Author Topic: Things to do other than Call  (Read 6145 times)

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Things to do other than Call
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:47:05 AM »
Hello All,

I was just wondering what are some of the things that you do instead of getting readings?  For those that have been successful in kicking the P habit, how did you do it?

When the urge hits me now, I am starting to wait before calling and think of something else to do.   Massage, exercise, read a magazine etc.  This seems to help and I am noticing the difference.  I tell myself, do you really want to waste money on a BS story that could confuse you more??

Maybe we could start a thread on "Things to do instead of calling a P"

Thanks and have a great day!!    ;) ;)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 01:58:40 AM »

This is a great idea!!  I have found myself reading the blogs for some of the readers.  They are quite interesting and actually it has helped me some.  Though this week I have backslide in the worst way.  :-\
I love the blog for Dr. Donna on the Keen site.  She is a very insightful woman.  She doesn't take new callers - but I am enjoying her writings.  Trust me... they are not for the faint of heart.
I would love to hear what other people do when they are bound and determined to get a reading.  I went for a walk today and it seemed to help also.


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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2012, 04:58:12 AM »
I think it is safe to say that I have officially kicked the habit! I had been getting readings off and on for many years and really only a handful of the hundreds of readings contained predictions that actually came true.

When I first started out trying to quit when I wanted to call I would go to one of those free tarot reading sites and do my own reading. That would hold me off for long enough to think about the fact that I could be given false hope again as I had so many times before or left more confused and wanting to call more psychics. Not to knock reading the advisors blogs but for me they just made me want to call that reader more, if it was someone who said not to call so much or offered any type of advice I liked then I would think they were honest and I'd want to hear what they thought about my situation. I am a total skeptic now and believe that with some of these psychics even their blogs are a tactic to recruit if people thought the way I did, but I know everyone doesn't see them that way and if they help that is great.

The best thing I did was to close my Keen account completely. I would delete my credit cards which would sometimes help because by the time I would physically go get the card and manually type in all the info again the urge would usually be gone because I had time to think that if I took the card off it was for good reason. But there were some times where I would still retype the info and get myself in line so shutting it down all the way eliminated that. Also, staying away from the site reading feedback was very necessary for me. When I would go to type in Keen I would find another site to go to, mostly YouTube laughing at comedy sketches lol, or get off the computer all together.
Another thing I did was to make a list of how much money I was spending. Somehow I convinced myself that it is only $50 bucks, I'd justify it by thinking that was just one less dinner at a restaurant or a mani/pedi I would do without that month. But it wasn't only $50 when I was getting reading after reading. On my statement, the calls would show up in between other transactions so I never had them all together and even though Keen shows transaction details they never show a total. Actually writing down on a piece of paper the amount of every call and calculating the total was eye opening to say the least. I was fortunate enough that I did not get behind on bills but most of my discretionary money was going to calls so I would be at home more often because I did not have money to go out with and sitting at home browsing Keen was the problem to begin with. I would keep that paper handy and look at it every time I wanted to call. At the top of the page I wrote down all the things I wanted to do with my money i.e. pay off my car loan, go on a vacation, etc. It also helped me to write down how I felt when predictions did not happen, even something as simple as "this sucks" or "I feel like crap" on a calender a week after a passed timeframe. Writing the feelings mostly helped me to not call back psychics that I liked just because I liked their personality or they got a few past or present things right, what mattered was that they were wrong about their future predictions.

Finally, one day I was driving (where all of my "epiphanies" come from haha) and at a red light there was a bumper sticker on the car in front of me that said "Why did the chicken cross the road? None of your @#$%^ business." I kept staring at it to the point that the light turned green and the car behind me started honking. It made me think how would I feel if someone was calling a psychic asking them about what I felt and thought. I would be beyond livid and actually feel like my privacy was being violated. It is none of my business how my ex and his girlfriend are getting along or why he/she got the promotion. So I asked myself why am I prying for info that is not being given by a willing participant and paying for it at that? Something about it just doesn't sit right with me anymore. So many people live their lives without having advice from a psychic and they are perfectly fine. Thats where intuition which had never failed me until I started making these calls comes into play and I think the more I called psychics the more I started to stop trusting my own intuition and relying on them. I got angry, I wanted my power back!! Had I not gotten angry and kept feeling sorry for myself I would have never got to the point I am at now.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 05:27:00 AM »
Kindred - Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.  You have given us all some really good advice and ideas on how not to call.  You may be right about some of the blogs.  I haven't read that many, but I do really like Dr. Donna's.  She says to take your power back.  That if we would speak up and ask for what we want from whoever it is we are having issues with, then nobody would even have to call a psychic. That we have to tell people what we expect from them, what we really want/need and give them an opportunity to meet our needs.  That people aren't mind readers.  That so often we don't speak up and ask the important questions because we are afraid we will lose that person. She just really hit home with me with so much that she has written. I'm sure there are many readers that aren't honest and are just promoting.
I really like your advice about adding up how much we are really spending on these sights.  You are right - none of these places total up the amount you have spent.  They don't want us to see it in black and white. 

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 09:07:03 AM »
Wow! What a cool thread! Great idea!

I've started to spend my time reading a lot of books on how to manifest and visualize the life I want.  I figure maybe I won't need to call a psychic to tell me where my life is heading if I'm going to take the wheel and start steering it where I want to be. 

