Author Topic: Your favorite astrologer...  (Read 6628 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Your favorite astrologer...
« on: July 19, 2020, 03:04:00 PM »
List who has been accurate for you.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2020, 07:13:42 PM »
Hi all, I'll respond under here rather than the thread that got off on a tangent under the Diva topic.

I think there's been a misunderstanding. I recounted my colleague's story and myself do not have any information on who her astrologer was. What I do know is that she got recommended this person from another friend of hers, and I do believe it was ordered online. She told me that she got sent a CD. This would have been circa 2009 ish, so a diff era. If this man -oh and yes  she said it's a man (btw, the field of astrology tends to be dominated by males , according to my ex stepmom)--still works, he'd most likely have gone digital (nowadays it's tough to find a CD player).

But I myself have no clue who he is. I can ask my friend when I talk to her. She moved away but we touch base now and then on Skype.

One prediction that happened to me  with a male astrologer that my ex-stepmom knew concerned my studies. The man said that I would be staying in my home city /home country for university but that I would definitely move to the US later on, that i'd win a major scholarship and go to an institution that initially had rejected me. I went to an Ivy, where I was initially waitlisted and I won a full ride scholarship plus a stipend so 3 years after that reading I did indeed move to the US.

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2020, 11:18:10 PM »
As an astrologer I can tell you it is not this simple.  Like tarot, a chart can be used as a tool to funnel your gifts.  Transits can show things going on but the key here is synthesis.  This is why websites doing it for you are useless and astrologers are necessary.  You cannot balance a chart and get an accurate idea of what’s going on without synthesis.  Vedic astrology will claim to offer predictions with exactness and while I am knowledgeable on it I do not agree with the fatalistic mind set in vedic.  I study western 🤷🏻‍♀️

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2020, 11:25:31 PM »
Sorry I am going to ask a dumb question -- what is synthesis?

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2020, 12:43:05 AM »
Sorry I am going to ask a dumb question -- what is synthesis?

Haha no you’re fine

It’s looking at the chart as a whole.  Websites will give you isolated cookbook descriptions of a placement or an aspect.  Great.  But they need to be synthesized into your chart because some other things within a chart will enhance or cancel out others.  This is why astrologers are actually still important and why it is never a good idea to look up a chart interpretation yourself and take it seriously.  It isn’t synthesized.  Synthesis is like a balancing act

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2020, 04:11:04 AM »
@Kaliangel27 I hope you dont mind me asking you a few questions since you seem so passionate abt astrology:

1. How did you develop your passion for things astrology? Did your parents or grandmother ( these things seem to so often get passed to later generations through a beloved grandma) dabble in astrology?

2. How would you explain the difference between astronomy and astrology?

3. From your perspective, how would you argue the importance of an astrological reading? In what way would it benefit me to have one? I myself have never had one.

4. How does one go about developing/honing/mastering the skill of astrology?

5. How would you compare one getting an astrological reading as opposed to a psychic reading? Would you say one is better/more accurate/more valuable than the other? Do they complement each other?

6. Very often a psychic will be flatly wrong for a client. Our explanation is usually that we just didnt connect with that psychic, or sometimes we try to connect and get a non-read. Does this happen when clients consult with astrologers as well?

7. And forgive my inquisitiveness (is that a word? lol) but does the ‘kali’ in your username happen to in anyway be related to things vedic/indian? Just curious. Years ago I would regularly listen to Deepak Chopra’s 7 spiritual laws of success in which he routinely referred to the wisdom of ancient vedic texts.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

Happy to answer anything.  My mother is very spiritual and probably gifted.  She used to fake classes on astrology like back in the 80s when I was a kid... where they did the math by hand etc. when I ended an engagement at 19 I was lost and something told me to pick up a book off her book shelf.  It was an Isabel hickey book.  It’s still my favorite and one of many I have in my mini library of astro books lol it’s called astrology: a cosmic science.  I just dove in.  Couldn’t learn enough fast enough.  I did everyone’s chart at work, family, anyone I could.  Kept reading.  Learning.  Dabbled in vedic to understand different styles etc.  my great aunt was also a medium apparently but I didn’t know her well. I have a very intellectual chart and personality so analytical things and puzzles are fun for me.  Astrology has so many layers that it was right up my alley!

