Author Topic: Recommendations  (Read 13777 times)

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2021, 02:56:22 AM »
She could not have got the outcome more wrong, was nothing close to reality.

Didn’t she also mention that more than once, she couldn’t connect with you, refunded you more than once, and that during the one reading she went forward with you, that she was still having trouble yet tried anyway because you wanted her to? Regardless, based on what you mentioned in her thread, it sounds more like you’re assuming he’s wrong, rather than putting forth the possibility that she could just be meaning someone in the future as well. I see so many people like you saying such bold statements and end up taking back their word. I think you’re rather short-sighted regarding her predictions and are trying to make things fit, as a lot of those here do, then come back years later saying they were wrong and yona was right, just with another person. She reads in a series of events. I’m sorry if you assumed that she was talking about your current POI. If you mention them and talk to her about it, she’ll likely assume that if the cards say it’s on-going, that she’s referring to your current person. Be open to the fact that she could be reading from a place of “future you”. I personally think you’re wrong and short-sighted, just as a lot of people here seem to be until they come back later saying they were wrong. She doesn’t mix people up. If you say she’s talking about your current POI or you talk about them, she assumes it’s them she’s reading. She reads from, for example, points D to L. And you could be bringing someone up from point B. You may not have met the person yet. Doesn’t make her wrong, just that she’s assuming the person she’s reading about is the person she’s talking about. She’s always right in her predictions, but your (or her) assumption that she’s reading about your current person, may not be accurate. But she’s always right.

I'm saying this is a nice way... but what is your attachment to Yona? "But she's always right" .....

I've never read with Yona. but no reader is always right

I am honestly flabbergasted.

Lolol - such passion in that response!!! And a bit out of left field !

Offline whimerj

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2021, 03:48:30 AM »
She could not have got the outcome more wrong, was nothing close to reality.

Didn’t she also mention that more than once, she couldn’t connect with you, refunded you more than once, and that during the one reading she went forward with you, that she was still having trouble yet tried anyway because you wanted her to? Regardless, based on what you mentioned in her thread, it sounds more like you’re assuming he’s wrong, rather than putting forth the possibility that she could just be meaning someone in the future as well. I see so many people like you saying such bold statements and end up taking back their word. I think you’re rather short-sighted regarding her predictions and are trying to make things fit, as a lot of those here do, then come back years later saying they were wrong and yona was right, just with another person. She reads in a series of events. I’m sorry if you assumed that she was talking about your current POI. If you mention them and talk to her about it, she’ll likely assume that if the cards say it’s on-going, that she’s referring to your current person. Be open to the fact that she could be reading from a place of “future you”. I personally think you’re wrong and short-sighted, just as a lot of people here seem to be until they come back later saying they were wrong. She doesn’t mix people up. If you say she’s talking about your current POI or you talk about them, she assumes it’s them she’s reading. She reads from, for example, points D to L. And you could be bringing someone up from point B. You may not have met the person yet. Doesn’t make her wrong, just that she’s assuming the person she’s reading about is the person she’s talking about. She’s always right in her predictions, but your (or her) assumption that she’s reading about your current person, may not be accurate. But she’s always right.

I'm saying this is a nice way... but what is your attachment to Yona? "But she's always right" .....

I've never read with Yona. but no reader is always right

I am honestly flabbergasted.

Lolol - such passion in that response!!! And a bit out of left field !

The only reason that “no reader is ever right” is because either, they’re not very good readers (most touted here aren’t. Kisha, queen of cups, abundant visions, I could go on... they are far from good readers and get little things here and there. Much of which can be chocked up to coincidence.) or either they’re liars. Yona has a great record at interpreting which most readers here do not. Don’t get caught up in the false hype. Some might pick out some things, but they often get big things wrong because they’re honestly not great at what they do. If they’re a genuine and GOOD psychic, the information and symbols they get from spirit are always right, but their interpretation may be off. But as stated, Yona is top-notch for interpretation compared to those touted about here. I’ve noticed a silly trend here and it’s that when one reader is popular, people like to say “oh she could be wrong” or shit on them because they’re popular. Sorry, but it’s like some of you actively want her to be wrong. And I’m telling you she’s always right. But her interpretations of who or when could be wrong because as she told me, she only knows certain energies and only knows what she gets from spirit, and what she’s told from clients (the given information about their person of interest at that time) So she connects and assumes that what’s coming up is your current person of interest, when it may not be.

