Author Topic: Cookie  (Read 27281 times)


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« on: March 02, 2012, 05:18:46 AM »
What are your opinions? Obviously cookie is talented however, are her predictions correct?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 04:35:38 AM by jana »

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 09:21:15 AM »
I have read with Cookie for many years. She has an amazing gift. She has amazingly detailed future visions. I've heard and believe that she can remote view your current surroundings also. I know she's a true empath and can pick up on people's emotions, thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, her overall future predictions didn't pan out for me.  For example -  I can ask if she sees me spending time with a particular guy and she can give me vivid details of future day spent with him.  She once told me she saw us walking through a parking lot filled with white vans and trucks and we're laughing and the sun is shining and we're having a great time.  A couple weeks later, sure enough, I'm in that exact scenario, walking through the parking lot of a state park with the guy in question.  There was some type of convention for state employees and the lot was filled with white state vans and trucks! Lot of details but basically irrelevant info. This has happened many times where she'll give me accurate detailed future visions. I can ask her how someone feels about me and she'll tell me details about their thoughts and feelings, some I've later verified to be true, and more that are the same as what I intuit myself.  But when I ask if she sees the two of us in a romantic relationship in the future, she'll say yes but is dead wrong!  It just doesn't work out that way. And this is pretty much what I've experienced with her over the years with the few men I've asked her about.   I don't know, maybe she's just guessing on the overall prediction based on what she picks up with her visions and empathic impressions?
I have found that I have to read a few times with different psychics to learn their particular gifts and what they're good and accurate with and stick with those types of questions when speaking with each of them.  With Cookie, it's 'what are they feeling and thinking?' 


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Re: Cookie
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 12:43:09 PM »
She has a lot of information about things you aren't asking about. The one thing I did really want to know about she was very incorrect and she blamed me for the prediction not happening. Also she can be moody which is annoying at times. Oh well, these readers have to appear accurate and I guess if blaming me for my energy is something they can get away with so be it. I don't want to leave all the details about this experience but will share if you message me.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 03:37:39 PM »
Hi Wishes.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Cookie.  I will say that she made some inaccurate predictions in the last call I had with her at the end of February.  She said I would date my ex again soon, and as we all know, he is now married.  She may be correct about other things, but she was wrong about that.

I think that Cookie definitely has a gift because she has described events that have happened and she can literally see what's going on in the present.  I will also agree with you about her approach.  She did snap at me last time we spoke because I questioned something she said.  I really thought it was wrong, and she seemed irritated that I told her how I felt about it.  Quite frankly, I still think she was wrong.  I really won't know now though because it was about my ex's feelings about me. 

I don't want to discourage anyone from calling Cookie; I just wanted to share that she's not 100% accurate, but I also don't believe anyone is. 


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Re: Cookie
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 05:37:55 PM »
I spoke to Cookie last week and I was impressed that she could tell me small things about myself but nothing big. She did mention some small things that I confirmed later. I however just needed her to tell me what the person I was interested in was thinking and why they behaved the way they did. I wasnt interested in outcomes, just her gift of remote viewing.

I have come to a realization that not every one is given the same gift and with Cookie, she can tell you what is happening, wha happened and why it happened. Past and Present. I didnt ask for future, so I cant give any insight on her gift in this area.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 02:44:18 AM »
Hi All:
I heard about Cookie from you all, and would love to get a reading with her.
I have been in line with her for almost a week now, and haven't moved at all.
I have tried to make appts with her, but they all just expire.

Any thoughts?
Thanks for your help.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2012, 03:36:57 AM »
I love Cookie, but I'll be the first to admit she's extremely difficult to get a hold of.  She reads an average of 1-2 people a day, and some days, none at all.  There have been times I have been number 1 for DAYS.  A big part of it is she only likes to read when she's focused and not tired.  Setting up appointments don't seem to work with her, because even if she accepts them, she usually cancels them later ( she's done this to me twice ).  But when I talk to her, it's usually for 45 minutes to an hour, so that way I get everything I need and don't have to worry about 'chasing her' for awhile, lol.

So really, all you can really do is wait in line.  I know it seems like forever, but it will eventually move.


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Re: Cookie
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 04:38:05 PM »
Does Cookie have a personal website. I know alot of these readers have personal websites, does she have one otherthan keen