Astrology actually led to astronomy. I recently read this somewhere:  “ What they say: Astronomy is science, but Astrology is bullshit.

How it sounds: The physics of sound is science, but music is bullshit.”

I see natal chart synthesis as a personality assessment almost. Like mbti. Carl Jung used natal charts with his patients. I see it as a view of what you are inherently born with, talents etc that you can tap into or challenges you chose to have which are all meant to be overcome. 

“ Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: A Tübingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. – C.G. Jung in a letter to L. Oswald on December 8, 1928, in Carl G. Jung, Letters, vol. 1, 1973”

There are transit and progression charts that can look at challenges ahead or openings for starting something new.  There are synastry charts to show compatibility and composite charts which is actually a chart of the relationship itself.  Even nations have astrology charts.  For example, the US will be in rough shape until 2024 as the pluto return is in effect for us.  Expect everything to be very very different by then.  🤗 I’m
Going to do another comment to answer the rest because I’ve lost this twice now haha

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2020, 04:23:21 AM »
@Kaliangel27 I hope you dont mind me asking you a few questions since you seem so passionate abt astrology:

1. How did you develop your passion for things astrology? Did your parents or grandmother ( these things seem to so often get passed to later generations through a beloved grandma) dabble in astrology?

2. How would you explain the difference between astronomy and astrology?

3. From your perspective, how would you argue the importance of an astrological reading? In what way would it benefit me to have one? I myself have never had one.

4. How does one go about developing/honing/mastering the skill of astrology?

5. How would you compare one getting an astrological reading as opposed to a psychic reading? Would you say one is better/more accurate/more valuable than the other? Do they complement each other?

6. Very often a psychic will be flatly wrong for a client. Our explanation is usually that we just didnt connect with that psychic, or sometimes we try to connect and get a non-read. Does this happen when clients consult with astrologers as well?

7. And forgive my inquisitiveness (is that a word? lol) but does the ‘kali’ in your username happen to in anyway be related to things vedic/indian? Just curious. Years ago I would regularly listen to Deepak Chopra’s 7 spiritual laws of success in which he routinely referred to the wisdom of ancient vedic texts.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

Astrology can be used analytically but it’s also used as a tool for intuitive gifts much like tarot.  For example as ive been working hard at tapping into my intuitive gifts I’ve started seeing things in my natal chart readings for friends.  Like she asked me if her chart showed any fears and while in my
Mind im thinking weird question. There isn’t a specific spot for “fears” in a chart where there is one for relationships and one for each parent or the home or children etc.  as I was thinking that I saw a little girl owned up to her chest scared on the floor in a nightgown. There was an adult there almost scolding her.  I told her and she told me that happened.  This woman is much older than me and she is probably the best medium I’ve ever seen but she is afraid of her gifts and won’t do readings and cannot even be near me in person because my relatives physically feel like they are jumping on her back when she is near me.  Weird stuff,  but her mom used to scold her about her fears of her gifts while her father would scold her for making up stories about them.  Very divided household for her.  I wasn’t even thinking about it and I just started telling her how to address her fear and how to control her gift lol I know how nuts that sounds trust me haha

So yes I think they complement each other in the ways I expressed above.  I get many psychic readings lol more than I’ll ever admit hahaha I cannot objectively look Into a chart of a partner of mine as silly as it sounds.

It takes a very analytical, yet versatile mind to grasp the many layers of a chart.  And the work involved is immense like I still learn new things about my
Own chart and I’ve been staring at it for 17 years haha.  There is just so much.

I don’t use astrology in the exact predictive way that one has a reading.  I don’t find that very simple or even accurate.  I use transits to see how inner turmoil may be during a period of time.  Struggles you may have.  Times when communication is going to be easy or where travel might be a bad idea lol but I believe strongly in free will.  I am not a person
Who sees astrology as a religion, I see it as a tool and an assessment.  Like I can look at a natal chart and see a challenge but you may have already handled that issue in your life and it is no longer present. A transit chart can tell me times where you may have been able to overcome that challenge.

