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Are you dwelling?


Hi everyone,
I'm trying to stop my addiction so I was searching Google on how to stop calling psychis and I came across this website that explains how dwelling can cause delays for predictions that psychics tell us

I was feeling weak again and I'm glad I stumbled on that site. I didn't really know if I'm "dwelling," but now that I'm aware that I am it made me snap out of my urge to call someone.


--- Quote from: aquarian on February 27, 2012, 03:22:58 AM ---Hi everyone,
I'm trying to stop my addiction so I was searching Google on how to stop calling psychis and I came across this website that explains how dwelling can cause delays for predictions that psychics tell us

I was feeling weak again and I'm glad I stumbled on that site. I didn't really know if I'm "dwelling," but now that I'm aware that I am it made me snap out of my urge to call someone.

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Excellent site, I'm definitely dwelling just based on one of the sentence given on the site about waking up thinking about the subject and going to sleep with them being the last person on my mind. In fact praying every day to move on is a form of dwelling bc that just means that person is this on your mind that you have to beg the higher realm to release you from them.

I really like this article also, makes a lot of sense in why you shouldn't call a psychic for everything in life big or small and not to call them back to back. It actually reminds me of a member here who called a psychic just to see who was calling her from a blocked number, this is not a personal attack just pointing out the psychic obsessions that many of us here are guilty of.

Actually it was not a blocked number calling and you should really not make assumptions and post them.  Also, at the time it was quite creepy.


--- Quote from: springtime on February 27, 2012, 11:46:44 PM ---Actually it was not a blocked number calling and you should really not make assumptions and post them.  Also, at the time it was quite creepy.

--- End quote ---

I'm not going to argue with you, it wasn't posted to call you out or anything so if that offended you then I apologize but surely a psychic can't tell you who is doing this.


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