Author Topic: ASTROSARAH, COOKIE, OR BARBARA???  (Read 33173 times)

Offline wishfulthinker

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« Reply #30 on: February 29, 2012, 05:33:28 PM »

I am so sorry to hear about all of this.  My heart goes out to you. I know you are probably just in shock with everything that has happened.  OMG, how could things change so quickly?  Why would Chance say something like that to you?  I am angry for you.  He didn't need to tell you personal information that would hurt you so much. 
How could only one psychic (out of all of the ones you consulted) not see any of this coming?  Just be careful you don't go off the deep with calling.  If you need support come on here and we will all try to help you.  :)


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« Reply #31 on: February 29, 2012, 05:46:04 PM »
@Synergy: I am so sorry, I really don't know what to say other than that.

I think I can speak for most when I say we are ALL flabbergasted and saddened. Been following your story, and about your readings and such. And now, well, I know my own heart breaks for you hearing this.

I don't know why things are going so bad for a lot of us right now. Its actually prevented me from calling anyone, though, because I am actually AFRAID of calling anyone - I cannot bear to hear or even think about anymore bad that may come.

Again Synergy, I am so sincerely sorry to hear this.

And say all the negative things you want, no one really has a right to be offended by someone else's experience  - this forum IS for support, so do what ever you need to do -

Offline guesswho

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« Reply #32 on: February 29, 2012, 05:53:26 PM »
OMG Synergy.  I'm so sorry!  Why did Chance have to go into such detail?  That was harsh.  I'm sure he wouldn't want to hear about who you were sleeping with and when.

How could the psychics not pick up on a marriage?!  They couldn't have been dating that long.  It was a co-worker too, so they should have picked up on her energy.

Once again, so sorry to hear this. 

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #33 on: February 29, 2012, 06:03:28 PM »

First of all I am so so so sorry to hear all that and I can truly understand your pain. Its like what has happen to all the guys on this earth. I have felt the similar kind of pain, rejection and very low moments but still you need to be strong and move on. Buckly your seat belts and give a damn to both these guys. Show them what they worth of and just remind yourself that you have got an another luck to find someone worthy of yourself.

I totally understand its all are easy to say but too difficult to follow. I have gone through the psychic rampage this month and so that just you understand how insane I got , I spent 1500 dollars in Feb on this stuff. Can you imagine - 1500 until I saw that yesterday and cancelled my call with Cookie and decided I am not gonna waste even a penny on knowing whether he is coming back or not. I still love him and could never forget him but I will accept whatever life will present me instead of calling these oh-so-wow psychics and try to manipulate the things.

Please , please get over this and talk to all of us here. I feel blessed to join this forum that I got so many virtual friends who can may be understand my pain better than lot I know in personal.

Offline waiting4godot

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« Reply #34 on: February 29, 2012, 06:12:47 PM »
There are so many good people on this board  !- Yes we are here for each other.  Lots of love to all who struggle so that we might find our peace.

Offline positivethoughts2

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« Reply #35 on: February 29, 2012, 06:20:08 PM »
OMG - I'm so sorry to hear this. It is truly shocking. :(
We've all been following your story so feel free to vent and let it all out.

Offline positivethoughts2

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« Reply #36 on: February 29, 2012, 06:30:51 PM »
Also - do you mind sharing what your "psychic posse" said when you shared the news?

Offline Nottakingthebait

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« Reply #37 on: February 29, 2012, 07:16:50 PM »

I am so sorry to hear this! What the hell is wrong with people? I have to question why Chance would try to hurt you so deeply? What is his motivation?  It has always been said that when someone goes out of their way to hurt you or relay how happy they are it is the furthest from the truth.  Is it possible that Chance knew you would not give up on the relationship because of the distance involved, so he fabricated this story?  Could he be taking the "easy" road with the ex?  So many questions because none of it makes sense.  My heart breaks for you too!  Please dont give him the satisfaction of seeing you hurt, I dont know why but it seems that some people love to see others pine away for them and hurt.

I am praying that you will find peace in the middle of this storm.  Hugs to you!!!

Offline Synergy

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« Reply #38 on: February 29, 2012, 07:30:39 PM »
Thank you so much for your support, everyone.  The past couple of days have been very difficult.  I go from crying to laughing over the absurdity of it all.