So honestly? Lol I don’t want my name here to be in any way linked back to me out of embarrassment.  I had a dog named Kali... a black one.  I picked the name Kali because it was goddess of darkness.  Lol I actually strongly dislike vedic astrology as it’s very fatalistic and they try to scam ppl into buying remedies and it’s a really  not my thing lol let me know if I missed anything ❤️

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2020, 04:25:58 AM »
Oh your questions about readings... so I have always struggled With the idea of taking money for this type of “service” like my friends and fam consult me regularly for transits and natal charts for a newborn etc.  honestly it has helped  me a ton in parenting my own child more effectively.  I will also synthesize charts for some readers as a bartering method.  It’s fun when I see a chart of a truly gifted reader.  If I seem passionate about one this is usually why lol

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2020, 05:35:01 AM »
WoW! Quite an entertaining blast of information here. Ofcourse, your detailed responses led to more questions, so why not jump into part 2 of the interview:

1. Interesting you speak of Carl Jung. I became aware of him when I dabbled into the topic of synchronicity some years ago. He believed apparently that there are ways of tapping into the universe to create coincidences/synchronicities and that the universe sends us signs all the time but we dont recognize them or we ignore them.

2. I love the analogy you used with the physics of sound vs music. You have strong teacher qualities (quick to use vivid examples for others to make sense of a concept)

3. From my little understanding of astrology, the arrangement of the planets at our time of birth significantly impacts our talents, weaknesses, obstacles, and general life path. In this light, to what extent do you believe in predestination? To what extent do you believe we can ‘free will’ our way to our own dreams and desires?

4. There is this indian boy Abhigya Anand, who has a youtube channel. He predicted the covid crisis before it happened. That video is still on youtube. He made this and other predictions through astrology. Have you heard of him? Any thoughts?

5. Where does numerology fit into all this? Years ago i spoke to a numerologist on a call in radio program and she correctly identified my career path from calculations with my birth numbers? Have you dabbled in numerology?

6. I feel you on charging for readings. I have always felt it gives bad karma. Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic,  never charged for readings and turned out to be one of the most successful. There is a popular psychic on here who told me her grandmother was a prophet and wasnt happy with her charging for readings. I think if this psychic were to do readings for free, she would be near 100% accurate. I have always believed there are super amazing seers all around us who can read us as clear as day but choose to stay off the grid and have no desire for fame or fortune. I just feel charging for readings goes against the nature of the universe in some way. But what the heck do I know??

PS: hearling abt your precious dog, Kali, brought to mind the memory of the dog we had. His name was Goliath. Dont let the name fool u tho. He was the sweetest thing.

So I See a natal chart as what is inherent.  What we chose to deal with in this carnation (lifetime)  and what karma we carry over both good and bad.  There are challenges we may not over come and we will have those to face again the next go around lol There are talents we never tap into and gifts we never use... and that is a way bigger loss in my opinion.  I think freewill is what determines which obstacles we tackle and which talents we utilize.  For example, my son has a water grand trine in his chart.  A grand trine is a free flowing harmonious pattern to have... in water it is extremely intuitive and empathic most of the time (depending on the planets involved and their orb of aspect) and with him being only 6 I have watched this being an issue and a gift at the same time.... however, not so sure of a benefit to him yet.  He takes on my emotions or anyones emotions if they are strong enough.  But he mirrors me.  He shows me what I am putting out there.  It is very hard to try to teach a 6 yo that all of what he feels doesn't belong to him... especially for someone analytical like me.... my emotional intelligence lacks more often than not lol.  So even an easy pattern like a grand trine can make one almost lazy because it is so easy.  The harder aspects and patterns build strength... while harmonious ones can breed laziness because they don't have to work at it if that makes sense.  So while I think we come into this life with a blueprint, we have the ability to alter the decor and material used to build the house.   :)

 I havent heard of the you tuber but I will check it out.  I will be honest I dislike the extreme majority of astrology on youtube, the bloggers, the sites that offer free "interpretation" etc.  It teaches the new wave of people making astrology popular again the incorrect way to look at a chart. It is that piece by piece cookbook interpretation that makes synthesis almost inconceivable for people.  For example I have a placement that limits the ability to have a child.  But I have another placement that promotes 1 male child with scorpio/pluto energy.  My son is a Scoprio, born 3 weeks early when I planned for a Sag haha

My biggest issue with charging for anything is that if I still learn things about my own chart after all these years how can I put a limit on what I read into for someone else?  How can I perfect it?  How can I give all that time and find anyone willing to pay it?  It is invaluable.  I try to teach people how to do it themselves.  Ive made some worksheets even on blending things for a better grasp.  I send out a free pdf of the Isabel Hickey book I mentioned earlier.  I just ask that they pass it on to someone else they see interested who is struggling to learn.  <3 Thanks for your kind words and I love the name Goliath <3

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2020, 08:43:51 AM »
Muse of cp is an ok Astrologer.  Better than she is at predictions

Offline sanshine

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2020, 11:10:09 AM »
This is a super interesting read, thank you.

