Author Topic: Sincerity  (Read 374736 times)

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #735 on: January 01, 2025, 06:22:03 PM »
Ok. I have another update. I spoke way too soon with my last update. Things appeared one way, but yeah I spoke way too soon here. Unfortunately, I now have to say that Sincerity was half right and half wrong. Here are the things she was right about so far:

1. The shift taking place toward the end of the year (2024). (As previously stated, that happened end of November when I asked him to move out).
2. Him moving out. (Half right and half wrong because she said "He's gonna move" but in the same sentence she said "He threatens and says alright then well I'll go but he doesn't go because it shows him dealing with the situation with you." As of this moment, half of his things are gone and he continues to take things each time he comes back over which is like once a week. (Not anymore after tonight. I won't allow it.)
3. The pause/break up in the early part of 2025.
4. Him being triggered off by what I said to him and him being rebellious.

Things she was wrong about:
1. I called her on the 29th of December and asked if he would be around me for new year's eve and she said he would be back and forth in his mind but that he wanted to be with me but that his body will be feeling tired and he would want to be tucked in and not do anything for the night. (I found out he got drunk last night and he always feels like shit the next day with a sore body). She felt he would go out with me for a little bit and then want to come back early. So, she was right in the sense that he wasn't going out. He didn't. But he did not come over and spend new year's eve with me at all. In fact, he hardly spoke to me at all the entire day. He was supposed to bring our dog back to me today but then says he forgot and would bring the dog before he goes to work in the morning tomorrow. I don't trust that. I called his phone numerous times but he wouldn't answer it. I asked him via text why he wouldn't answer and he said because all I would do is talk shit. Which, isn't true at all. I would have tried to hold him accountable for the promise he made to me two days ago that he'd be here for new year's eve though. He's too much of a coward to be accountable. Anyway, this right here was totally it for me. I want nothing to do with him anymore.

2. I asked her on the 29th of December if he was messing with someone else. She said no but that there was flirting that got out of control but no sex. She then said someone was texting him but he didn't want it. He was ignoring the texts. Well, it's ME that he's ignoring, at least for today. I don't have any hard evidence that he's got someone but I do feel deep inside that he does. His behavior also continues to show me the same. I know he's with said person tonight. I feel it strongly and that's why he wouldn't answer the phone. I asked him SO MANY TIMES if he had someone else and he continued to deny and even had the nerve to get super pissed and scream at me at the top of his lungs over it. I asked him again tonight via text "who is she and for how long" and I BEGGED HIM to tell me the truth so that I could have some closure, not for any other reason. His response was "stop". But I'm not stupid. I don't need his verbal confirmation. I can feel and I'm going to trust my own intuition from now on. Every damn time I listen to a fkn psychic over my own intuition, I get steered in a bad direction. So, I feel she was wrong about him not having someone else and I feel she was seeing him ignoring MY texts. However, I can guarantee that after tonight, after I get my dog back, my house key, my mailbox key, and my debit card back, he will not hear from me again so there will be no texts for him to ignore ever again. And should he reach out to me, I will only respond if he mentions coming to get the rest of his belongings, ALL AT ONCE, not in bits and pieces anymore. I've fucking had it and I'm done with it. No more of these games. No more being treated like this. NO MORE!

Things still pending from Sincerity that I do not believe will happen now:

1. Him turning around trying to reunite and reconcile, giving me a promise, giving me a commitment by March of 2025. I no longer believe this will occur. There's a giant chance that he may give a promise or commitment to whoever he's messing with now, but I don't feel it'll be me at all. And, if it WERE me, I don't think I'll be going back down that path again. I don't want to give him another opportunity to hurt me so badly ever again. I've taken 3 years of non-stop pain and treated like yesterday's trash. So, no thanks. Never again.

That said, I'm soooooooooo angry with myself for listening to and believing any fucking psychics. Even if they're right about many things, and that includes Kisha. So angry that I listened to her too. I'm gonna post my story in the "My story" section so everyone can see just how fkd off your life can become by listening to fkn psychics.

Happy new year everyone. Hope 2025 is a great year for all of you.

Happy New Year girl.
Make 2025 the year you totally move on and kick this clown to the curb.
You deserve the world!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #736 on: January 04, 2025, 03:04:39 PM »
You all are going to think I'm so emotionally unstable and mentally confused (I am confused though). I have another update. I'm not going to leave anymore updates until the giant parts happen after this though in an attempt to prevent myself from coming across as insane.

I went back and listened to my reading with Sincerity again from December 29th. I record most of my readings. Turns out, she wasn't wrong. She said a big issue with him was that he was moody. She said he'd go back and forth with what he was going to do on NYE. She said he'd change his mind at the very last minute. She said she saw him tucked in, not going out. He obviously did change his mind at the last minute, and he didn't go out, and in fact was in bed pretty much the entire day and night. I got proof of that which brings me to the actual update.

I received texts from him on new year's day. He was apologetic but I gave him a piece of my mind (in a mature way) and just basically told him I was done with everything, done chasing, done waiting for change, but that I wished him the best. I didn't hear anything from him the next day, which was fine. I wasn't expecting to nor was I caring at all.

I did receive more communication yesterday with him saying he missed me, that he knew it didn't matter to me but that he wanted me to know I was on his mind. I did respond. He asked if he could come over. I allowed it. The dogs really miss him anyway. There was no intimacy or anything. I'm not jumping back in. However, we did have a long random discussion to which he said some things that shocked the hell out of me, in a pleasant way. Never thought I'd ever hear him say such things. I'm not jumping back in at this time but I don't see a reason to make it bitter or world war three either. I'm going to see what happens and where things go naturally. I'm actually kind of liking living alone. I feel free.

