. I don't care what you say. I'm not buying it. You wouldn't be part of this forum if you didn't CURRENTLY use psychics. If fact, you JUST RECENTLY joined. That doesn't indicate past tense use of psychic readings dear. Again, lie to yourself. I see right through that shit.

Again, no one is going to a psychic to ask what their partner should be telling them. Clearly, you don't know much about basic human behavior. I suggest you research that a bit more. It is a known fact that when people are in their own emotions, it blinds them from seeing things clearly, along with seeing the other person's side of things. Enter psychic readings. Some people go to counselors instead. It's nearly the same thing. You have to pay for counseling too. Most of these psychics that aren't really gifted just give you advice, like a counselor or a coach would. The real ones actually see future events. Unfortunately, there aren't too many real ones out there. It's trial and error.

If you consider hard times as "toxic" then that's rather weak. I'm not surprised though. We do live in a throw away society where when the going gets tough, most get going. They throw out the current and go find something new, only to find it too has it's flaws.

I've been in very toxic situations and relationships before. I know the difference. You're absolutely welcome to your opinion. It isn't going to have an impact on my life one way or the other.

I do hope that all of the good things your psychic(s) see for you comes to pass. Sending you LOTS AND LOTS of love and healing!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #768 on: January 25, 2025, 09:36:15 PM »
Oh goodness. That string is getting too long. Alright so, in 2018 I was with someone completely different. That ended completely in 2019. That one was very toxic on a covert level. The new one began in 2021, as seen by Kisha and two others. Guess you didn't read my stuff in its entirety since you seem to be stalking all my posts. Totally fine with me. Let me quote some of your posts.

"A lot of the ones mentioned are scam 100% such as Matilda. Avoid like the plague.I will not comment further." This was in comment to a list of readers someone posted. How would you know unless you read with them before?

"I don't go to psychics and much less to pay millions to ask about a guy." You said you don't go to psychics but then you turned around and said "I used a psychic for general readings about anything." Therefore, you HAVE gone to psychics before whether in the past or in the present. Your first comment indicates you never have gone to psychics. I definitely don't buy it that you only got a general reading. I don't care what you say. I'm not buying it. You wouldn't be part of this forum if you didn't CURRENTLY use psychics. If fact, you JUST RECENTLY joined. That doesn't indicate past tense use of psychic readings dear. Again, lie to yourself. I see right through that shit.

Again, no one is going to a psychic to ask what their partner should be telling them. Clearly, you don't know much about basic human behavior. I suggest you research that a bit more. It is a known fact that when people are in their own emotions, it blinds them from seeing things clearly, along with seeing the other person's side of things. Enter psychic readings. Some people go to counselors instead. It's nearly the same thing. You have to pay for counseling too. Most of these psychics that aren't really gifted just give you advice, like a counselor or a coach would. The real ones actually see future events. Unfortunately, there aren't too many real ones out there. It's trial and error.

If you consider hard times as "toxic" then that's rather weak. I'm not surprised though. We do live in a throw away society where when the going gets tough, most get going. They throw out the current and go find something new, only to find it too has it's flaws.

I've been in very toxic situations and relationships before. I know the difference. You're absolutely welcome to your opinion. It isn't going to have an impact on my life one way or the other.

I do hope that all of the good things your psychic(s) see for you comes to pass. Sending you LOTS AND LOTS of love and healing!

I know Matilda is crap because of what many people said about her. I don't give a shit about your guesses, which are ALL wrong.
I don't go to psychics and I don't need to prove it. If you have to go to psychics becsuse of a relationship you are with the wrong person, I can guarantee that much. You pay a psychic 80 dollars for 10 minutes to find out about stuff you wouldn't have to find out through a psychic but through your partner. There and then I do know you are with the wrong person, you are wrong yourself, you are co- dependent and you are addicted.
You are addicted to psychic readings and your situation is so very toxic. You sound really co dependent. There is a difference between throwing away things quickly and accepting any and everything - co- dependency.

Reading your posts - it is a rollercoaster and it is toxic. It is unstable, toxic and co dependent. That is not a healthy relationship, not one bit.

Your degree of ignorance hurts my brain. You are comparing psychics with therapists and counselors. You have a huge problem.

I'll be sure to invite you to our toxic wedding and then to our new home after that! Lots of love and healing to you!

