I’d like to share my experience with this reader

He asked too many questions, didn't say anything that I did not tell him - guessing and rephrasing. Basically spending over $120 on answering his questions and not finding out anything new. The questions he asked me: DOB, nationality, place of residence; if I exercise; if I can buy a treadmill;if I can buy a bike, etc. He asked how long I've been on drugs - errmm I am not and haven't been on drugs, then he said I should Google calorie allowance for my age - thanks cap (oh really? that's the problem! Btw I have a PT and nutritionist). "Healings" - laughing out loud - people don't buy it - it is not legit service. It's not even generic, it is fraudulent! My questions were about some external factors affecting my weight like stress or psychological. Another thing - I had 20% off the rate back then, soon after I started a conversation he kicked me out of a chat room and asked to come back literally in seconds. Guess what? Yes, I was asked to come back because I'd pay the full rate as the 20% off wouldn't be applicable anymore. None of his predictions came to pass. For me he wasn’t legit.