Author Topic: Keen Psychics  (Read 36092 times)


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Keen Psychics
« on: March 06, 2012, 07:57:42 PM »
Hello everyone, I am new to the board and very glad I found all of you. I, like many of you spent so much money on psychics in the past two years that I am so ashamed to look at my bank account or to tell anyone that I have been calling psychics so frequently. I was in some sense addicted to it last year and now it has calmed down quite a bit. I use to call Keen all the time, and have talked to soooo many psychics there that eventually when almost all of them proved to be wrong, I gave up for a while and just believed myself.  I stopped calling Keen for about 6 months, until something happened where I needed to talk to someone again. By luck, I somehow ran across Ellen Hartwell, and I know many of you havent had great experiences with her but I love this woman.

She completely blew me away that first call, she nailed everything to a T that I couldnt believe it. However, she gave me some time frames and unfortunately they didnt happen so I got very discouraged and saddened because I thought I found my psychic. Fast forward two months down the line, and many of the things she told me would happen, actually happened. So I decided to call her again, and have never stopped since then. I have realized with Ellen and she has admitted to me that she isnt very good with timing, but what she sees happening will eventually happen, and I believe this to be true because it has happened to me so many times. She will tell me dont worry I see you guys talking again very soon, its right around the corner, and sure enough we end up talking very soon. She has become a dear friend, and has guided me so much and gave me advice on how to improve my relationship that it has helped me tremendously. I will suggest to everyone if they are interested in calling her to call her over her personal site because you will pay for a reading and she will definitely go past whatever you paid for if you have questions and she needs time to finish.

Another reader that I go to from time to time is Nancy or Faery Lady on Keen. Now she is horrible with timing, when ever she gaves you a date dont write it down because it will not happen, rather write down what she tells you. 8 months ago I called her to ask her where my relationship is headed and does she see us getting married, and the first thing she told me was yes and no. She said I can see you guys having the potential to be married, but I also see a huge fight that will break you guys up, now if you can get over the fight then I see a marriage, but this break up will be pretty bad, and she predicted us breaking up in about a month after I called her. At the time I thought she was full of it as after three years back and forth, my relationship was finally stable and we were better then ever. A month passed by, we were still doing awsome, so I for sure thought she was wrong. 5 months down the line, my boyfriends ex comes into the picture, a girl he was with while we were previously broken up, and this whole drama happened that eventually I got emotionally drained and ended my relationship. I was completely devastated so I called Nancy to tell her she was right, and when I called her she remembered me which I thought was pretty neat as I havent spoken to her in 5 months. She ended up giving me advice as to how to move forward, and she said if you listen to me, you guys will get back together and I see you eventually staying with him. That was in November, its now March, and me and him are back together again and very very happy.

These are the only two psychics that I go to from now on when I have questions and they have been absolutely accurate for me. Now if you need a psychic that will give you a time frame and you expect the time frame to be right, then these two are definitely not that. Ellen has stopped giving me timeframes, instead she just tells me whats going to happen and if its soon or further away.

Anyways I just thought I would share my story, as I have, just like many of you here spent thousands of dollars on psychics only to be devastated over and over again, and Im glad I have finally found my two.

Id be interested to hear if anyone else had similar experiences with these two psychics or someone else for that matter. The only psychic I'm tempted to read with is Anthony Bruno. I have read his feedback and he seems amazing, but he is so hard to get a hold of. He usually has over 25 people in his line on a daily basis, and he only comes on once every couple of days. Has anyone ever read with him?

I am so sorry this is sooo long, I promise to keep it short in the future.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 11:09:25 AM by new_hope »

Offline NewHealthyStart

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 09:50:06 PM »
We do the same thing now, we stick to 1 we know and another that, on occasion we will call.  I think if you find someone that actually REALLY works for you, you should stick with that person. Otherwise you can really get crunched financially.