Im dabbling a bit in astrology right now, it also suits my analytical mind.

I would like to share a resource in case anyone is interested. There's a facebook group (and website) called astrology hub that has a lot of really great astrologers visiting. There's a different astrologer each moon cycle and also an inner circle that opens a couple of times a year for people to sign up for (it costs about 35 USD a month). There are training materials and more content from the astrologer of the month.

No affiliation or anything like that, I have found it interesting to be a part of it as I learn.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2020, 01:45:17 PM »
WOW -- This is awesome!!!!!   I would love to learn this but I am not sure I could....  It is so very interesting!!!   I read with an astrologer on keen named Moonlight Bay -- He does not do Western but Eastern Astrology but I am not sure the difference and of course it was like 10 minutes so I am guessing it was not "enough" based on your answer....  It sounds like there is much more time and effort needed to really dig in for the correct answers

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2020, 03:50:52 PM »

1. I havent watched many videos abt astrology on youtube because I havent been impressed with the few that ive seen, but I certainly have become disillusioned with the youtube psychics and I dont watch them anymore. They all seem fake and always positive. Im a gemini, so when I search for gemini psychic readings, the videos are always the same. Its either they miss you and cant stop thinking abt you or they want you back and will reach out this month or they realize you are the one. I hardly recall ever finding a video saying they never truly loved you or they were just using you or they have moved on and hardly ever think abt you. I think I may have found only one negative poi video I think. But most are fake and its so discouraging that these alleged psychics can be so dishonest ( always starting with please be sure to subscribe) and users can be so gullible in hearing what they want to hear.

2. You mentioned that you are a very analytic person. Usually, so-called ‘intellectual’ people or ‘academics’ will say that these psychic and astrology things are mumbo jumbo stuff that ‘simple-minded’ people depend on to find value and significance in this vast universe. What makes you different? Why are you so sure that things astrology are real?

3. I like the example you gave abt blueprint. I do not smoke or drink because I have an addictive personality. For example, most ppl can buy a cheesecake and eat a lil piece now, nibble a lil piece later and have another slice a few days later. I would eat it all off in one go! Armed with that knowledge abt myself, I plan around it. I just dont drink or smoke because I know if I acquire the taste I would become an all-day smoking drunk. I envy ppl who can just enjoy a glass of wine after dinner and thats it. I couldnt so I dont drink at all. So in this sense I see value in an accurate astrological reading that would point out my areas of weaknesses as determined by the planetary alignments so i can adjust my life around it. I guess the opposite is true as well. Knowing my strengths can guide me into what choices to make to find fulfillment.

4. You mentioned incarnation. I would love to hear your thoughts regarding how you became convinced that reincarnation is real. Also, can astrology reveal who or what someone was in a past life? Im not sure I believe in it but when I see a child being born severely mentally and physically crippled and die after say only 5 years of life, I am tempted to believe that as a reward after enduring such suffering that child is destined to reincarnate as say a king in the next life. Please share your thoughts.

I have a few thoughts on astrology and my intellectual brain and their odd relationship lol first, I imagine the moon.  That changes the ocean tides (water) and we are mainly made up of water.  Lol also, I was raised Catholic but I’ve always said I was a agnostic because I can’t prove or disprove it.  Which is kinda my feelings on astrology.  I don’t necessarily “believe it” I enjoy it and I find it a fun hobby and I can respect that people like Jung who was a well known psychotherapist found use in it also.  I think a lot of those super intellectual people that write it off honestly do not know anything about it.

This is simple.  I believe in reincarnation because it feels better than believing this is it.  I see charts of people in families and they are all connected including my own.  Linked up so to speak.  They say you pick your family before you come here even.  I think people forget sometimes the karma you seem to be involved with is simply serving someone payback. For example a husband cheats.  It might have been the agreement and karma the wife agreed to when she came into this life.  Maybe his karma was to feel bad for it.  Idk if that makes sense sorry I’m half awake and working lol 😂

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2020, 07:22:24 PM »
@Kaliangel27 I hope you dont mind me asking you a few questions since you seem so passionate abt astrology:

1. How did you develop your passion for things astrology? Did your parents or grandmother ( these things seem to so often get passed to later generations through a beloved grandma) dabble in astrology?

