Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

What ever happened to .......

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I have tried the most popular on the boards and they don't work for me.  The few that work the best for me were mentioned here on the boards briefly but faded away because they did not work well for others.  It is a process - you have to go through several to find a couple of good readers that work for you specifically.

I find this forum stops me getting a reading.

I have a few I really trust and went on a cp binge this year first time ever.  Nobody was any good.

Buuuuut I’m happy, have a partner one predicted. Not my original poi and I kind of look at getting a reading then backtrack because I don’t need to know anything.

Everyone has different reasons for calling. For me it’s now that I own my life and decisions.  I’m waiting on nobody or anything.   Life’s too short. 

Professor - Josh was a sensitive soul who just couldn't take the board any more.  He had a lot to add to discussions but sometimes he would cross a line and several members would come down hard on him.  There have been some memorable folks on this board such as lost soul and psychic girls, which were probably the same person.  Satu and Satu PeePee - hilariously funny and irreverent but got kicked off the boards because most on here just did not get her sense of pushed their button to much. And, of course, most recently Dolphin and her alter ego.


--- Quote from: jas on August 12, 2020, 10:55:14 AM ---Professor - Josh was a sensitive soul who just couldn't take the board any more.  He had a lot to add to discussions but sometimes he would cross a line and several members would come down hard on him.  There have been some memorable folks on this board such as lost soul and psychic girls, which were probably the same person.  Satu and Satu PeePee - hilariously funny and irreverent but got kicked off the boards because most on here just did not get her sense of pushed their button to much. And, of course, most recently Dolphin and her alter ego.

--- End quote ---

He would cross a line and others would come down on him? He is not a victim. He couldn’t disagree in a civil manner and routinely resorted to calling us all c***s. Can we not make him out to be a sensitive victim? He was a sexist bully.

Caller - you could be right - I don't know because I never became that heavily invested in the fighting.  However, I did do private chats with him and he really did have a sensitive side.  Professor must have seen that side of him because as she stated she came to his defense on occasion. 


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