By all means continue believing what you believe but you’ll see in time that what I say is accurate. But if it brings you comfort to believe your “no reader is fully accurate” assessment, then by all means believe that. But if Yona says something, it will happen. What she gets is always right, that’s been shown. However it may be with someone else than you (or she) is assuming the person is. But please continue believing that ridiculous cliche that’s only there to provided excuses for being wrong. I’ve been at this game for well over a decade to know my shit. Peace.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 03:55:35 AM by whimerj »


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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2021, 05:15:09 AM »
As far as I can see, I now know the final outcome for this situation. If it changes, I will update.

Ari (Bitwine) about 30%/40% right
Stephanie Theresa (various) absolutely wrong
Totem Aion (kasamba mostly) about 50% right
Effie K (kasamba mostly) - 50/60% right
Danielle (kasamba) - 40ish% correct
Spirit Amy (kasamba) - wrong
Victoria White (Purple) - somewhat right but mostly wrong 
Yona Farrell - totally wrong and so off
Ashura (Purple) - completely wrong
Jewels (Purple) - totally wrong
Vicki stars (Purple and bitwine) - also couldn’t be more wrong
Jennifer W (kasamba) - WRONG
Leila (PS) - about half right
Delia (PS)- WRONG
Psychic Diva (Fiverr) - completely wrong
Hipatia (various) - wrong
Qoc (keen) - mostly correct
Michelle Caporale (keen) - wrong 
Psychic Natasha (Purple)- wrong
Judi’s inner light (keen) - sooooooo wrong
Spiritualist reader AKA Cookie (keen) - mostly wrong

so kassie performed the best?
50% is still quite low though
i actually like her, i talked to her quite often but 99% about business, its like 80% accurate

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2021, 01:38:33 PM »
So basically most storefront readers were WRONG on the OUTCOME except an EMPATH (QOC) and some KASAMBA & BITWINE readers. Okay, it could be true! I'm just puzzled...some readers have persentages some have a plain comment. A 40 or 50% of things passing does not mean anything and neither is considered a success rate imo. They are too mostly wrong! Truthfromrosie I understand that eventually NO READER nailed or was for the most of it correct on your situation. I'm sorry for your negative experience.

What do you mean “it could be true”? Lol why would I come on here and lie about it? Seriously. What is puzzling about the way I decided to rate? Some readers were around the halfway so it was easier to give a percentage and others weren’t at all which made quantifying it harder and it was easier to call them wrong except QOC who was over halfway correct with outcome but said lots of wrong things along the way.

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2021, 01:48:51 PM »
She could not have got the outcome more wrong, was nothing close to reality.

Didn’t she also mention that more than once, she couldn’t connect with you, refunded you more than once, and that during the one reading she went forward with you, that she was still having trouble yet tried anyway because you wanted her to? Regardless, based on what you mentioned in her thread, it sounds more like you’re assuming he’s wrong, rather than putting forth the possibility that she could just be meaning someone in the future as well. I see so many people like you saying such bold statements and end up taking back their word. I think you’re rather short-sighted regarding her predictions and are trying to make things fit, as a lot of those here do, then come back years later saying they were wrong and yona was right, just with another person. She reads in a series of events. I’m sorry if you assumed that she was talking about your current POI. If you mention them and talk to her about it, she’ll likely assume that if the cards say it’s on-going, that she’s referring to your current person. Be open to the fact that she could be reading from a place of “future you”. I personally think you’re wrong and short-sighted, just as a lot of people here seem to be until they come back later saying they were wrong. She doesn’t mix people up. If you say she’s talking about your current POI or you talk about them, she assumes it’s them she’s reading. She reads from, for example, points D to L. And you could be bringing someone up from point B. You may not have met the person yet. Doesn’t make her wrong, just that she’s assuming the person she’s reading about is the person she’s talking about. She’s always right in her predictions, but your (or her) assumption that she’s reading about your current person, may not be accurate. But she’s always right.

I'm saying this is a nice way... but what is your attachment to Yona? "But she's always right" .....

I've never read with Yona. but no reader is always right

I am honestly flabbergasted.

Lolol - such passion in that response!!! And a bit out of left field !

