Author Topic: Keen Psychics  (Read 36108 times)

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2012, 01:33:03 AM »
Dreamcometrue, I'm so glad to hear your date for contact came true.  Twice in 2 seperate readings Nancy told me March 16 for contact for me, and sadly, it hasn't come to pass.  Disappointment like that has really made me doubt everything again, despite almost 15 psychics all giving me the same positive outcome.

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2012, 02:51:53 AM »
Amaranth, I am so sorry to hear that.  I have been the same situations with you most of times and I didn't believe in the timelines I was given.  For the sake of full disclosure, I have to be honest about exactly what happened.  Something about the work made me to call him that day but he didn't answer. I didn't leave a message.  Then he texted me and called me.  Before I talked about the case, he started talking about us.  Normally I wouldn't count this as a contact but it was so coincidence I had to talk to him about work (something needs to be done on that day.) Also what he told me was not what I expected after not talking with him for more than 6 weeks. 
I don't want to go into details, but today Ellen told me something that really made sense.  It has something to do with making your own future.
So please don't feel doubt or discouraged.  Although I have not been able to stop calling psychics, I also try hard to pray.  To me praying really helps.  Also although I am new here, I feel a lot of emotional support from this site.  I followed your postings too and really hope that other timelines and the final outcome will happen for you. 

Offline hellonurse

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2012, 12:22:16 AM »

i messaged you in regards to ellen, too lengthy to post on here.  :)

@  hellonurse and new hope

I had two readings with Ellen after reading your posts.  She was different from other readers at least for me.  I would say very realistic about the situation but at the same time very confident. I liked her instantly. Because of this impression I got from her, I called her up again this morning since the situation has changed since last time I spoke to her.  I thought she would or can give me a realistic advice how to maneuver my new situation.  She gave me an advice actually whic is in line with sapphire and cooki, but more logical and realistic way than emotional way.  Also the advice was in line with my gut feeling and she told me that I knew it too.  She gave me a big picture prediction along with timelines.  But I think one of you said that she is not good at timelines.  I am wondering how far off in terms of timeline for the big picture prediction.  Also, hellonurse, is it possible to share with me the reason you stooped talking with her too?  I am inclined to follow her advice, but at the same time I am so afraid of doing it too.  thank you in advance. D

hi dream...

my experience with ellen has been positive, she was accurate with most contact times and was accurate with his description and mine. i can't really pin point any specific reason i stopped calling her, i pretty much just stopped calling all psychics. i think the reason i still called nancy was because of her availability, ellen is only available very early in the morning and i usually call later in the day. she always told me it wasn't done with my ex, that he would contact "this month for sure", which he usually did. there were several months that i didn't hear from him and she didn't say "this month for sure" every month, i think it was just in august and november both months he did contact. she also told me that he wouldn't come back 100% changed, more like 60%-70% which has also been true. my first call with her was amazing and very detailed, the calls after that were just check in's, basically to see if my ex was still finding his way back to me. i like her and would definitely recommend her. i also like nancy and she's been accurate for me in the past, whitelightangel was pretty good too. also hard to get a hold of. like i said, i just stopped calling all together, kept hearing the same story from different advisors and kinda got bored with it and sick of spending all that money.

hope this helps....let me know if you have any more questions, or if you want details. i have tons of notes!  ;)

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2012, 04:53:44 AM »
Hi hellonurse,

Thank you for kindly explaining about your experience with Ellen, Nancy and Debora.  I liked Debora too although I can't remember the details of our reading  :(.  I used to give not much weight on Nancy's predictions just because her predictions seemed to be fairy tales when it comes to the person I asked about.  But, she didn't always fill me with all the fairy tales when I asked about other people and recently her prediction on the contact came to pass, which was very impressive and shocking.  So, I started trusting her reading more.  Ellen seems to me more like advisor than psychics, but I may be wrong.  She gave me a really good advice and I hope I can verify this with Cookie.  I recently cut down the number of callings a lot, but still call in a fair amount.  Did you ex finally ended up coming back and reconciled with you?  If so, were Ellen, Nancy and Debora all right about that prediction?  Thanks a lot again and your explanation is very helpful to me.  Dream...

Offline Miracle

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2012, 02:18:20 PM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:37:19 AM by Miracle »

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2012, 06:00:37 PM »
Hi all

I just wanted to say that Nancy - Faery Lady was right for me on the exact day of an important conversation taking place. When I first read with her she said March 24 for a conversation about feelings, etc, happening between my ex and I. We had dinner last night and that was exactly what the conversation consisted of, among other things. My current circumstances are not ideal (not even close to ideal) but she was right about the date for this talk. She did miss some big things leading up to it, but her date was correct. Maybe she is fantastic on timing. I will definitely call her on timing again.

