Author Topic: Matthew Hussey - Someone cannot be ‘the one’ for me if they do not choose me  (Read 3119 times)

Offline njlady

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I love this guy.  He blows through every excuse for this behavior.

Offline Psyche1111

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He's great. I like his videos and advice. I've used many of his texting and communication techniques and they do work.

Offline HornetKick

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Yeah he does blow through ever excuses but I'd love to ask him then why do women continue to make excuses especially about love.
The guy treats her like shit, she loves him.
The guy abuses her mentally/physically, she claims he is her soulmate.
The guy doesn't return her phone calls, she claims they have a deep connection.
The guy ghosts her, she worships him.
The guy invests an hour here, a night time there, she invests a lifetimes worth.

Offline Piggynose

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Have y’all seen The Single Wives on Netflix? He basically coaches 4 women that are back in the dating world after divorce and loss. It’s pretty interesting.

Offline Watercolors

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Have y’all seen The Single Wives on Netflix? He basically coaches 4 women that are back in the dating world after divorce and loss. It’s pretty interesting.

Thank you for posting about this show. I've never heard of it and am now curious to check it out.

Another guy who gives relationship advice in the same straightforward manner that Matthew does is Derrick Jaxn. Here's a video he did called: IF HE WON’T INVEST IN YOU, THEN HE DOESN’T VALUE YOU!

Offline Piggynose

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You’re welcome 😊 and I’ll check out your recommendation too. Thanks!

Offline HornetKick

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Yeah he does blow through ever excuses but I'd love to ask him then why do women continue to make excuses especially about love.
The guy treats her like shit, she loves him.
The guy abuses her mentally/physically, she claims he is her soulmate.
The guy doesn't return her phone calls, she claims they have a deep connection.
The guy ghosts her, she worships him.
The guy invests an hour here, a night time there, she invests a lifetimes worth.

Low self esteem, past abuse, feeling of being worthless, fear of being alone, egoism, there are a lot of factors. It's not always love that makes women stick to someone. Sometimes we can't even tell if it is love or plain pride. I think our brain is functioning in that mode, we might be dissatisfied in a relationship but when we lose that a**hole we tend to only bring in memory the nice times and be anxious we might kicked a chance. My therapist once mentioned that it is quite common that women turn to their exes because it is easier to do so instead of pursuing a new connection, because you basically go blind folded there. I think we are just insane  ;D ;D ;D ;D no offense lol
None taken but it's never love that makes women stick to someone abusive or who isn't cognitive of their partners' needs. Just being with someone is enough for some (so what this equates to is they would rather have anything than nothing). Often times many women mistake one emotion _____ (fill in the blank here) for love although someone may point out (like a family member or close friend) that person doesn't treat them right. It's exhausting watching someone go through this.

Offline Psyche1111

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Yeah he does blow through ever excuses but I'd love to ask him then why do women continue to make excuses especially about love.
The guy treats her like shit, she loves him.
The guy abuses her mentally/physically, she claims he is her soulmate.
The guy doesn't return her phone calls, she claims they have a deep connection.
The guy ghosts her, she worships him.
The guy invests an hour here, a night time there, she invests a lifetimes worth.

This is a loaded question. I think as women we are taught if a man calls you, texts you, pursues you, then that means he really likes you. The problem is some guys are really good players. Some men really know exactly what to say to a woman. (Even if they aren't that "hot" some dudes are sooo smooth.) A cousin of mine (whos a total player and I've told him) said part of his "game" is ghosting and not texting back for a while because it makes the woman more interested in him. This is how gambling addiction works on the brain. Keeps you guessing but get a rush of dopamine when you win.
Then there are the "nice guys." Often times these nice guys don't through their hat in the ring or know what to say etc .... so as women we think these guys aren't interested and fall for the players. When I was in high school I found out the last day of school senior year this guy (who never tried to ask me out or act interested) had a massive crush on me for years. Honestly, I wish he had somehow made it more known to me. I went out with so many jerks!

Offline njlady

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Yeah he does blow through ever excuses but I'd love to ask him then why do women continue to make excuses especially about love.
The guy treats her like shit, she loves him.
The guy abuses her mentally/physically, she claims he is her soulmate.
The guy doesn't return her phone calls, she claims they have a deep connection.
The guy ghosts her, she worships him.
The guy invests an hour here, a night time there, she invests a lifetimes worth.

You can lead a horse to water ....

He can't make anyone take his advice or use his techniques but if someone is ready to change, come across him and listens to what he has to say, they will recognize themselves and hopefully put his words into their actions.