The only reason that “no reader is ever right” is because either, they’re not very good readers (most touted here aren’t. Kisha, queen of cups, abundant visions, I could go on... they are far from good readers and get little things here and there. Much of which can be chocked up to coincidence.) or either they’re liars. Yona has a great record at interpreting which most readers here do not. Don’t get caught up in the false hype. Some might pick out some things, but they often get big things wrong because they’re honestly not great at what they do. If they’re a genuine and GOOD psychic, the information and symbols they get from spirit are always right, but their interpretation may be off. But as stated, Yona is top-notch for interpretation compared to those touted about here. I’ve noticed a silly trend here and it’s that when one reader is popular, people like to say “oh she could be wrong” or shit on them because they’re popular. Sorry, but it’s like some of you actively want her to be wrong. And I’m telling you she’s always right. But her interpretations of who or when could be wrong because as she told me, she only knows certain energies and only knows what she gets from spirit, and what she’s told from clients (the given information about their person of interest at that time) So she connects and assumes that what’s coming up is your current person of interest, when it may not be.

By all means continue believing what you believe but you’ll see in time that what I say is accurate. But if it brings you comfort to believe your “no reader is fully accurate” assessment, then by all means believe that. But if Yona says something, it will happen. What she gets is always right, that’s been shown. However it may be with someone else than you (or she) is assuming the person is. But please continue believing that ridiculous cliche that’s only there to provided excuses for being wrong. I’ve been at this game for well over a decade to know my shit. Peace.

I don’t even have the energy for this. You have lost your shit on Yona’s thread at people getting so angry saying that she says exactly what she means and you are sick people acting like her words need decoding when she is clear.

“ Jesus you all are fucking insane. Sincerely. Live your life, listen to the fucking words that are coming from yonas mouth because she says EXACTLY what she means with no fucking annoying ass coded messages or some silly shit like that. She says exactly what she means. Otherwise, why the FUCK would she be reading at all?! She’d effectively be spreading bullshit if she spoke in code.”

Yet here you are telling me Yona was wrong about the person and situation she said she was reading about and you know better. Wrong about what is and is not accurate in my life which you know nothing about. You and one other user who needs no introduction are absolutely cray (respectfully) and should vent and rant to each other somewhere else.  Peace indeed.

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2021, 01:52:27 PM »
As far as I can see, I now know the final outcome for this situation. If it changes, I will update.

Ari (Bitwine) about 30%/40% right
Stephanie Theresa (various) absolutely wrong
Totem Aion (kasamba mostly) about 50% right
Effie K (kasamba mostly) - 50/60% right
Danielle (kasamba) - 40ish% correct
Spirit Amy (kasamba) - wrong
Victoria White (Purple) - somewhat right but mostly wrong 
Yona Farrell - totally wrong and so off
Ashura (Purple) - completely wrong
Jewels (Purple) - totally wrong
Vicki stars (Purple and bitwine) - also couldn’t be more wrong
Jennifer W (kasamba) - WRONG
Leila (PS) - about half right
Delia (PS)- WRONG
Psychic Diva (Fiverr) - completely wrong
Hipatia (various) - wrong
Qoc (keen) - mostly correct
Michelle Caporale (keen) - wrong 
Psychic Natasha (Purple)- wrong
Judi’s inner light (keen) - sooooooo wrong
Spiritualist reader AKA Cookie (keen) - mostly wrong

so kassie performed the best?
50% is still quite low though
i actually like her, i talked to her quite often but 99% about business, its like 80% accurate

I would say on proper overall outcome QoC got it most right but along the way she said lots of things that weren’t right at all. Kassie was consistent in readings then flip flopped, her second outcome was more correct but yeah, she was still only about half right, one half she didn’t pick up at all.

Offline whimerj

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2021, 05:27:45 PM »
She could not have got the outcome more wrong, was nothing close to reality.

Didn’t she also mention that more than once, she couldn’t connect with you, refunded you more than once, and that during the one reading she went forward with you, that she was still having trouble yet tried anyway because you wanted her to? Regardless, based on what you mentioned in her thread, it sounds more like you’re assuming he’s wrong, rather than putting forth the possibility that she could just be meaning someone in the future as well. I see so many people like you saying such bold statements and end up taking back their word. I think you’re rather short-sighted regarding her predictions and are trying to make things fit, as a lot of those here do, then come back years later saying they were wrong and yona was right, just with another person. She reads in a series of events. I’m sorry if you assumed that she was talking about your current POI. If you mention them and talk to her about it, she’ll likely assume that if the cards say it’s on-going, that she’s referring to your current person. Be open to the fact that she could be reading from a place of “future you”. I personally think you’re wrong and short-sighted, just as a lot of people here seem to be until they come back later saying they were wrong. She doesn’t mix people up. If you say she’s talking about your current POI or you talk about them, she assumes it’s them she’s reading. She reads from, for example, points D to L. And you could be bringing someone up from point B. You may not have met the person yet. Doesn’t make her wrong, just that she’s assuming the person she’s reading about is the person she’s talking about. She’s always right in her predictions, but your (or her) assumption that she’s reading about your current person, may not be accurate. But she’s always right.

