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Good job vtech! By the way, how do you find Cookie? Has her predictions/outcomes come true for you? Please let me know. Thank you :)

Yeah, I spoke to cookie almost 2 weeks ago or so. She didnt tell me what I was wearing or anything earth shattering like others here have speculated. She did tell me my car was black and silver which although my car is black, it has minor silver linings ( i dont know whether this counts as remote viewing). She did mention that the other person that I was interested in, what they were thinking and that my situation has been going on and off for 2 years and it wont end until the 3 year inwhich the other person will finally grow up. Well the 3 yr part is april/may period, however the person in question has moved states. She however got the State initials and also knew where I live (although I think the readers can see your area code when you call on keen and just like 212 is clearly NY - any reader can tell that).
She made some predictions, like contact in April - although I had contact in March, however she still said contact in April and relationship later part of the year. I dont know what I can tell you, she was "OK" she told me a friend of my Ex was wanting us to get back together, which I knew was not true cause that person hates me with a passion, maybe she got it wrong. I am in line to ask follow up questions and this time, I intend to control her from going off the reservation because, I spent so much time on information, that I wasnt interested in.
I think on Keen, all the readers there are fakes, especially the top ones with the highest reviews. I wasnt addicted like most people but here are the readers that have worked for me
Sincerityuk - this lady has been accurate in the past only once she failed me. I was in a job interview and she told me that they would call me a 2nd time, which they did. She said she felt positive with the outcomes. Well I didnt get the job because out of the 3 people that interviewed me, one was an azz. However that was when I found out that if she See something, it happens no matter what timing she gives you, but if she feels something, well you probably have better chance playing the lottery - its a 50-50 chance. However she has never let me down, so I wil hold out hope but in my mind, I have a cut off date.

Cookie - i just talked to her initially 2 weeks ago because of reviews on this site, she seems more attuned to feelings and what the person is thinking in the past and present. Only time will tell about future predictions but statistically, if you are correct about the past and present which I can verify, maybe she is right about the future.

Aries Intuition - Spoke to her again because of this site and her timing of contact within a 3 was correct, was on March 3 at 3 pm. I wrote down other timing and will shall see - April seems to be the month all the readers are pointing to. WHich is crazy because I would think it would be far off

Barbara 4846 - Spoke to her recently and I remembered that I had called her a year ago, I dont know what to say about her, she said the same thing as the others but she sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Lisa Dianne - only because when I got back with my ex, I recall that she told me that we would be sitting outside and its cold and she saw me doing something which I recall I did. Apart from that - her timing is rubbish

Northstarjulie - Same timing as above - we shall see

Astrosarah - said the opposite of others and failed my two challenge questions however maybe she was still recoving from having a baby (I wont repeat calling her but I cant knock her either)


--- Quote from: vtech on March 27, 2012, 10:01:02 PM ---This is new to me, she has never told me to take a bath to calm down. I recall many times when she tells me to calm down because I am aggitated and that she cant read me very well. I stay away from any reader that recommends that I use candles or anything, I believe that if readers get their gifts from above then I just need them to tell me what has been planned or the fork in the road for me to make my own choice.
I am grateful for finding this site because I found a cheaper way to call her on her person website and I no longer use keen. However i have noticed that this site has actually had a positive effect  on me, I no longer have an urge to call new readers (apart from Cookie) and I have seen my money in my bank increase. I bought an Ipad3 yesterday and I use it to tell me about my future (Google). ;)

--- End quote ---

No I dont read with readers who say I have to do special rituals, and Sincerity is not like that. So please don't take my reply as she is that type or that you have to do that before reading with her. The time I called her she told me that I had been using a lot of readers and she told me that I was anxious, which I was, and I was restless. I'm a person that has issues with anxiety and during my "dark" periods I was calling many psychics several times daily. I would have 5 callbacks on at once with several networks and then appointments scheduled on days after that. It was horrible. The advice she gave me helped me immensely. She was not saying that I had to take a bath in Epsom salt for her to read me. She made a suggestion which was more for my benefit. She is not the hocus pocs spell or ritual type.

I've encountered those, and believe it or not I tried some of their sugestions (ALL FREE) and I mean its a judgement call some readers tell you to pray, say scriptures or psalms, its a personal belief and I feel whatever works for you ---then do it. Armed with the knowledge I have now through trial and error and depleted bank accounts.

I'm good now I know what I need to know about (SM) no amount of readings will change my mind. I've learned from Experience and that's the BEST teacher!

The epsom salt thing is the real deal. There is an energy interaction when you get to many readings, it "disturbs" your energy for a bit, that is why other psychics can tell that you have had readings and find it difficult to read for you..they see/feel it and it confuses them. Salt absorbs is actually better to take a quick swim in the ocean after you have been on a psychic rampage since it is a natural source of salt.

What is Cookie's personal site, if I may ask?

Just wondering...

Has anyone ever had a reader tell them that 1. It isn't going to work out or, 2. Your ex or SM or whatever you call them, loves the other woman? This is in relation to any reader.


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