First, I wanted to say that calling someone “ looney, wacko, psycho, fanatical” because their beliefs and opinions differs from yours does not make your opinion the only one that matters.
Secondly, I did not judge anyone here, nor did I force anyone to respond to my posting. It was meant to be shared with people who really may need to hear it. Not for those who clearly have an adverse liking of it.
Should I have to silence my opinions because it doesn’t bold well with “veteran” posters? If I do, that would make this forum truly biased if other views cannot be expressed because you have a group of ‘Non-believers’ who would rather not hear anything besides their own voices.
Lastly, if I have a group up in arms simply because I gave a biblical definition of what these “spirit guides” are, and the source of REAL psychic gifts, then clearly there is a reason for it.
If you think my explanation on the source of REAL PSYCHIC ability is psychobabble, irrational etc… then why don’t you asks yourselves a few questions?
1. Do you believe REAL Psychics exist( including mediums)?
2. If so, where do they get their gifts and abilities? ( Is it not a spiritual gift?)
3. Have you heard of a psychic term called “ SPIRIT GUIDES”?
4. Do you believe in Spirit guides? what are they?
Let me leave off by stating, you all are here because, like me, you to believe in real spiritual gifts of psychics, otherwise, why go to a psychic in the first place? With that being said, be honest with yourselves. This isn’t a religious debate, although a few of you turned it into one. And shame on all of the Veterans for making a newbie feel like they can’t express their true thoughts.
P.S: please don’t be the kettles that call the pot black, when you all are going to psychics purely based on the BELIEF that they have “SPECIAL ABILITIES” or that they can “SEE INTO THE FUTURE”. Yet you call me irrational and a looney? A real rational person is able to hear both sides of a story before forming a responsive opinion.