Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Will they pick up someone new?
I was just going thru my readings and was wondering if when you go in for a reading on a specific person..has any reader correctly picked up someone new coming into the picture? I just wonder if you ask about a specific person do they strictly focus on that.
In my experience, many readers have told me "Oh, I see a new man coming in your life!". A big eye roll. Every time I have called about a POI that's what 90% of the readers have told me and they have been wrong of course, they were just feeding me false hope. Kisha and Yona also did the same but they were correct. When I spoke with Kisha, I called about a POI who I never even had to mention, she just went on to saying you are expecting communication from a person who looks like this but you won't hear from him, however, there is this guy coming in. Yona said, you will hear from your ex but he's not the right one for you someone else is coming and it happened.
Angel Readings specifically picked up someone new coming in for me although i asked for someone else. She described briefly about that person, and also the months i knew him and the month i came closed with him. I read with her a couple of times, that as the only time i was impressed the details she picked up without me asking.
Ok so i seen a lot of people mention readers pick a new person coming in for you. Well i had a handful of readings and not one person mentioned the new POI. One reader said a new love would come in Nov. Smh why does no one pick things up is it really the free will card. Let's say if you were focusing on the ex so your reading would be on them so you don't really but yourself out there. Yet one day you say screw and make the effort why does no one pick up a new person coming in??
Readings are just so frustrating.
I’ve had Shelley pick up a new guy down to his name and the markers
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