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #769 on: January 26, 2025, 01:59:30 AM »
Miss Philosopher - If you wrote a novel, I would read it! Lol. I truly enjoy reading yours or anyone else’s updates when they find a reader that jives with them. Psychic readings have opened my eyes to a whole new world I never believed it. I was anti anything spiritual for so long. I think it’s important to share updates on our readings no matter how long or short they may be, because you never know when you may be inspiring hope for a silent user. Whether it’s hope for their readings to pass some day, or hope that the universe is so much bigger than we can imagine and life after death is real.

Your responses to negativity are so well thought out and met with compassion, even though it’s not deserved. Keep spreading light, some of us enjoy your updates! ❤️
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 02:04:08 AM by Beans9224 »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #770 on: January 26, 2025, 02:12:14 AM »
Oh goodness. That string is getting too long. Alright so, in 2018 I was with someone completely different. That ended completely in 2019. That one was very toxic on a covert level. The new one began in 2021, as seen by Kisha and two others. Guess you didn't read my stuff in its entirety since you seem to be stalking all my posts. Totally fine with me. Let me quote some of your posts.

"A lot of the ones mentioned are scam 100% such as Matilda. Avoid like the plague.I will not comment further." This was in comment to a list of readers someone posted. How would you know unless you read with them before?

"I don't go to psychics and much less to pay millions to ask about a guy." You said you don't go to psychics but then you turned around and said "I used a psychic for general readings about anything." Therefore, you HAVE gone to psychics before whether in the past or in the present. Your first comment indicates you never have gone to psychics. I definitely don't buy it that you only got a general reading. I don't care what you say. I'm not buying it. You wouldn't be part of this forum if you didn't CURRENTLY use psychics. If fact, you JUST RECENTLY joined. That doesn't indicate past tense use of psychic readings dear. Again, lie to yourself. I see right through that shit.

Again, no one is going to a psychic to ask what their partner should be telling them. Clearly, you don't know much about basic human behavior. I suggest you research that a bit more. It is a known fact that when people are in their own emotions, it blinds them from seeing things clearly, along with seeing the other person's side of things. Enter psychic readings. Some people go to counselors instead. It's nearly the same thing. You have to pay for counseling too. Most of these psychics that aren't really gifted just give you advice, like a counselor or a coach would. The real ones actually see future events. Unfortunately, there aren't too many real ones out there. It's trial and error.

If you consider hard times as "toxic" then that's rather weak. I'm not surprised though. We do live in a throw away society where when the going gets tough, most get going. They throw out the current and go find something new, only to find it too has it's flaws.

I've been in very toxic situations and relationships before. I know the difference. You're absolutely welcome to your opinion. It isn't going to have an impact on my life one way or the other.

I do hope that all of the good things your psychic(s) see for you comes to pass. Sending you LOTS AND LOTS of love and healing!

I know Matilda is crap because of what many people said about her. I don't give a shit about your guesses, which are ALL wrong.
I don't go to psychics and I don't need to prove it. If you have to go to psychics becsuse of a relationship you are with the wrong person, I can guarantee that much. You pay a psychic 80 dollars for 10 minutes to find out about stuff you wouldn't have to find out through a psychic but through your partner. There and then I do know you are with the wrong person, you are wrong yourself, you are co- dependent and you are addicted.
You are addicted to psychic readings and your situation is so very toxic. You sound really co dependent. There is a difference between throwing away things quickly and accepting any and everything - co- dependency.

Reading your posts - it is a rollercoaster and it is toxic. It is unstable, toxic and co dependent. That is not a healthy relationship, not one bit.

Your degree of ignorance hurts my brain. You are comparing psychics with therapists and counselors. You have a huge problem.

I'll be sure to invite you to our toxic wedding and then to our new home after that! Lots of love and healing to you!

Getting married and buying a house means nothing. As if that is what makes a relationship happy, healthy and stable There are so many co- dependent marriages, unhappy marriages and toxic marriages, living under the same roof,  plus then there is divorce. You need help. A person who needs psychics non stop to consult about a current partner is with the wrong person, plus they have a problem themselves.

And if I were you I wouldn't jump the gun so fast. Given your instability and codependency I can see you writing another novel exposing yourself about how the guy hasn't acted on his words or some other big issue. Someone who already left your house can do it again and again. Not a trustworthy person.

Sighs. There's so much to my story that you don't know. You're speaking out of ignorance due to lack of knowledge. There was so much more behind him moving. For instance, his uncle, which was basically like his father, passed away in September and left my partner his condo. There'd already been discussions between us about him staying over there to fix up the place for when his son turns 18. We'd already talked about getting a house together over a year ago. People have traumas in life. People need love and support sometimes. You don't just throw someone out because they're learning who they are and what they want during their sobriety for the first time ever in life.