Offline hellonurse

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 02:55:50 AM »
hi new_hope!

i've been a member here for a few months now and follow it daily but haven't posted in awhile. decided to comment after reading your post and share my experience with you on these 2 psychics you mentioned. i used to call ellen all the time but stopped, not because what she said wasn't true, but just because i needed to stop calling period. when my ex and i were broken up ellen always told me she never felt like it was over, he would be contacting "any day now", she even told me november for sure. well she was right, he contacted me in november. unfortunately our contact was short lived because we fought again and stopped talking in early december. i think that's the last time i spoke to her though.

as for faery lady, i first spoke to her on jan 1st, still hadn't heard from my ex at that time, she told me i would hear from him by jan 15th, he would profess his love on feb 6th, and i would see him on feb 15th. ok, so i actually heard from him on jan 3rd, he professed his love on feb 8th, and believe it or not, i saw him for the 1st time on feb 15th, after 5 months of not seeing this guy. i'm a born skeptic, so i still play with the idea that it was coincidence, but she really did nail it, even if she was off a couple of days with some of her predictions.

she also told me he would start putting forth more effort end of feb into early march, right again! i have been off and on with this man for going on 4 years and idk if it's something in the water or what, but he has definitely come back better. i don't call as often as i used to, (actually nowhere near as much) because it became pretty redundant, i kept hearing pretty much the same story from several different psychics and spending an obscene amount of money, so i stopped. who knows what's going to happen next, but for now what i've been told has happened.

i believe i posted on here sometime in jan asking if anyone had read with faery lady but when no one replied, i just thought it was my little secret. i'm so glad someone else on here has had a positive experience with her! on top of everything, she's pretty inexpensive too!


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 05:21:20 AM »
Hi new_hope!

I read with Anthony Bruno and it was the worst reading I had on Keen, I actually hung up on him and I had never done that before. I was looking for a male reader to get a man's perspective because no one I was reading with at the time were right, well I learned to be careful what I wish for. He was the "stereotypical male", very macho. He referred to me as dollface, gorgeous, sexy, honey bunny etc.  calling my ex's gf fat and saying I looked way better and he didn't understand what my ex was seeing in her trying to butter me up all while fishing for info in between his litany of compliments (which came across as insincere) and changing his story based on my answers. He talked down about my ex calling him all sorts of names and was even cursing. He kept saying I am going to be honest with you and tell it like it is blah blah and in my opinion whenever someone keeps trying to make it a point that they are honest, they usually are not. He did not know anything about my situation and was just guessing so needless to say, none of his pie in the sky happily ever after predictions happened. Several of his long-term client feedbacks were from other readers or people who seemed to frequent only he and other readers in his group.

And there was one single mother going through a divorce whose feedback may have been the icing on the cake that made me finally decide to call him who eventually left a 1 star after many 5 stars saying all he had been reassuring her of all along was wrong and she had proof and was devastated and Anthony would no longer take her calls nor answer he emails. I felt so bad for her.  :-\


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 05:59:39 AM »
@ Kindred...I once read with his mother..Laurie Bruno and she is even worse..they all call themselves Witches Of Salem..and I would stay away from those 
creepy witches...Just my opinion..!!


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 09:09:52 AM »
Thank you all so much for replying. I have been crazy busy today so I didn't have the time to check back.

Hellonurse, I am sooo glad you had the same type of experience with Nancy. I love her and I am definitely a believer. She has helped me so much and guided me how to improve the relationship just like Ellen that its crazy. Just like your situation, me and my guy have been on and off for about three years and in this last year only those two psychics have truly nailed things for me. I completely agree with you in stopping to call so many psychics. After these two proved to be right for me, I have restrained myself so much, and only call once in a while when I need to catch up with either one of them.

I believe you when you said Nancy has nailed dates for you as well. She always tells me not to quote her on her timing, but in January she predicted that I would see him on the 21st and sure enough on the 19th, I got a call from him asking me on a date he had planned for us, so she has definitely been right in that aspect as well. She is very inexpensive and always follows up with emails, in case I need her to explain something to me, or when I have a question for her. I am very happy for you, and glad someone else had the same experience as me with this wonderful woman.

Was Ellen as successful in her predictions for you, or did you just stop calling psychics all together, and decided you did not want to speak with her anymore? In my toughest time, she advised me that it would get better, and at one point she got frustrated with me telling me I am too negative, and I really was, but she was dead on in my situation.

To kindred and blessed, thank you so much, I will definitely stay away from him as I dont need to pay for anymore fake psychics. I was skeptical as it is because he is in Storm Cestavani's  favorite advisors, and Storm has been horrible for me. Thank you again, and I am sorry you both had to go through those horrible experience with him and his mother, thats terrible. Now I feel bad for all of those people in his line probably waiting excitedly to speak with him.