OK... I don't even know where to start, but I'll provide you with details of my latest predictions.  And I guess I'll start with my favorite reader.


I had called her really early Monday morning to tell her that Chance's family had been contacting me all weekend because they were concerned about him.  She assured me that Chance and his ex were not going to reconcile.  She even sent me a follow up email asking me not to dwell on it.  She only saw her being back in the picture for money (This IS true).  Kisha said that it would be a HUGE mistake for Chance to help her out financially. 

I responded to her follow up email on Monday afternoon to inform her of what had happened.  She immediately sent me 5 free minutes and responded saying that she didn't understand what was happening because when she checked in with her guides they showed her that Chance and his ex were standing with their backs to each other.  His energy says he still holds a grudge and that he doesn't want to be with her.  She also said that he still wants to be with me.  I called her, and she was really confused.  She said that she does not believe in astrology, but that weird things have been happening to her clients and many are experiencing crazy delays and she thinks it could be due to Mars retrograde.  She then proceeded to give me a timeframe for contact.   She has been my most accurate reader overall, so I'm pretty surprised she didn't see this or my ex's nuptuals.  She did tell me that they won't last and he made a huge mistake.  It was a spur of the moment thing.  She said she sees a "9" so they've either only been together 9 weeks or since September.

Sandy Esther:

I had promised myself I wouldn't call her anymore, but I called her this morning.  SE was absolutely floored by the fact that Chance is with his ex.  She didn't understand and had a similar reaction to Kisha's.  She told me that she sees that he looks terrible.  That was my first thought when I spoke with him Monday morning.  He looked awful.  She said he's worn out and miserable, which makes her even more confused about why he'd be back with the ex.  I didn't get much out of her except that she feels that I've been "robbed" but she sees justice and she sees him reaching out soon.  Kisha's contact prediction is also soon.  I don't see why he'll contact me if he's with her, but they both told me he will. 


I called Aurora on Monday because she had been correct with regards to Chance reuniting with the girlfriend.  When I called I had not yet had my conversation with the ex, so I was not aware that he had gotten married.  She told me that Chance will go through heartache with his ex again.  She will not change.  She does see him coming back to me in the warmer months and that I will have a choice as to whether I want him back.  It could go either way.  I asked about the ex, and she told me that he only desires me sexually.  She said that it's all he thinks about when he sees me.  She told me that I could have that physical relationship with him, but he's closed off emotionally and incapable of love, so it would not be a full-fledged relationship.  Now that I know that he married someone, I'm not so sure what to think about all that. 


I called Barbara on Monday.  It was my first time speaking with her.  I've got to say, I really liked her.  She gave me details that I can confirm to be accurate.  She says that Chance will be with his ex for a short time.  They will start arguing soon, and he will find that she cannot change.  She saw the infidelity, she saw that she only wants him back for the financial stability.  She saw that his mom had not slept well the night before because of this.  Chance's mom had sent me an email at 2:30am and later told me she didn't sleep, so I know this to be true.  She made statements about the nature of our work.  The things I can confirm are pretty amazing.  Now, I just don't know what to think of her prediction.  She confidently announced that Chance would be the man I marry.  She said that he will be back and that I will have a choice, but she sees me sticking with him and taking him back.  We'll see.  Barbara said that my ex was meant to marry the woman he married and she thinks they had been together in the past and this is a reconnection.  I cannot confirm this.  She told me to stay away from him.  She didn't have to tell me that because that's exactly what I'm doing!  I don't need him in my life.

Lisa Dianne:

I have absolutely no idea what compelled me to call her.  I haven't spoken with LD since last year.  While, her prediction for me and my ex didn't pan out, I did remember her being quite the empath, so I was hoping she could tell me what was going on in Chance's little head.  This was a very good call.  She told me many things that I can confirm... details she couldn't have known without a gift.  She sees him with her for a short period.  His family, friends, and I need to back off so that we don't give her the opportunity to divide and conquer.  She told me to advise his mom to leave him be and to tell her that I had spoken with a life coach for advice.  I later spoke with Chance's mom about it, and she agreed with all that was said.  LD told me that Chance will reach out March 21st.  We will be back together and that Chance will feel "tainted" and stupid for going back to the ex, and that I will not be "tainted" because LD doesn't see me being intimate with anyone before Chance returns.

