Author Topic: Feeling confused after ''confronting'' Ezmaralda about her prediction in 2018.  (Read 2197 times)

Offline Cancersun22

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Hey, I need advice because I reached out to the first in over a year to the psychic that ''started'' my addiction (I know it's an addiction I put on myself) Her name is Ezmaralda (a swedish psychic)

And I need advice on how to cope with what she said and is it right for her to say these things!?

What she told me back in 2018 23 October. It changed my life.

She said
I get a strong feeling that you will move on on your own.

It blows up the storm - and you make your own decisions

Always be true to yourself - that's the most important thing

You cannot do anything to improve the relationship and the differences that exist between you will become increasingly marked and disturbing.

His personality and in this you cannot count on him changing. 75-80% chance it will happen.

She then went on about if it would happen she saw another man coming in to my life later on and described him.

When I read this back in 2018, I had a mission to turn this around, because I want to be with my partner.

So I started to go to multiple different psychics for around 2 years.

I did ask Ezmaralda time to things like ''If I want to be with my partner and not the man you saw, do I need to meet the other man then?'' She couldn't answer that.

She always said enjoy life, live life be in the present. All the time to me.

So here we are 2020, I reached out to her. I reached out to her because I wanted to see if anything had changed and because I want a peaceful mind. I have been trough hell because of this. I know, I put it on myself but it was the right thing to turn to her.

 I asked about if anything had changed between us and I also explained to her that I have been struggling with the reading she did back in 2018.

This is what she told me.

''It looks more stable now, trust yourself and what you feel.''

Then she went on saying

'' All couples have their controversy sometimes and some of them leads to crises. You and him have good conditions to resolve these crises when it comes. You should live in the now and do what you want and If you really want to invest in you and him then you should absolutely do so!''

After she said that, I thought okay but what about that other man she say in my future... So I asked and she said.

''I don't think I saw this surely, It was more about if you become single in the future, then there will be some other love for you. But it doesn't have to be that way. Enjoy now and feel good.''

But back in 2018 what she said THIS about that other man:

And if so - then I see that you will eventually meet another guy - who is your true soul mate.

I don't see how long it will be before you meet and it could very well be that you have a fling with someone else before then.

However, there is no risk of passing your future love - your meeting is clear and clear in the future

This guy is confident in himself, social and outgoing.

He has solid work with which he enjoys, friends and interests

He travels a lot and you will also do it together

'There is no guy you know today - when you meet it will be for the first time

I do not see him as in a photo and cannot describe his appearance but I see that you think he is attractive and he thinks the same about you

Here is where I need advice.  Like she did say the meeting was clear and that I was going to meet that other man BUT then she says I decide for myself and I can be with my partner if I want. If you've come this far THANK YOU! I don't understand how to interpret her answers and I don't know why she would be this ''fishy'' with her answers now in 2020. You know I have a lot of thoughts in my head now because it's like. Either she is trying to be nice and say '''Live in the moment, it can be you two if you want'' Or it's as simple as it can 100% be me and my partner if i want to.

I don't know this made me feel the same as before kind of.

I need advice on how to cope or take her reading.

Overall about my relationship, We have been together for 2 years now and we're talking about kids and marriage, we're on the same page on almost everything and our relationship is only getting better. We use to have it a little rooky back i 2018 and a thing DID happen that I felt in the moment ''This is the storm Ezmaralda was talking about'' But me and him are past that now.

Thank you!

Offline Watercolors

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Overall about my relationship, We have been together for 2 years now and we're talking about kids and marriage, we're on the same page on almost everything and our relationship is only getting better.

If your relationship is going so well, why are you preoccupied with a reading you got two years ago?

Sounds like this psychic was trying to, repeatedly, impress upon you that you can create your own reality. And you did. You have worked on your relationship and it's turned out well for you. Sure, back in 2018, there probably was a possibility of another man. But, because of the choices you made, you didn't show an interest and focused on your partner instead.

It's so bizarre to me that you believe this psychic has somehow scammed you and is being "fishy" just because the other man she saw for you didn't show up. Why not thank God he didn't? Why not be grateful to know, had you chosen to be single there would have been options for you, but because you chose to stay with your current partnership you still ended up being happy?

Finally, stop looking for reasons to blame other people for whatever doubts or fears you have. Take some responsibility for your life.

Offline Cancersun22

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Overall about my relationship, We have been together for 2 years now and we're talking about kids and marriage, we're on the same page on almost everything and our relationship is only getting better.

If your relationship is going so well, why are you preoccupied with a reading you got two years ago?

Sounds like this psychic was trying to, repeatedly, impress upon you that you can create your own reality. And you did. You have worked on your relationship and it's turned out well for you. Sure, back in 2018, there probably was a possibility of another man. But, because of the choices you made, you didn't show an interest and focused on your partner instead.

It's so bizarre to me that you believe this psychic has somehow scammed you and is being "fishy" just because the other man she saw for you didn't show up. Why not thank God he didn't? Why not be grateful to know, had you chosen to be single there would have been options for you, but because you chose to stay with your current partnership you still ended up being happy?

Finally, stop looking for reasons to blame other people for whatever doubts or fears you have. Take some responsibility for your life.

NO no, I am happy but she said he would show up IF me and my partner sent seperat ways. But she also said two different things and she bow got me confused.

Offline jas

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I am with Watercolor on this......The reader told you that you would meet someone else IF you and your mate split up.  I just don't get the confusion.  Perhaps I am missing the question - you have a good relationship so why continue to question something from two years ago?

Offline Cancersun22

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I am with Watercolor on this......The reader told you that you would meet someone else IF you and your mate split up.  I just don't get the confusion.  Perhaps I am missing the question - you have a good relationship so why continue to question something from two years ago?

Because she told me that she still believe that Its 75-80% chance me and my partner goes separat ways.

Offline Psyche1111

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Even if she’s right and you have an 80% chance of breaking up, that also means you have a 20% chance you won’t. We had a 100% chance of rain yesterday and it was bright and sunny all day. Doesn’t look like it’s going to rain today either. Maybe the “time frame shifted” for the rain or it met another woman and decided to go rain somewhere else.
I honestly don’t think many psychics really understand how statistics work. I view it as a huge red flag when psychics say %. It makes me believe they are making things up. Next time ask you are given a percentage, ask what the standard deviation is of that information as well so you could perform your own conclusion. 

Just as a classic stat example:
In a school, 100 students in class A scored an average of 85% with a standard deviation of 3%. Another 100 students belonging to class B scored an average of 87% with a standard deviation of 4%. While the average of class B is better than that of class A, it may not be correct to jump to the conclusion that the overall performance of students in class B is better than that of students in class A.  This is due to variability within the results. In this case, you would do a t-test to get a better answer to determine which class scored better.

I had a professor tell us once the only things we know are 100% are death and taxes.
Trust yourself and the actual conversations you are your partner are having. Have you ever heard a psychic say, "well this is it and if you break up that is it you will be alone forever."? No. They always tell you someone else is coming if this one doesn't work out. You can create our own reality. It is also completely healthy and normal for couples to go to therapy first before deciding to get married. This could be an option in case you are worried there are any blind spots you aren't seeing. 

I don't know if you are into the healing arts but I recently started getting reiki and have found it helpful. There's several on youtube posting free sessions. I really like Lune. This session below is about twin flames and soulmates.

Offline Rosieroo17

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Let it go, enjoy your relationship