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2012, 10:54:21 PM »
Vtech, I don't think Cookie has her own personal website.  I think I've seen positings about this at this site.  If I am wrong, please somebody corrects me. 
I bothered Cookie for past 3 days I mean really bothered her and finally got two readings with her last night and early this afternoon.  One thing I found out through this experience is that she is in a lot better mood and also very keen when she reads you in the morning and during the day rather than during the night.  My very first call with her came in Saturday morning.  Boy, I was so impressed how much she picked up on my life, she knew everything about my life.  She really gave me goose bumps and her reading was in a way scary.  But, I had to take another call so I had to stop.  Then, I was dying for continuing our reading.  After almost a week waiting, her call came in around 11 pm.  But at that time, it wasn't as impressive as the first call.  Basically she told me what I already knew except for two or three things.  But, one of them happened about a week ago.  That is, what she saw at that time, which I didn't believe will happen that soon, just happened.  So, I wanted to try her again.  I had a call last night, the reading was almost the same as the last one.  I guess it itself should be scary unless she keeps a note, which I doubt.  She saw exactly the same thing she saw a month ago and she didn't sugarcoat at all.  Since my call last night got cut off, I asked her another call to finish our reading.  She called in early this afternoon and she amazed me.  She knew what I was wearing and I had a pain in my foot.  She saw where I was etc.  But, the answer I asked her about was the same.  At the same time, she gave me some kind of perspective.  It was not exactly advice or guidance.  She understood how my guy thinks and saw how he reacts and how I will feel.  She didn't seem to believe free will because even if I asked her what if I do something differently and she still saw me going through the same thing.  So, she told me I might as well accept the situation and wise up, which actually is in line with Ellen's advice.  I feel so bad now for spending so much money on reading with her, but I think now I made a peace with whatever situation I have and don't need to call her for a while because all these things will happen after April and going on until August or Early September.  Her reading was not what I wanted to hear but I needed to hear.  Also, my gut tells me she is right and what I need to focus on.  Hopefully around August, I can contribute to this site by being able to tell you whether Cookie is correct in her final prediction.  Actually she made a lot of little predictions.  If anything happens, I will report.  BTW, as I said, one thing she saw happening a month ago did happen recently.  I hope I didn't bore you guys with the same old story.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2012, 01:19:46 AM »
I have had the pleasure of reading with Cookie a few times now - and she got another thing right for me. I spoke with her on Monday night and she said I would find out a few things and they would upset me. Well, here we are. I don't know what others experiences have been with her, but she DOES NOT sugarcoat anything. It will be interesting to see how the rest of her reading pans out. I have also experienced her consistency in readings dreamcometrue - and I wouldn't recommend getting more readings until after you have things happen.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2012, 03:15:00 AM »

I can easily say Cookie is my favorite, and I'm glad you have had so much peace with her- I've said the exact thing in feedback I've left for her- her readings really put my heart at ease.

She has also validated everything my inner intuition has already told me; I've called so many psychics and while they are reading for me, my inner voice is just telling me 'wrong. Wrong.'. Don't get me wrong, they're all giving me the fairytale ending that I want that is still realistic ( at least, regarding one person I call about ), but so many aspects they give just don't sit well with what I know deep inside.  Cookie, however, has gotten every angle and every twist about my situation accurate, and in tune with what my gut tells me.

Predictions are a bit down the line, but I can wait because I trust her so much.  Each of my calls have racked up about $300 each, and I've made those calls as often as twice a day.  But she is worth the money and I don't feel bad about the money I've spent like I have on some of the others.  Now I'm just taking it day by day and focusing on healing myself and my spirit.  Cookie told me I have a big spiritual battle coming up, and she spoke of 'signs', all of which have come to pass.  I'm on my way.  I know the universe will provide for me my outcome only when I'm ready,  so I'm working on myself now.

Anyway, don't worry about it being long.  Thanks for sharing as always !

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2012, 03:26:17 AM »
I'm happy Cookie is so accurate for everyone, but I must admit that I'm super bummed that she doesn't connect as well to me. She told me I'd be dating both men in my life. One married someone else and the other one isn't even talking to me. She actually told me that I'd be better off with the previous ex who married someone else. While I'm disappointed, I'm also a little relieved because the longer term prediction I got was sad as she told me I wouldn't be in a relationship for the next 6 months and she only saw men coming in my life casually.

Who knows what the future holds. I'm really disillusioned right now. The majority of readers see improvement, but only time will tell. I'm trying not to call right now.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2012, 04:11:32 AM »
Hey Synergy, don't feel too bummed when you can't connect to a reader.  Sometimes your spirit guides stay back and stay quiet, and won't speak to certain psychics for any number of particular reasons.  Put more weight on strengthening your energy bond with the psychic who HAS routinely worked for you ( I think you said yours is Kisha ).  That why sometimes a bunch of people will claim they got readings from one psychic and are getting 'scary accurate details' and then you call and you swear they are playing a guessing game with you and you're thinking, 'why not me, too, like the others?'

It's always good to 'shop around' for 2-3 psychics that really work for you.  No one psychic is ever going to be 100/100.  So having a couple you can routinely go to helps 'fill the gaps' one or the other might have missed.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 04:26:56 AM »
Thanks, Amaranth. You're right. I think I've just been having a difficult time with this lately because I have a friend who also calls psychics who had a surprise that no one saw coming and is now going through a painful experience. I've also had a lot of delays recently, even with my trusted advisors. It's disappointing. I'm still hopeful because the majority of readers have seen the same or similar outcomes, but the fear and worry are also there.

I'll update my tally soon, as many of my timeframe predictions are within the next couple weeks. It saddened me to see your update and all the timeframes that passed without developments. I hope these readers aren't feeding us all with false hope.

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Re: Cookie
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2012, 01:09:15 AM »
I haven't spoke to Cookie yet.  I would like to and was in her que twice but cancelled.  I really need to save up.  She is expensive and wish she would lower her price.  I'll wait on her but eventually l would like to talk to her.