After going on several frenzies and undoubtedly pushing things way back, I've been avoiding doing too much calling, sticking with just Nancy and Seha on occasion (she's made some big, significant predictions for me, though I know she hasn't worked for others). Ideally, I might be able to disengage from the psychics completely, and wouldn't that be grand?
In the meanwhile, to keep my mind off of everything, I decided I should take up a new instrument. I already play the clarinet and that's been helpful too, but there's something about working through the frustrations of getting the hang of a brand new instrument that keeps you from thinking about anything else.
...So I got a $5 recorder. It sounds silly (and I felt kind of silly at the time), but it's actually been pretty effective. It's much harder than I thought to keep your tone consistent playing it, very unlike the clarinet where the reed does a lot of the work for you. Not so with this freaking piece of plastic that even ELEMENTARY school kids can play.
i've also found that coloring (like coloring books - I'm very serious) helps too. Now, don't get me wrong - I am not going the little kid route of my own volition; I picked up the recorder initially to learn enough so when my niece is a little older I can teach it to her before we start working on the piano and clarinet, and the coloring is just something we do together, but even if I partake of these activities solo I've found it helps tremendously.
...I feel a little silly now, but then sometimes doing silly things is what makes you feel better. I plan on trying to get her to start playing with bubbles next weekend - I wonder if that will be another breakthrough.