Hey guys,
I know we can sometimes become obsessed with getting readings so I've found that listening to podcasts has actually helped calm my impulsiveness lol. When I drive to work I will usually listen to these on Spotify
Your Psychic Girlfriend I've only
just found them but I listened to "Intuitive Tarot chat with Micah" (I've never read with him but he seems to be a favorite here)
Psychic Evolution *probably my favorite podcast
This one if by world-renowned Psychic Medium Jamie Clark, I don't know that I have a favorite episode he honestly does a great job talking about so many different topics including how psychic readings/mediumship's work for him, bringing in new energy and how different tools of divination work
Psychic TeachersI really like this one and they've been doing this for a decade (podcasting I mean); they dive into tarot, how some authors have actually predicted specific events that happened, how remote viewing really works + a lot of Q&A shows.
I have found that listening to a lot of these has actually helped me grow to be more spiritual and also understand the world of psychics even more. Let me know what you think! or share if you have any other podcasts that you like?