I don't get psychic readings non-stop. I haven't spent millions either. I call about multiple situations in my life that include, health, career, finances, family, etc. Does that mean that my family isn't right for me if I have to call a psychic about something going on? Or that my career path is wrong if I call asking about certain paths? You sound silly.

I'll be the first to admit that I didn't have a stable childhood and it was filled with abuse in multiple ways. I'll be the first to admit that those experiences created certain coping mechanisms within myself. But I will also tell you that if I could go back and change anything, I certainly would NOT. All of those difficult experiences made me who I am today and I'm happy with who I am to be honest. Of course there's always room for improvement. I'm all about continuous growth. I'm far past caring what other people think. If everyone liked me, I'd be doing something wrong so thank you for despising me so much so. It just tells me I'm doing something right. :)

I'm just so sorry we all can't be as healthy and happy as you seem to be. Although, I definitely don't envy your kind of "healthy". I don't really think throwing stones at other people is "healthy". Nevertheless catherines, I sincerely do wish you the best. I hope you heal from all that heavy pain you have inside you. I really do. It will only destroy you in the end. Lots of love and healing to you!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 02:21:06 AM by Miss Philosopher »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #771 on: January 26, 2025, 02:14:48 AM »
Miss Philosopher - If you wrote a novel, I would read it! Lol. I truly enjoy reading yours or anyone else’s updates when they find a reader that jives with them. Psychic readings have opened my eyes to a whole new world I never believed it. I was anti anything spiritual for so long. I think it’s important to share updates on our readings no matter how long or short they may be, because you never know when you may be inspiring hope for a silent user. Whether it’s hope for their readings to pass some day, or hope that the universe is so much bigger than we can imagine and life after death is real.

Your responses to negativity are so well thought out and met with compassion, even though it’s not deserved. Keep spreading light, some of us enjoy your updates! ❤️

LOL Thanks very much Beans. You're a sweetheart. I appreciate your positive spin on things. I love reading everyone's experiences on here. Good, bad, inaccurate, funny, whatever it is. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting into spirituality. For me, what changed my views, was studying NDEs. Those are quite interesting. You should check out this website  Absolutely LIFE changing. Sending you lots of love and blessings! <3

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #772 on: January 26, 2025, 02:31:45 AM »
Miss Philosopher - If you wrote a novel, I would read it! Lol. I truly enjoy reading yours or anyone else’s updates when they find a reader that jives with them. Psychic readings have opened my eyes to a whole new world I never believed it. I was anti anything spiritual for so long. I think it’s important to share updates on our readings no matter how long or short they may be, because you never know when you may be inspiring hope for a silent user. Whether it’s hope for their readings to pass some day, or hope that the universe is so much bigger than we can imagine and life after death is real.

Your responses to negativity are so well thought out and met with compassion, even though it’s not deserved. Keep spreading light, some of us enjoy your updates! ❤️

LOL Thanks very much Beans. You're a sweetheart. I appreciate your positive spin on things. I love reading everyone's experiences on here. Good, bad, inaccurate, funny, whatever it is. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting into spirituality. For me, what changed my views, was studying NDEs. Those are quite interesting. You should check out this website  Absolutely LIFE changing. Sending you lots of love and blessings! <3

Ouuu!! Thank you for sharing!! I have a night time read now lol! I loved that documentary on Netflix “surviving death” too, it touches on all different aspects of NDEs and mediumship, this website reminds me of that, excited to check it out!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #773 on: January 31, 2025, 09:19:02 PM »
Two more predictions Sincerity gave came to pass over the last two days.

1. Said my partner was going to have "a moan" with some coworkers and he'd be tired of people in general and cut some cords. That happened Wednesday. He called to vent to me about it. He then said he was cleaning out his "friend" closet and cutting some off.

2. Said he was super stressed over money which would lead to a conversation about who spent what. That happened last night.

I'll continue to post as predictions happen or if she ends up being wrong about anything. Love and blessings to everyone!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #774 on: January 31, 2025, 11:11:00 PM »
Two more predictions Sincerity gave came to pass over the last two days.

1. Said my partner was going to have "a moan" with some coworkers and he'd be tired of people in general and cut some cords. That happened Wednesday. He called to vent to me about it. He then said he was cleaning out his "friend" closet and cutting some off.