2. How would you explain the difference between astronomy and astrology?

3. From your perspective, how would you argue the importance of an astrological reading? In what way would it benefit me to have one? I myself have never had one.

4. How does one go about developing/honing/mastering the skill of astrology?

5. How would you compare one getting an astrological reading as opposed to a psychic reading? Would you say one is better/more accurate/more valuable than the other? Do they complement each other?

6. Very often a psychic will be flatly wrong for a client. Our explanation is usually that we just didnt connect with that psychic, or sometimes we try to connect and get a non-read. Does this happen when clients consult with astrologers as well?

7. And forgive my inquisitiveness (is that a word? lol) but does the ‘kali’ in your username happen to in anyway be related to things vedic/indian? Just curious. Years ago I would regularly listen to Deepak Chopra’s 7 spiritual laws of success in which he routinely referred to the wisdom of ancient vedic texts.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

Happy to answer anything.  My mother is very spiritual and probably gifted.  She used to fake classes on astrology like back in the 80s when I was a kid... where they did the math by hand etc. when I ended an engagement at 19 I was lost and something told me to pick up a book off her book shelf.  It was an Isabel hickey book.  It’s still my favorite and one of many I have in my mini library of astro books lol it’s called astrology: a cosmic science.  I just dove in.  Couldn’t learn enough fast enough.  I did everyone’s chart at work, family, anyone I could.  Kept reading.  Learning.  Dabbled in vedic to understand different styles etc.  my great aunt was also a medium apparently but I didn’t know her well. I have a very intellectual chart and personality so analytical things and puzzles are fun for me.  Astrology has so many layers that it was right up my alley!

Astrology actually led to astronomy. I recently read this somewhere:  “ What they say: Astronomy is science, but Astrology is bullshit.

How it sounds: The physics of sound is science, but music is bullshit.”

I see natal chart synthesis as a personality assessment almost. Like mbti. Carl Jung used natal charts with his patients. I see it as a view of what you are inherently born with, talents etc that you can tap into or challenges you chose to have which are all meant to be overcome. 

“ Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: A Tübingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. – C.G. Jung in a letter to L. Oswald on December 8, 1928, in Carl G. Jung, Letters, vol. 1, 1973”

There are transit and progression charts that can look at challenges ahead or openings for starting something new.  There are synastry charts to show compatibility and composite charts which is actually a chart of the relationship itself.  Even nations have astrology charts.  For example, the US will be in rough shape until 2024 as the pluto return is in effect for us.  Expect everything to be very very different by then.  🤗 I’m
Going to do another comment to answer the rest because I’ve lost this twice now haha

Thank you! I am not sure if my stepmom is of the Vedic orientation. Her mentor is Austrian so I'd guess she's of the Western school but she does give predictions. But her first reading just outlined my personality and life goals and challenges and it was eerily accurate, granted she's known me for a long time.
She now has 3 dates for me in August, one is Aug 1st-not sure what about but my guess is the bureaucratic paperwork.

But guess what, both my stepmom and my cousin who went and took some online classes in astrology are saying exactly the same thing about the US-until 2024.

professor, just read your remarks too. I saw that youtuber-I found him through a link Yona posted on her facebook actually!
But my stepmom had predicted a major negative turning point on March 11th. And according to my dad, she predicted that 2020 will be a rough year for all.

And guess what-I am an academic. I am the odd one out who blends intellect/analytics with a fascination with the divine/supernatural/inexplicable. I'd always been this way.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 07:29:06 PM by summertimesnow »

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Your favorite astrologer...
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2020, 08:14:14 PM »
Kids do remember.

When I was a little girl I used to tell my mother I wasn’t ever having any babies because I would die.  She was weirded out lol. I grew up not wanting kids.  When I had my
Son I almost died, yet he was fine. And I had dreams or him before I knew he existed and he was a girl

I had an akashic record reading and I’m used to being a man in my lives and my son is used to being female.  I have died in child birth twice before