I have not spoken with Cookie since all this occured.  During our conversation last week, she did tell me that Chance and I would start seeing each other again but he would keep it more casual than before and he would be dating other people.  She told me that I would be dating the ex as well... Now I know that's not going to happen, so I don't know what to think about that call.  She also named two other males who she said I would date in the next 6 months.  I will still be single at the end of that timeframe.

So, of all the people I spoke with, Cookie is the only one who doesn't see us together for a long term commitment.  Aurora sees a choice, and everyone else sees me back with Chance.

I don't know what's next, but I'll keep you guys posted on whether or not Kisha and SE's contact predictions come to pass.  All other predictions will take longer to manifest. 

Thanks again, everyone.  I've had the roughest year, and now this.  I don't get it.  I thought Chance was different.  When I hear his mom tell me how happy he was that we were together, I get even more confused.  None of this makes any sense. 

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #39 on: February 29, 2012, 07:52:46 PM »

It was a lot to read and I know how you would be feeling to call all of them and lets all hope for the best that Chance comes back soon and talk to you. My prayers are with you and I will also surely keep you all posted based on predictions.

I am glad you liked Barbara, I liked her too and I talked to her only once so far. Her two predictions have already manifested in one week so looks like she is good with round the corner stuff and we will see about Mar 21 thing - she also gave me prediction of around Mar 15 which I am very confident might fail ( don't think A is gonna call me or contact me) but lets see.

Hope you are feeling better Synergy. Take care of yourself !!


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« Reply #40 on: February 29, 2012, 08:07:09 PM »
I'm sorry, Synergy. This is just a bump in the road.
I remember reading that you had chatted with Sandy or Kisha and they said that there would be a good and bad prediction regarding this may be it. Aurora did say he would be back after he realizes his ex will not change. I also remember reading that a few readers told you that the older guy wasn't predestined to be with you, so just wash him out of your hard as it is.

We all seem to have some terrible love karma lol. I would be particularly interested in reading your astrology chart to find out whats going on here. It has actually explained alot with my ex and why things were happening the way they are. Also, I tend to validate a reader if they explain some astrological themes within their readings regarding my life without prompting. Esoteric astrology, that is..not just regular.  Anyway, if anyone is interested and wants to remain anonymous, make a chart on and leave out your dob and name. I would be glad to look at a few I have a few ideas about what is going on here.

Offline positivethoughts2

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« Reply #41 on: February 29, 2012, 08:38:21 PM »
loops - I sent you a PM. I'm not sure if I did the right chart. lol

Offline aquarian

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« Reply #42 on: February 29, 2012, 09:40:46 PM »
@Synergy: i'm sorry to hear about all that's happened. i wish i could cheer you up somehow :(


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« Reply #43 on: February 29, 2012, 10:03:58 PM »
Synergy, I am so sorry for everything that is happening to you right now.  :( When it rains, it pours! Geesh. I'm sorry but if Chance wanted to be with you he would not be sleeping with his ex for any reason. I'd tell him to kick rocks if he comes back! He should not get to go and sleep with her then come back to you, he already knows what type of woman she is and what he was getting himself into when he chose to be with her again. Karma is real and just as you will find happiness someday, the two of them will get everything that is coming to them. "The karma for screwing over a good girl is the b-word they end up with". You deserve better for you and your girls. *Hugs*

Offline Synergy

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« Reply #44 on: February 29, 2012, 10:15:13 PM »
Thank you SO much everyone!  It means a lot to have the support of everyone on this forum.  I'm actually doing much better right now.  I was a mess on Monday.  I went out and spent money on a tattoo yesterday instead of getting a reading!  :)  I need to let go and allow things to happen on their own. 

I'm not at the point where I'm ready to count Chance out or feel angry towards him.  Right now, I just don't understand why he would put himself in this situation.  In fact, even if he never comes back to me, I just don't want him with her.  He doesn't deserve that.  Lord knows I don't want the ex back either, I was just blindsighted by his sudden marriage. 

I've got my own personal soap opera.  Thanks for bearing with me!  At least I didn't make any calls yesterday, and I only made one call today.  That's pretty good for me. 