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2012, 10:51:20 PM »
Hi Gratitude, I'm so glad to hear that our postings helped you and you liked Ellen and Nancy's timing was accurate.  I also have to thank Hellonurse and New_Hope first to post positive experience with Nancy.  I have had a couple of readings previously and really didn't take her seriously.  But, after reading the postings by Hellonurse and New_Hope, I trusted Nancy's prediction and it started panning out.  I don't know why.  I didn't always think about Nancy's timing or hang on to it all the time.  But, I just had this unexplainable belief or trust her prediction would happen and it did.
I have to say that this site in general has been a great help to me and has given me a kind of perspective in reading with psychics.  Amaranth has been also a great help by kindly explaining what to expect depending on what kinds of readers we are dealing with, empaths, tarot readers or pure psychics etc.  Although when I read Amaranth's posting it made a perfect sense, frankly I had no idea about these differences before.  I think it helped me tremendously to have a realistic expectation to readers and to understand their predictions and readings a lot better.  Nancy's big prediction for me is around corner (end of March), but I think this time she will miss.  Just too unrealistic.  If this big thing really happens, I will let you know.  I am also really amazed by Cookie.  Not that I can verify right now all the things she have told me but things she explained to me the way my guy thinks and reacts and based on that what I should do and how I should react.  These are really in line with Ellen's advice to me.  And so far, it has been working.  I hope around August, I can tell all you guys that both Cookie and Ellen are right!  Gratitude, also thank you for sharing your experience too and I'm really happy that both Nancy and Ellen worked.  BTW, I like Lisa, but she had not worked for me.  But, after reading some of the postings here, I tried her again a while ago and she seemed to connect to me better.  Her timing is way further down, early next year.  But she was really accurate about my guy's feeling about me.

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2012, 12:45:13 AM »
Lisa Dianne is one of only two readers I know of on Keen who will add free mins while you're talking to her, so that you don't get cut off. I didn't even know it was possible until she did it.


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2012, 09:21:27 AM »
Hi Gratitude,

I am very happy that you had a positive experience with both Ellen and Nancy, and that my postings helped you in some way. Like I have stated before, I am very glad I found these two psychics and that I connect with them as well as I do, and I am also glad other people had the same experience. We are all here to help each other, and I am very glad I found this site where we can all share our positive as well as negative reviews about these psychics. I am sorry to hear that your situation changed, and hopefully it gets better. Men are so hard to figure out, and sometimes they do things that just really make you scratch your head, and get in a frenzy. In the end, I believe everything will work itself out, try not to stress too much. You also have all of us on this wonderful site to lean on as I'm sure many of us have gone through a similar situation as yours, and can help you. I know I saw somewhere that you called a lot of psychics, and while that may help you understand the situation, I have realized over my years of crazy calling that the more psychics you call, the worse it gets. This is due to the fact that you will have 5 excellent psychics tell you the same thing, and one bad psychic tell you otherwise, and you get discouraged and go on a psychic binge. It has happened to me so many times, which is why I am grateful that I have my psychics now. I know it is very hard to stay away from them once your heart is hurting but try not to call too many, as many of us here can be there for you. I have been through a lot, so if you need any advice or just someone to talk to definitely pm me :) Also if you need any more notes on Ellen or Nancy, I will gladly provide that for you.


I am also glad that your experiences have been positive, and I hope your situation is getting better. Feel free to pm me if you need anything as well  :)

Offline Miracle

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2012, 09:44:06 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:37:38 AM by Miracle »

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2012, 04:25:32 PM »
Regarding Ellen Hartwell, I read with her 5 times last year and not 1 single thing from any of her readings happened. Obviously I didn't connect with her but she is super nice!

Offline Synergy

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2012, 04:56:25 PM »
I spoke with Ellen Hartwell a couple of times last year, and nothing happened for me either.  She actually was completely wrong.  I am happy she works for others, though. 


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2012, 12:37:30 AM »
Another Ellen no connection here. She is confident, but her readings didn't pan out for me. Every reader doesn't connect w/everyone but I'm glad when someone works for at least someone.

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2012, 10:39:14 PM »


I am also glad that your experiences have been positive, and I hope your situation is getting better. Feel free to pm me if you need anything as well  :)

Hi new_hope, thank you so much for your kind note. It means a lot to me.  Since my last reading with Cookie last week, I haven't called anyone.  Nancy's big prediction is coming up in a couple of days although this time I dont have much faith in that prediction partly because it is too soon for my guy can make such a decision let alone if he ever will.  but even if something closed to happen, I will let you know.  In the meantime, I will follow advice from Cookie and Ellen and try to be calm and patient  :)

Offline cheetah

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2012, 01:34:26 PM »
hi all
has anyone read with don1787 on keen, if so how was it