Have anyone read with these psychics please? They are all in affordable price category. My experience basing on one request:
Truthful Visions: described POI and his background accurately, explained his behaviour to what I know to be true. Made predictions - timeframe was off. But prediction started to pan out and froze.
Psychic Revearler: didn’t waste my time just made prediction which is different from Truthful Visions’ one. But she confirmed and said other things that reassured me she knew what she was talking about. Although, prediction is pending. Timeframe was off.
Andi: was brutally honest, didn’t explain much but made prediction which is also overdue. This is interesting, she said that the situation will go certain way until the end of June. But now it’s end of July and it started to unfold but not in a way she’s predicted.
(P.S I should probably do a separate post on all my experiences with readers, but one person is scarily close with her prediction about POI and the situation, it’s Love Specialist Isabelle, she described his behaviour in detail and said it will be August onwards; I talked to her in April and I was like “duh”, apparently she will be right).