I'm saying this is a nice way... but what is your attachment to Yona? "But she's always right" .....

I've never read with Yona. but no reader is always right

I am honestly flabbergasted.

Lolol - such passion in that response!!! And a bit out of left field !

The only reason that “no reader is ever right” is because either, they’re not very good readers (most touted here aren’t. Kisha, queen of cups, abundant visions, I could go on... they are far from good readers and get little things here and there. Much of which can be chocked up to coincidence.) or either they’re liars. Yona has a great record at interpreting which most readers here do not. Don’t get caught up in the false hype. Some might pick out some things, but they often get big things wrong because they’re honestly not great at what they do. If they’re a genuine and GOOD psychic, the information and symbols they get from spirit are always right, but their interpretation may be off. But as stated, Yona is top-notch for interpretation compared to those touted about here. I’ve noticed a silly trend here and it’s that when one reader is popular, people like to say “oh she could be wrong” or shit on them because they’re popular. Sorry, but it’s like some of you actively want her to be wrong. And I’m telling you she’s always right. But her interpretations of who or when could be wrong because as she told me, she only knows certain energies and only knows what she gets from spirit, and what she’s told from clients (the given information about their person of interest at that time) So she connects and assumes that what’s coming up is your current person of interest, when it may not be.

By all means continue believing what you believe but you’ll see in time that what I say is accurate. But if it brings you comfort to believe your “no reader is fully accurate” assessment, then by all means believe that. But if Yona says something, it will happen. What she gets is always right, that’s been shown. However it may be with someone else than you (or she) is assuming the person is. But please continue believing that ridiculous cliche that’s only there to provided excuses for being wrong. I’ve been at this game for well over a decade to know my shit. Peace.

I don’t even have the energy for this. You have lost your shit on Yona’s thread at people getting so angry saying that she says exactly what she means and you are sick people acting like her words need decoding when she is clear.

“ Jesus you all are fucking insane. Sincerely. Live your life, listen to the fucking words that are coming from yonas mouth because she says EXACTLY what she means with no fucking annoying ass coded messages or some silly shit like that. She says exactly what she means. Otherwise, why the FUCK would she be reading at all?! She’d effectively be spreading bullshit if she spoke in code.”

Yet here you are telling me Yona was wrong about the person and situation she said she was reading about and you know better. Wrong about what is and is not accurate in my life which you know nothing about. You and one other user who needs no introduction are absolutely cray (respectfully) and should vent and rant to each other somewhere else.  Peace indeed.

LOL. You’re retarded. So many idiots here who say that Yona’s readings didn’t come to pass because they don’t give it enough time. They then come back and get apologetic and say she was correct. You’re so fucking short-sighted and you’re ignorant. You’ll learn in time. This forum is filled with impatient idiots who make assumptions because what has been predicted outlasts the timeframe they’d accept it in. You’re a newbie. You’re a novice. You’re not “there” yet. You don’t know any better. But you will.

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2021, 05:36:26 PM »
I am far from a newbie and a novice.

You are a weirdly combative, antagonistic, unhinged, chaotic, hypocritical, deranged and OBSESSED lunatic X2. A match made in absolute hell, I am glad that you have found each other. I have not a word more to say to either of you.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 05:41:01 PM by Truthfromrosie »

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Recommendations
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2021, 12:46:33 AM »

You asked who PD is in a thread that doesn't correspond to her. This is her DEAD thread due to her complete inaccuracy!!!

PD is a so called reader (scammer) who goes by the name of psychic Diva. Search her thread.
Check SPS reviews forum and you will know about her scam for years on end under different shops, opening and closing and not refunding customers after she did not deliver readings.
She has a very lovely subject in there due to the about 1,000 shops she has had. "Psychic Diva - Median Zaira - Nadia - Cytheria - Psychic Anne - Nina Dia - Fiverr Etsy Shop PsyCy - Cyh5 - tpsylighthouse - Occult boutique"

PD's thread is DEAD due to her inaccuracy and now the psychos come to Yona's thread to talk about PD.

See attached!

Just quoting this for future use when you start yelling at people not to tell you what to do.

Anyway, moving on.