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 08:53:28 PM »
I read with Bruno as well...he saw a smattering of situations that would happen in the future for partnership...but he is not good with sticking to one thing. He is good if you want a sneek peek of various things happening around you. He gives specific details...but I wouldn't depend on him for reliability.

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2012, 08:54:18 PM »

i messaged you in regards to ellen, too lengthy to post on here.  :)

Offline melancholia

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2012, 01:43:23 PM »
I read with Nancy last night.  She gave me a lot of dates and a lot of information about how the person I was calling about was feeling and would move forward.  The only question I have is, when anyone spoke with her, did she seem to be a bit rambling and difficult to understand?  Like, her speech pattern wasn't entirely clear?  I want to make sure it wasn't just me, because I'm really hoping the reading - which was somewhat mixed - is accurate, because it makes the best sense of the readings I've received.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2012, 02:59:01 PM »
I read with Nancy last night.  She gave me a lot of dates and a lot of information about how the person I was calling about was feeling and would move forward.  The only question I have is, when anyone spoke with her, did she seem to be a bit rambling and difficult to understand?  Like, her speech pattern wasn't entirely clear?  I want to make sure it wasn't just me, because I'm really hoping the reading - which was somewhat mixed - is accurate, because it makes the best sense of the readings I've received.

You're not the only one.  I read with her yesterday and I thought the same exact thing- she was completely difficult to understand.  I feel bad saying so but for the first time ever I wasn't 'transfixed' to the reading; I started doodling on my note paper and then flipping thru tv channels- I just couldn't understand her audibly that well, and she would start to ramble on about the same topic.

That's not to say she didn't give me important information.  She gave me dates for contact and a final outcome, but there was no reason my call should have lasted 20 minutes.  I just felt bad about cutting her off, and everytime I started to say: "ok, thank you," she kept going on as if she hadn't heard me, and I just didn't have the heart to hang up on her.  So I waited until my account ran dry and cut us off.

So no, you're not the only one.  I've never read with her before and I still DID get some necessary info and some new perspective on my situation ( she more or less dropped a bomb on me that other psychics have hinted at, yet seemed uncomfortable speaking of in depth ) but it was an exhausting reading just because it was really hard to understand her- and I'm not talking about accents.  I was wondering if there was something wrong with her phone making her so inaudible or if she was not feeling well or something....


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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2012, 08:05:53 PM »
I remember Nancy. I remember her being that way too.I read with her a couple of years ago. I think she is just in too deep of a trance when reading sometimes...or she could just be drunk. Same type of vibe really...and yes she was accurate about a few things....

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2012, 08:57:41 PM »
I read with her yesterday and I thought she had kind of a robot voice. However, I still liked her because I like readers who provide dates as it's obviously easy to see if things manifest when they provide them. I don't care if she is blacked out drunk as long as she's right.


Do you remember what she was correct regarding?

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2012, 10:18:50 PM »
You are very funny. ;)  I agree with you totally, I just hope her prediction for me is correct.  She is very loopy to follow and I'm not sure I really understood what she was saying to me other than the dates she was predicting.  I had something disturbing happen between me and my friend last night and she did not pick up on this happening at all.  I spoke with her right before I saw him.
So I just don't know.....

Offline hellonurse

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2012, 05:21:50 AM »
I remember Nancy. I remember her being that way too.I read with her a couple of years ago. I think she is just in too deep of a trance when reading sometimes...or she could just be drunk. Same type of vibe really...and yes she was accurate about a few things....

@ loops...had me cracking up for 10 minutes after reading this!

 i've had predictions from her come true so i don't really want to comment on her accuracy, but i do remember the first time i rec'd a reading from her she sounded computerized, robotic, and i got all freaked out at the end of my call because i thought i was talking to someone that was trying to disguise her voice with one of those voice distorter computer programs. she does get into a trance state at times, but i just interrupt her after she's repeated herself a couple times. but maybe you're right, maybe she's DRUNK! LOL  :o

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Re: Keen Psychics
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2012, 02:11:00 PM »
LOL, like someone else said, as long as her predictions are right/come true, she
could be smashed for all I care.  You know what they say about drunk geniuses...

I'm tempted to call her again, except this time record it so I can play it again later and decipher what was said.  LOL.

I'm hoping her date for contact comes true.  It's only about a week away.  I've been waiting for contact since November.

