Author Topic: Ok everyone I don't want you guys wasting money. So here is a list of "Don't"  (Read 45873 times)

Offline MikeNY

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Re: Ok everyone I don't want you guys wasting money. So here is a list of "Don't"
« Reply #60 on: September 20, 2020, 01:23:53 AM »
I can't afford it.  I give up.

Offline court1130

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Re: Ok everyone I don't want you guys wasting money. So here is a list of "Don't"
« Reply #61 on: September 20, 2020, 01:58:58 AM »
I can't afford it.  I give up.

I totally feel for you and sometimes the more we do read with people, the more confused and frustrated we become, especially when they're wrong....I do hope things get better for you and you're finally able to heal. Also, was there ever anyone you spoke to that ended up being right or did you solely read on CP?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 02:03:03 AM by court1130 »

Offline MikeNY

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I don't even know. I feel everyone was wrong

Offline calista

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Do CP readers tend to give positive predictions?
I read through the forums here and then spoke to Venus, Jeremiah and Callie. All three have given me the same outcome with Jeremiah's timeline being shorter than the others.

Venus and Callie were more balanced with their prediction than Jeremiah. He does seem very honest though and I did not provide any information to him other than my name.

I am curious to hear what you all think?

Offline TeaAndCookies

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I tried Venus and Callie a while ago. Callie was so wrong about my situation that I hung up, called customer service and asked for a refund. Venus was one of the rudest people I ever spoke to on that line. The number of rude a$$holes on there is shocking.  I never tried Jeremiah. There are only three readers I speak to (and much less frequently than I used to): Cleo, Tulsa, Jaiden.

Offline hope36

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I've spent around 3k on CP and gave up. Not ONE person was correct. Nope, nada, no more CP or Keen or bitwine for me.
I only read with Kisha and Yona now, and am way less anxious.. and happier and richer.. lol!

Offline Anon

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I felt the damaging effects sometime ago on the amount of money spent on these minute by minute phone charges. Never again do I want to be in that position. You'll never be able to save, unless you have loads of disposable income, which could've been spent on a holiday.

Offline calista

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I tried Venus and Callie a while ago. Callie was so wrong about my situation that I hung up, called customer service and asked for a refund. Venus was one of the rudest people I ever spoke to on that line. The number of rude a$$holes on there is shocking.  I never tried Jeremiah. There are only three readers I speak to (and much less frequently than I used to): Cleo, Tulsa, Jaiden.

@TeaandCookies I just read with Cleo and it was honestly the worst reading I have had on CP. She kept rambling, would talk over me and threw out so many random facts that it could apply to anyone. I am pretty disappointed and got a refund. I'm curious as to why so many people on here think Cleo is awesome.

I have gotten much better information from Venus, Jeremiah and Luna

Offline TeaAndCookies

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@calista that sucks.  :(  I’m sorry you had a crappy reading with her.  I hate it when time and money are wasted like that. I check in with her about once a month. There was a time when I was calling her more frequently (before she got to the $10/min tier) and the readings were hit or miss. She’s  good with present situations. She got relevant details that I hadn’t shared with anyone.  I’m not sure about predictions yet.

How was Luna? I called her once for mediumship and a general reading. She was a good medium but other stuff was completely wrong.

Offline calista

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FEb 6, 2021: Luna is a fail in my book, no prediction has happened so far.

Luna got the current stuff right and made some predictions which I will have to wait for in January. I will come back and post on the outcomes then.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2021, 11:05:21 PM by calista »