When the part of commitment/promise comes to pass, I'll give another update. For now, I don't expect much although I'll secretly enjoy the humility being shown along with the much more open communication as well. Just gonna keep things light and easy and keep focusing on myself. Hope everyone had a great new year and hope things will flow much smoother for everyone this year.

Offline SGVues

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #737 on: January 04, 2025, 05:09:15 PM »
Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Offline Ccc25

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #738 on: January 07, 2025, 03:42:51 PM »
Does anyone have more Sincerity updates or stories to share?  :)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #739 on: January 07, 2025, 11:01:14 PM »
Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Thank you very much SG! I appreciate your kind and positive words. I wish you a happy new year as well and I hope everything plays out for you in a positive way!

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #740 on: January 07, 2025, 11:14:35 PM »
Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Thank you very much SG! I appreciate your kind and positive words. I wish you a happy new year as well and I hope everything plays out for you in a positive way!

Are you guys reading with her through Keen or through her own site? Is she a reader that you need a lot of funds for?

I have left over money on keen but I’m number 1 in NSJ’s queue so I’m contemplating who to use the money on.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #741 on: January 07, 2025, 11:16:17 PM »
I read with her through Keen. She's 13.16 per minute. To me, she's very much so worth it.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #742 on: January 07, 2025, 11:41:05 PM »
I have read with both and Sincerity worked for me on several recent predictions but NSJ I don’t have anything from her that came to pass. I think Sincerity is worth the price. I read with her on Keen because it’s easier for me to know when she’s going to all - usually it’s the middle of the night but I just find it easier for when I want to talk to her quickly on something. She goes through her list really pretty quickly. Hope that helps!

Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Thank you very much SG! I appreciate your kind and positive words. I wish you a happy new year as well and I hope everything plays out for you in a positive way!

Are you guys reading with her through Keen or through her own site? Is she a reader that you need a lot of funds for?

I have left over money on keen but I’m number 1 in NSJ’s queue so I’m contemplating who to use the money on.

Offline jackY

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #743 on: January 08, 2025, 02:35:24 AM »
Oh! She's raised her rate. Last I looked at her listing in 2024 it was closer to 8.00 and then 11.00. They definitely lurk on this site :). However, I can't blame them if they're good. Keen takes a huge percentage from what they charge. I wish she had her own site.

I read with her through Keen. She's 13.16 per minute. To me, she's very much so worth it.

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #744 on: January 08, 2025, 02:38:10 AM » is her site I think
Oh! She's raised her rate. Last I looked at her listing in 2024 it was closer to 8.00 and then 11.00. They definitely lurk on this site :). However, I can't blame them if they're good. Keen takes a huge percentage from what they charge. I wish she had her own site.

I read with her through Keen. She's 13.16 per minute. To me, she's very much so worth it.

Offline jackY

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #745 on: January 08, 2025, 03:45:41 AM »
I'll check it out-thanks, Dawn! is her site I think
Oh! She's raised her rate. Last I looked at her listing in 2024 it was closer to 8.00 and then 11.00. They definitely lurk on this site :). However, I can't blame them if they're good. Keen takes a huge percentage from what they charge. I wish she had her own site.

I read with her through Keen. She's 13.16 per minute. To me, she's very much so worth it.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #746 on: January 08, 2025, 06:02:04 AM »
Happy New Year all. I don't get many readings anymore however, I am intrigued by Sincerity and forgot someone recommended her to me years ago. For the people who have had luck with her, is it best to let her roll without questions like Barbara4846 or is she better remote viewing with specific questions. I love getting future predictions. TIA!

Offline SGVues

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #747 on: January 08, 2025, 06:09:47 AM »
You are welcome! Thanks for your wishes as well!
Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Thank you very much SG! I appreciate your kind and positive words. I wish you a happy new year as well and I hope everything plays out for you in a positive way!

Offline SGVues

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #748 on: January 08, 2025, 02:10:28 PM »
 Hi Dawn

I read with Sincerity by making an appointment on her own website. There are options to read with her for 10 mins, 15 mins and more. I had opted for 10 minutes which cost me USD 80. Since. I am based in Australia it cost me AUD123 in November. There is no provision to make an appointment for 10 mins though. It is for 15 minutes and upwards. So I sent her an email after making the payment. She responded in a few hours via email and then called me on the date I had requested. She spoke to me for more than 10 minutes and was very sweet. Hope this helps.

Hi Miss

Glad to learn about the update. I have a feeling that what Sincerity has seen will eventually come to pass. All the best! Keep the faith. Wish you a HNY!

Thank you very much SG! I appreciate your kind and positive words. I wish you a happy new year as well and I hope everything plays out for you in a positive way!

Are you guys reading with her through Keen or through her own site? Is she a reader that you need a lot of funds for?

I have left over money on keen but I’m number 1 in NSJ’s queue so I’m contemplating who to use the money on.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 02:13:15 PM by SGVues »

Offline SGVues

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Re: Sincerity
« Reply #749 on: January 08, 2025, 03:31:40 PM »
It’s best to ask her specific questions. She mentions that on her website too. To start with she will ask your name.

Happy New Year all. I don't get many readings anymore however, I am intrigued by Sincerity and forgot someone recommended her to me years ago. For the people who have had luck with her, is it best to let her roll without questions like Barbara4846 or is she better remote viewing with specific questions. I love getting future predictions. TIA!