2. Said he was super stressed over money which would lead to a conversation about who spent what. That happened last night.

I'll continue to post as predictions happen or if she ends up being wrong about anything. Love and blessings to everyone!

🥱 🥱 yawn 🥱
We heard you Sincerity

I'm not Sincerity. You sound so silly. If it bores you so much, why do you continue to read and comment? Poor thing. I'm sorry none of your readings are manifesting for you. Maybe change your energy and they will! Love and blessings!  ;)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #775 on: February 01, 2025, 05:29:44 AM »
Alright this review is for those that think Sincerity sells fairytales. I just had another reading with her about an hour ago on multiple things in my life. One situation is regarding my brother and his girlfriend. Since he's been with this female he's completely neglected my two nephews in nearly every way. They are heartbroken and angry with him and it's crushed my heart every day. They're like sons to me. We're very close. Anyway, I asked Sincerity one simple question and that was if she could tell me what would happen between my brother and his girlfriend. I did not give her any back story, no info other than both of their names and that one question.

Man if she didn't read their relationship dynamics like a book! Thankfully, she saw one breakup that is to occur sometime between now and April, then they get back together, then they breakup a second time and the second one is the permanent one. She saw that it was not a relationship based on love and that they had nothing in common other than alcohol and partying. She saw this female being violent, calling him names, being volatile. She saw that there's obsessive and jealous behavior between the two. She saw that there's an issue with freedom in that relationship. I can confirm nearly every single thing she told me on my own. I'm SO looking forward to the end of their union for the sake of my sweet nephews. They want their dad back and I can't wait until they have it!

So, no, she doesn't always give good news when it comes to relationships. Definitely no fairytales there!

And yes, catherines, I'm "exposing" more of my life story here and yes, theirs is a toxic codependent relationship. Idk what else you're going to add on and I don't really care. I figured I'd save you some of the trouble. :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 08:27:31 AM by Miss Philosopher »

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #776 on: February 01, 2025, 12:09:17 PM »
I would completely agree with you that Sincerity is an amazing psychic. Calling her a fairy tale reader is farcical to say the least. I have had two readings with her and every single detail she provided about my life have been scary accurate. Her minor predictions have come to fruition as well. The major prediction around my POI is going to take some time so will let you know what happens.

When you get a reading with her, you will be able to understand right away that she has true psychic abilities. She will tell you everything you want to know, all you need to give her is a name. In my case, I have asked her questions about my family along with those about my POI and she has been spot on!  She described how someone in my family feels towards me which gave me goosebumps.

Even though my big prediction is yet to unfold, I can confirm that from my readings with her so far, she is terrific, not to mention her kind tone and patience on the phone. She is my favourite now.

I am so happy that her readings are working for you as well! Many thanks for sharing your stories with us, it requires a lot of courage to do so. Your stories are helping so many of us so please keep them coming.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 12:12:39 PM by SGVues »

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #777 on: February 01, 2025, 01:06:17 PM »
No mate, I read with her on her website which has a prepaid system. So it is not like the longer she keeps me on the phone the more she gets paid! It’s like paying in advance for the 10 mins which on her website is $80.

If anything, she has gone over the allocated 10 minutes as there is no timer unlike on Keen.
It seems you post on this forum just to cause a stir. Does not look like you have ever read with Sincerity. May be this your catharsis to whatever you may be going through!

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #778 on: February 01, 2025, 01:20:54 PM »
You keep trolling this page and have nothing to contribute to this forum.
Talking about sickness,“As a man is, so he sees”. Get well soon mate!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 01:29:34 PM by SGVues »

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #779 on: February 01, 2025, 05:21:03 PM »
Hi All. I started reading with Sincerity here and there after Kisha (Aries Intuition) retired in 2023. I'm still super heartbroken over her retirement and feel so lost. I've been searching for another her or at least someone similar to her ever since. Anyway, I wanted to share my experiences with Sincerity here.

5/15/2023 reading: This was my first reading with her. I called her about the current man I'm or was in a relationship with. We've lived together since May of 2021. In this reading, I called her because he was on drugs so bad and the relationship just felt non-existent, just so disconnected and I couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. This is the same dude that Aries saw coming in to my life back in her 2018, 2019, and 2020 readings. Sincerity had told me that she saw me all dressed up and ready to go out and that he'd surprise me with something and to watch for that between the time of the reading and July. Literally 5 days later, he took me out to a very romantic anniversary dinner and dance night. I did get all dressed up. Unfortunately, that energy was very short-lived and lasted for only two or three days then back to disconnected. She did tell me that he would completely stop doing drugs and get sober but that it would take awhile and the timing was an issue for me. At that time, I'd been blaming his awful behavior on drugs. Beginning January 1, 2024 he DID quit drugs, cold turkey and he hasn't touched any since, so nearly a year now. I don't remember anything else from that reading as I didn't record it.

