Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Is it me?????
I think that this forum is overall territorial. We choose which readers we like and then refuse to believe they were wrong or inaccurate for others. We also choose the readers we dislike and refuse to believe they were right for others. If you are going to get a reading with someone and you ask if that person is accurate, you will get a mixed bag of reviews. You will get both ends of the spectrum that the reader was totally wrong and that the reader is totally right. There are studies that show we are quicker to believe the bad and question the good. I think we go into readings with low expectations so it is easier to tear readers apart than to trust what they say. To Lillypads point, I have had super vague predictions from Yona. She is infamous for saying "you will have a tower moment" and then anything bad that happens following that reading it is easy to pin it to the vague "tower moment" she saw. On the flip side of it, Yona has gotten things eerily accurate for me. I believe both things can be true. I believe readers can tune into certain situations and give detailed predictions. At the same time when things that are vague for them it is possible they fill in the blanks with guessing. My detailed reading with one reader does not invalidate another persons vague reading. IMO.
I think that we have to look at ourselves in some cases too. I had to do this, so I am included in this. When a reader tells us something we don't want to hear we say they are negative and bitter. When they tell us what we want to hear, we accuse them of being fairytale readers. We can be toxic as humans. I learned to go into readings without expectations. I let things pan out before having a strong opinion. I will say that there is one member that has been accused of being a reader or shilling for a reader and she claims that reader is 100% for her every time. I do not think anyone is ever 100%. I have been getting readings since I was of legal age to get them and I have a handful of readers I love and trust, but none of them have ever been 100% for me. They have been 75% -85% accurate, which is enough for me. I give them room for human error and know that if they are more right than wrong that is enough for me. We do have to check our own biases from time to time. That is what I had to do. I hated every reader and everything that came with it when I was in a negative mindset. I blamed everyone but myself. When I started working on me I realized I was the problem. I did not leave my house.I chose misery. So the predictions for meeting someone may have happened if I left my house and accepted invitations I was given or maybe the readers were dead wrong. I will never know but I know my role in it did not help.
I hope everyone finds the reader or readers that resonate with them. Let us not discourage anyone that gets a good reading with a reader we had a bad reading with and let us not force our good readings on others that had a bad reading with a reader. There is no one size fits all psychic. Wishing you all peace and happiness in your real lives and in your quest to find the reader that you resonates the most with you.
I had a very detailed first read with Yona, and things are moving quickly so I'm a huge Yona fan, however I understand that she won't be like that for everyone but since she has been corrected for major predictions SO FAR I have faith in her.
I've read with quite a few big hitters or highly recommended readers on this site and bar Yona, Jessica Roro, and two purple garden readers, they haven't been majorly detailed! They've given me enough to confirm a connection and then an answer to my question.
Thank you everyone for your response and point of views. I’m glad I’m not alone. I mean that’s not a good thing per say, but you all know what I mean. I strongly believe in predestined events. It’s in Yona’s thread somewhere that she predicted a love interest for a woman and she thought Yona was wrong because she never left the house. Turns out that it was someone that came to her home to do a repair and that’s how they met. So, I believe that if it’s meant to be it will be but yes I think we can’t hold on to predictions and just live life.
It never occurred to me that people would post dishonest reviews. I guess I’m naive that way lol
I’ve said it before, Yona is my last hope. I’m glad that I am no longer spending thousands of dollars on readings!
I don't think people write dishonest views on purpose... it's more they have been told what they wanted to here.
The best readings are general ones. There are lots of readers that pick up past and present so accurately so, we assume they have to be correct. I find the more detail you get from a reader it seems they turn out to be wrong.
Yona: Has gotten things for me, but beware if you tell her too much of your story you will also get her opinion. But she has made lost of predictions for me that have happened. The thing is sometimes it turns out different from what you thought it would be.
Leanne: Her 10 predictions have been spot on for me.
Psychic Will: my number one.. He has been the most accurate. This past year things he saw have happened. Same as Yona at the time I thought some predictions would happen with certain people and it happened with others.
Caller I agree with everything you said.
PD’s thread has gone quiet because she’s gone quiet fyi guys and so has her biggest fan
And I say this with her being off for me and very correct. Some of her predictions are still panning out.
The thing about this forum is that someone can say Yona’s thread has gone quiet and no one will assume she is wrong or it was just a fluke why she has all this success.
Let’s have a think about why. Not all psychics are always right 100% of the time. There are people that use these services that have never shared their experiences or no this forum exists.
Our opinions and experiences are golden. These people have many clients with many different experiences and have also experiences different sides and use them in different ways.
How we critique a readers is almost always subjective because we don’t all want to utilise the same gifts and insights.
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