I've also had to force myself to get out with friends - the ones I'd started to avoid because they were tired of hearing my sob stories.... and the ones that I'd NEVER tell about the extent of my psychic addiction! It feels good to just get out and away from the computer that linked me to these psychics!

I'm not brave enough to count the money up that I've spent. I truly just do not want to know. There were times when my favorite readers would post on their sites that they wouldn't be available for a week or two because they were going on some amazing vacation.  I'd think to myself - they can afford this because they're taking mine and other people's money in exchange for lies and fairytales... and how I could do a two week amazing vacation too if I'd quit calling them!!!!  Might be another idea something to do other than call -start planning and pre-paying on a great get-away!

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 01:13:32 PM »
This is a wonderful idea. Things I did to stop calling......1. Adding up what I spent calling for BS stories.  2. Remembering that I still have a life to live and I was wasting time on the phone to psychics. 3. Making improvements to my home, like a new hot tub, which will be finished very soon. 4. Noticing that with the money saved and not spent on psychics, I could have a great steak meal or go out more often instead of sitting at home being miserable. 5. Spending more time with my sons, enjoying movies or cooking or just great conversations. 6.Planning my flower garden for the springtime and also my veggie garden. 7.More time for real friends and for helping anyone that is in need of some sort of help, whether it be getting through the loss of a family member or just needing a ride to the grocery store. 8. Spending more time on ME. Taking care of myself with regular pedicures and manicures, I do it myself but it still makes me feel good. Daily lotioning of my body, which I had really ignored cause I was so busy looking up new psychics. And also just taking better care of my house and the cleaning. Amazing how you can fall behind in the daily things when youre so obsessed with finding the "right" psychic.
Good luck to all and enjoy your day.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 10:41:11 PM »
Daily lotioning of my body, which I had really ignored cause I was so busy looking up new psychics. And also just taking better care of my house and the cleaning. Amazing how you can fall behind in the daily things when youre so obsessed with finding the "right" psychic.

I gotta tell you, I failed on this miserably the past two winters. Even shaving, I'd think hell it's winter and I'm not wearing shorts, who cares? Now I look at my hands (after investing in top notch stuff I love) and think they look too wrinkled for my age and wonder if I damaged them by neglecting them and the rest of my body during that time.

The stupid thing was that for teh 3 months before he stopped talking to me, I had gotten super organized in my house and life and felt more together than I had in years. The fact I allowed this man to take over my emotions so much really upsets me.

As far as not calling, I had a friend I used to email a lot but she whigged on me last summer and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. The things she said were just completely toxic and I realized I didn't need to deal with that on top of everything else. So after that, when I got the urges to call or when "something would happen" and I felt like I needed an explanation, I'd just sit back for a day or so and usually I'd calm down. Or his mom would call and just spit something out that explained it all lol

As more than one psychic told me, I have the answers within me. I just needed to be ready to move on in my own time.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 10:43:33 PM by sunandmoon »


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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 07:35:52 AM »
@wish. I am glad that Dr. Donna's blogs resonate with you and have been helpful. Adding up how much I spent literally left me feeling sick to my stomach. Keen only lets you see back a year worth of transactions so what I counted up wasn't even all of it because I had been getting readings so long. They took what seemed like forever (4 days lol) to close my account too and then had the nerve to email me saying they hope that I will be able to use their services in the future, umm no thanks haha.

@4ever. That is so true how much I neglected myself and my surroundings. I love cooking and I was to the point where I would just pick up fast food or eat a microwave dinner instead of taking the time to make a nutritious meal because I was waiting by the phone for a callback, heaven forbid I have to get back in line after waiting three days because I was busy cooking and I needed to talk to Sincerity as soon as possible. I was a mess! And don't get me started on my cuticles, lets just say there was nothing cute about them lol.

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Re: Things to do other than Call
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2012, 11:22:53 PM »
After going on several frenzies and undoubtedly pushing things way back, I've been avoiding doing too much calling, sticking with just Nancy and Seha on occasion (she's made some big, significant predictions for me, though I know she hasn't worked for others).  Ideally, I might be able to disengage from the psychics completely, and wouldn't that be grand?

In the meanwhile, to keep my mind off of everything, I decided I should take up a new instrument.  I already play the clarinet and that's been helpful too, but there's something about working through the frustrations of getting the hang of a brand new instrument that keeps you from thinking about anything else.

...So I got a $5 recorder.  It sounds silly (and I felt kind of silly at the time), but it's actually been pretty effective.  It's much harder than I thought to keep your tone consistent playing it, very unlike the clarinet where the reed does a lot of the work for you.  Not so with this freaking piece of plastic that even ELEMENTARY school kids can play.

i've also found that coloring (like coloring books - I'm very serious) helps too. Now, don't get me wrong - I am not going the little kid route of my own volition; I picked up the recorder initially to learn enough so when my niece is a little older I can teach it to her before we start working on the piano and clarinet, and the coloring is just something we do together, but even if I partake of these activities solo I've found it helps tremendously.

...I feel a little silly now, but then sometimes doing silly things is what makes you feel better.  I plan on trying to get her to start playing with bubbles next weekend - I wonder if that will be another breakthrough.  ;D
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 11:24:41 PM by Somnus »