July 11, 2023 reading: His bday was July 8th and I went out with him to his "friend's" house aka drug dealers house. I don't do drugs. Never have. We were supposed to just stop by there and then leave to go out for his bday. We ended up staying there until 5am. It ended up being a terrible night. He wanted to start talking about our relationship to this guy and this guy's girlfriend. So, naturally, I added my two cents in because of course he wasn't sharing all the messed up things he constantly was doing such as, not coming home at night until the next morning, then it escalated to him not coming home for days. He used to tell me it was the drugs that kept him out and I believed him. Anyway, I ended up drinking 14 beers that night and ended up slapping the shit out of him. That was all the pent up hurt, anger, and pain he's inflicted on me since September of 2021. Sincerity said he wanted me to be accountable for my actions, apologize etc. I already had done that because at the end of the day it wasn't right for me to put my hands on him. I wouldn't have had I not drank 14 beers lol. She said he was going to threaten to leave and move out but that he'd end up not moving out and deciding in August that he wanted to remain in the relationship. HIS definition of "relationship" that is. She was right. He packed some bags and told me he was going to stay somewhere else, and that he hated me etc. But he didn't end up leaving. It's probably because I begged him not to and was super apologetic but then again, he does play a lot of mind games in an attempt to maintain control. I don't remember anything else from that reading.

August 7, 2024 reading: I called her again because the relationship felt like it was basically over. Even though he's been sober since January, he still didn't stop disappearing for days and the length of time he'd leave for become longer and longer up to a week at a time sometimes. I just felt fed up and I wanted to see if she saw anyone else new coming into my life. I messed up and didn't ask her about anyone new. I asked her about him and then ran out of time to ask about anyone new. She told me that he was having commitment issues and that he felt the relationship with me was complicated. She said there's a shift at the end of the year. The gap between us where there are differences, where he goes hot and cold, there’s a shift that will be taking place by the end of this year. The shift will take place where he’s making his mind up and making some efforts. He will work through some of his issues. There are issues with his mom that will be coming out in the forefront. He will definitely make his mind up with what he wants. There is more to come from him. Further ahead, he has a conversation with me about not wanting to hurt my feelings, but rather, he wants to turn things around. He will want to know if I want to continue down this path. He’s going to come with a conversation that’s going to shock me because it shows him trying to fight for the relationship with me. I will say there indeed has been a shift. It was me shifting into I'VE HAD ENOUGH and PLEASE MOVE OUT. She said she did not see him gone and that this would continue. The other part hasn't happened yet which brings me to my next and very last reading with her so far. I'd like to note that I can't imagine him coming at me with a conversation nor fighting for this relationship at all whatsover. He hasn't done that since 2021. In fact, all he ever says is that he loves me but he wants to be alone and single because relationships require too much. That's been his mantra for over a year now and his behavior toward me has validated that.

11/14/2024 reading - This reading was very similar to the last one but more details. She said he was on a mission for himself right now. She said there's a shift taking place at the end of the month (November) and it's me that causes the shift. She said she saw me nudging him, warning him that I wanted something different that what I'd been getting. She saw me really lay it out there. To her credit, I'd been doing the nudging and warning him since like August of 2024 but it continued to escalate until I lost my shit at the end of November because he'd disappeared again for like 4 days. That was it. I'd had it. I told him I didn't want to be in the situation anymore, didn't want to live together anymore and that I deserved better. He actually listened to me this time. Pause here to share what else she said. She said there was a brief pause between us aka breakup in the early part of the new year only for him to come back and make a promise and a commitment between then and March. She said he's going to move and he says well alright I'll go then but then doesn't go because she saw him staying and dealing with the situation. She said he'll stop wanting to go out with friends that much and ties will be cut with a certain tribe of friends he has and he'll want to put his focus on spending more time around me and putting effort into the relationship. I will say that as of the moment I'm writing this, he has moved a few of his things out. He still has most of his stuff here but he indeed has moved some things out and he's spending more time at his own place than he is here. I actually never thought I'd see this day because I thought he'd turn things around long before it got to this point. She said he's scared to lose me and doesn't really want to leave me. He actually SAID he was scared but for some reason, he's pushing forward with this. I guess it's easier to just dip out than to take accountability and responsibility for one's terrible behavior and implement corrective action. I guess it's all that "love" he feels for me that motivates him to dip out. :)

