Good Idea Timeheals. I was thinking of using Pinterest as a vision board. Have you guys tried Pinterest? It is great and you set up your own boards with items you like or interested in. While I was on it the other day, I started to think this could be a great vision board. I do believe that when I am thinking positive and are grateful for things, my life is more positive and I do seem to attract more positive situations.
I do try and have an Attitude of Gratitude but I was doing that long before I heard of the Secret.

I also read a book a while ago, which I still have, called Your Invisible Power, by Genevieve Behrend, which she had written way back in the 1920's, looooonnnnggg before The Secret. Its a short book, only about 80+ pages. One of the things she says in her book is to keep the things that you wish for, private. Like the vision board for instance, put it where only you will see it, or where it will get limited exposure from others, like your bedroom or something, yet keep the imagery,the visualizations, in your mind. She talks about meditating on the things, to get a really vivid picture of what you want, and really 'seeing' all the details - like a house for instance, what type, what kind of furniture, etc. Also, you can put timetables on certain things - like 'this thing will happen or i will have this by such and such a date." Obviously, this timetable thing can only work for certain situations, but you get my drift - Rome wasn't built in a day. But faith and belief that you will receive them are the biggest keys to all of it. Thats the hardest part. Also, not to dwell on it too much though, she recommended giving yourself time in the morning, or before bedtime to REALLY focus on these things. And not to worry about how they come to be - that we will be led to them through circumstance of our thoughts or something like that. And yes, being grateful to God, (or whatever higher power you may believe in, for me, its God) and do no harm, and wish no harm upon others, and to forgive those who have wronged us and ask forgiveness for anyone we may have wronged. Because, God forgives us, so how can we expect forgiveness and be thankful and grateful if we are unwilling to do the same.
I think your idea using pinterest is a good one. For my vision board, I just went out and bought poster board and put pictures of family, with pics. of things I want for them, sayings and prayers that I wrote, etc., and pics. of things I want for myself. I hope this helps.

Ok, so i am seriously going to give this another try.