Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent


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I am new here and maybe this has already been asked.
On Keen, Psychic Source and Kasamba, are the psychics allowed to pick what reviews are posted? For the ones I have given 5 star they are posted right away. There are a few I have given 3 stars too and they never posted? I didn't use bad language or anything just my opinion of the reading.
Also, why are there advisors on keen who have been there since 2018 but have no reviews?
It honestly makes me suspicious, especially the ones who are rated 5 stars but have one bad review out of 200 or have no reviews.

I feel like if I were confident in my reading abilities I wouldn't have a problem with people leaving a bad review? I think most of us know people are either mad about what they heard or the reader just didn't really resonate with us. 

Oh I’ve been fighting with keen about a 1 star review I posted 2
Times since the advisor got the first review deleted, and then my second one.  They said the advisors can get reviews deleted under the feedback policy. And my last email to them last night was what did I violate   ....1) she told me the same lines as someone else that day that left a review 2) she keeps you on the phone to waste your money 3) doesn’t answer your question.

Told them I’m want to be compensated if she gets the right to take down a review that was truthful and lie to other customers so she doesn’t get caught. Then what do i get in Return for leaving a truthful comment

WOW. That is awful.

So basically we can't trust any of the ratings. I have been tempted to go to a lower-rated person in the hopes that they were just really honest. That could also be a sales trick! I had two advisors today totally change their stories once they had more information. I've also come to realize so much of it has to do with how we word the question. I have also asked the same question to the same advisor on different days and I got totally different responses depending on the way I phrased the question. Who knows anymore.

That definitely happens!!

What you have to remember is that it is a business, they (Keen and the readers) are there to make money.  Just like on Google reviews or Yelp reviews the business owner can take down bad reviews.  I had a scathing review by someone (I am in business for myself) on Yelp and they allowed me to take it down.  I had 100 plus five star reviews but this guy was very difficult to deal with and since he had left plenty of bad reviews for other businesses, Yelp allowed it to be removed.

There are some very legitimate readers on many of these sites but you have to wade through a few bad ones to find what works for you.  Someone who works perfectly for me may not work for you.


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