All that said, I can't really imagine that things will turn around and he'll suddenly decide to commit. If he's been in confusion mode for 3 out of the 3 and a half years we've been together, then I'm obviously not the one for him and he isn't the one for me. Even if he DID do a 180 and "committed" I'd always be wondering when he'll change his mind/feelings for me yet again without telling me and me just having to figure it out based upon his emotional and energetic distance since he's apparently too much of a coward to communicate what it really is. However, what Sincerity said would happen so far with the "pause aka breakup" and the "move" is indeed happening now. I just don't see the rest of it happening as she said it would.

Additionally, I'm still waiting on readings from Kisha to come to pass from August 2021 where she said I'd be very satisfied with the level of commitment my partner is giving to me and they do something to really solidify it which could only mean engagement/marriage - and her October 2022 reading where she said there'd be a shift in my relationship to where things were finally give and take, back and forth and things that have been unfair to me and things I've put out would finally be reciprocated but that it would be bittersweet to me because of everything I'd have to endure before getting to that point because in the interim communication would be off/absent, I'd feel suspicious and like I couldn't trust the person I was with, that things would be completely unfair to me, that there would be lots of ups and downs and distance - and her February 2023 reading which some of it seems to be playing out now where she said there's an ending to a toxic relationship but it wasn't a bad ending and it was me holding a flag (I assume this is an I give the fk up flag) but then my love life took a total 180 and someone was going to want to marry me. She couldn't see who, she couldn't see when, she couldn't see the relationship in between, but somehow she COULD see that the marriage was comfortable, I was excited to be with said person, I had no hesitations with said person, it was stable and committed, and that it would require a move for me.

If I compare Kisha's readings to Sincerity's readings, they would all seem to point to him being the one that does the 180 flip, becoming a better man with a new energy, and be the one that wants to marry me. HOWEVER, I'm having a problem seeing that. Maybe Sincerity was seeing another guy that was going to commit to me or something. Maybe she was getting energies mixed up. Or maybe the person Kisha said was going to want to marry me isn't a brand new person, but rather him appearing as a new person after he gets his act together.

Readings can be confusing and dangerous and quite frankly, I'm tired of holding on and I'm tired of believing them even if they do come true.

What I really need to do is ask myself, why the fk would I want to even entertain the idea of being with a person that's put me through so much hell, so much heartbreak, so much neglect, so much emotional and mental manipulation, so much pain, and has been nothing but a total set back for me in my healing journey? WHY? That is the self work I need to do on myself. I've learned a lot through being with this person but I can't see myself giving my heart to him again or ever trusting him without any hesitations ever again. WHY do I keep attracting men and going for men that need to be healed, rescued, helped? WHY am I so low maintenance and accepting of crumbs? I deserve better. I deserve someone that I don't have to be afraid of giving my whole self to. I deserve someone that I can trust and is reliable and consistent. I deserve someone that truly loves ME, not what I can do for them or how I can be relied upon as a staple in their lives when shit hits the fan. I deserve to be LOVED.

Sorry for the rant but I'm so heartbroken and I'm so tired now. I'm too old to be playing these silly push/pull relationship games. I just want to be in a relationship where I can just BE. I can just be ME at all times. I wish the same for everyone here.


Yes maam. I'm a human that has fluctuating emotions just like the rest of us. I was going through a very hard time during that post and things had been bad for a long while. Not that I need to explain myself to you but I figured I'd drop some knowledge bombs regarding normal human behavior. When any of us are going through hard times, heartbreak, pain of any kind, we feel the way I was feeling above, INCLUDING YOU! Everything you put out on this forum and in life in general, which I image is pretty much the same as you're doing on this forum, WILL circle back to you. When it does, it isn't going to be pretty. You will always reap what you sow my dear. I would suggest you do some self-reflecting to figure out just why it is you're so very miserable and judgmental and then change it. You're not adding anything to this forum other than drama. I'm still trying to figure out why you're here since you supposedly don't get readings. Just your presence on this forum tells us that you're here for the same reasons the rest of us are and that is to figure out which psychics are accurate and which may suck in an attempt to gain some hope that maybe your predictions will happen. YOU are the one that needs some therapy for your weak attempts at bullying and judgment. YOU are very TOXIC.