Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Feeling confused after ''confronting'' Ezmaralda about her prediction in 2018.

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Even if she’s right and you have an 80% chance of breaking up, that also means you have a 20% chance you won’t. We had a 100% chance of rain yesterday and it was bright and sunny all day. Doesn’t look like it’s going to rain today either. Maybe the “time frame shifted” for the rain or it met another woman and decided to go rain somewhere else.
I honestly don’t think many psychics really understand how statistics work. I view it as a huge red flag when psychics say %. It makes me believe they are making things up. Next time ask you are given a percentage, ask what the standard deviation is of that information as well so you could perform your own conclusion. 

Just as a classic stat example:
In a school, 100 students in class A scored an average of 85% with a standard deviation of 3%. Another 100 students belonging to class B scored an average of 87% with a standard deviation of 4%. While the average of class B is better than that of class A, it may not be correct to jump to the conclusion that the overall performance of students in class B is better than that of students in class A.  This is due to variability within the results. In this case, you would do a t-test to get a better answer to determine which class scored better.

I had a professor tell us once the only things we know are 100% are death and taxes.
Trust yourself and the actual conversations you are your partner are having. Have you ever heard a psychic say, "well this is it and if you break up that is it you will be alone forever."? No. They always tell you someone else is coming if this one doesn't work out. You can create our own reality. It is also completely healthy and normal for couples to go to therapy first before deciding to get married. This could be an option in case you are worried there are any blind spots you aren't seeing. 

I don't know if you are into the healing arts but I recently started getting reiki and have found it helpful. There's several on youtube posting free sessions. I really like Lune. This session below is about twin flames and soulmates.

Let it go, enjoy your relationship


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