Author Topic: ASTROSARAH, COOKIE, OR BARBARA???  (Read 34126 times)

Offline aquarian

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« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 02:49:27 AM »
i dont know about u guys, but i've read with a crapton of readers before i finally found this site and think that i found the real deal. thats why i'd be more skeptical if someone only left feedback for 1 person consistently. i think its natural to shop around until u found a reader u trust. i started off calling ones i think are fake and i didnt even know.


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« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 03:22:20 AM »
i dont know about u guys, but i've read with a crapton of readers before i finally found this site and think that i found the real deal. thats why i'd be more skeptical if someone only left feedback for 1 person consistently. i think its natural to shop around until u found a reader u trust. i started off calling ones i think are fake and i didnt even know.

LOL, yep - been there too! Which is why I am so wary now. Yes, I did the shop around thing also, not realizing there actually would be fake readers on keen. How dumb was I?? But  I wised up since. But when I DID leave good feedback,when I actually knew the reader hit on certain things going on at the time, (i wouldn't always leave feedback, like when I knew the reader was waaayyyy off, or I would leave low feedback & EXPLAIN WHY) there was a personally sincere element involved, something that pertained to the actual reading, not just the hyped-up generic: 'thanks! your the best! outstanding! awesome! amazing detail! Gotta call this person, people!'
That's the type of consistent glowing feedback for multiple readers, within a span of days, even 3-4 times a day with different readers, that makes me cautious, is all.

But this is just my opinion -

Offline Synergy

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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 03:37:57 AM »
Aquarian, I did the same thing all last year. I called many readers repeatedly, and I would leave great feedback just because I liked what I heard.  Even now, you can look at Aries Intuiton, Sandy Esther, and Cookie's pages and you'll see "glowing" feedback from me. Yes, I spend THAT much money on readings. I can't say this particular person leaving feedback is fake because I know I've left tons of feedback for multiple readers. I've shared my keen user name before or you can just pm me and I'll tell you. When you search you'll see a lot of feedback. Sad, but true. I'm the living example.

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2012, 07:44:32 AM »
I got to speak with AstroSarah and Barbara today and yesterday and I would say I really liked both of them a lot. Barbara is more like of giving you a lot of information - by lot I mean really lot. She will tell all what she is picking and AstroSarah is more like will concentrate on the major stuff. They both predicted good things regarding the person in question and AstroSarah went to say that its pre-written for two of us to be together :D. I didn't ask Sarah the timeline because when I asked the first she said you know I am very bad with timing so please keep it in mind and for the final prediction the timeline she and Barbara gave me has a difference of one complete year so we will see what happens.

I was very glad with both the calls. I got lot of information from Barbara to look forward and her prediction n timelines are in sync with Cookie and Sarah explained me everything in the way that I felt calm and very confident about what I am doing in life - she said to me what I am doing is right.

By the way, I recently have 2 predictions came to pass by Lisa Dianne ( not major stuff but what she said came to pass) , one from MsLisaM and the prediction made by Allynis. I am kinda very skeptical for what Allynis said to me but it was so surprising to see it happened. When I talked to her on 12th Feb she said he will contact me in 8 days and I was more than sure that its crap but it happened. I actually talked to him on 22nd. That's why I want to talk to her but at the same time I have wasted hundreds of dollars in last few days :(. I was feeling so low that couldn't find any better way :(.


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« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2012, 05:05:13 PM »
I'm can't say with 100% certainty that this person is leaving fake feedback, but it does make me very suspicious when, for years it seems, this person gives glowing, generic feedback for so many. Sounds too much like what  the 'kenzee' person does. How can so many readers, be so accurate for this particular caller? I just have become very skeptical, as I know for certain that there are other readers that do this for other  readers. Sorry for being a cynic.

I know that some of these readers, like Cookie - def. is gifted, because of what has been said here. I don't doubt that she can 'see' in the here and now-and her remote viewing is downright scary. I would like to call her just for that alone, for 'entertainment', as I've never had a reading like that where someone pulled out names and details like she does. As far as her future predictions, only time will tell. But I certainly appreciate hearing everyone's opinions and experiences, so thanks for sharing. Maybe I am overly cautious, but my intention is basically 'buyer beware' something to be mindful of.

But synergy - you didn't leave glowing feedback for ALL those you've read with, while it seems this particular person DID. And, you can tell lots of times if real sincerity is in the feedback.

I am taking the position of not calling any of them right now. When kindred comes on here and says predictions came about, THAT is the one I will call, lol. Seems as if we are in the same boat. :)


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« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2012, 07:54:40 PM »

I too have googled the username of several questionable feedbacks and I 100% share your skepticism.  I am more inclined to believe several positives from one caller because I would see that as the caller finding the reader who connects with them well enough for them to continue to call. But glowing feedbacks from the same person to multiple readers strikes me as odd. If the connection with one reader is so great like they say in the feedback then why call so many others? I can see calling maybe another one or two to corroborate the first one's story or having one tarot reader, one empath, one clairvoyant etc. but not calling 20+ and telling every single one of them they are the "best on Keen".

I don't know what is up with this Royal####, definitely something fishy going on. I have been on benders before but like you mentioned this person reads with multiple readers a day several times a week and has been doing so for a long time, they have mentioned in ratings reading with certain readers since Keen began and even in google searches have consistent feedback dating back to at least 2009. Based on the frequency of feedbacks posted by this person just saying he/she spoke to 3 Keen advisors a day for 10 minutes (they likely talk longer since they have so many amazing details  ;)) at an average of $5 a minute, they spend $150 per day. Then they get readings it looks like at least 3 times a week so now we are up to $450/wk. With 52 weeks in a year they are spending $23,400 on psychic readings and for several years? Even if they got free minutes every once and a while that is a whole lot of money. I smell a rat, or maybe a salmon or tuna haha, I wouldn't be surprised if they are working for Keen.

I think it is great that you have decided to hold off on the readings. Even after not having a reading for 2 months some lingering predictions are still in the back of my mind so even thinking my last reading rampage would be it, the cycle is continuing, dying out slowly but surely but still affecting me. *Disclaimer* the next few sentences are not to attack anyone, just to share MY experience. What really helped me to stop getting readings even more than the money saving (from the few accurate readings I had) and emotional damage (from the many not so accurate readings) was turning the tables and thinking how I would feel if someone was calling a psychic asking about me and how I felt. I would be pissed and feel violated that someone was obtaining my innermost thoughts without my permission. If they want to know how I feel they should ask me, as should I if I want to know how someone feels/thinks and if I cannot do that then I'm doomed anyway because no one can have a successful relationship without communication.

Offline positivethoughts2

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« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2012, 02:29:50 AM »
Kindred - You bring up a very good point and it's something I've thought about a lot. I would be VERY pissed if I found out someone was getting a reading about me. My latest approach with readings has been to ask for a general reading regarding what is coming up for me. I have found asking about ME is far more accurate then asking what someone else is going to do.

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2012, 06:08:59 PM »
So by now I have spoken with all the three - Barbara, Cookie and Sarah and here is my update:

Barbara asked me who is this guy 40 years old around you and I was like I don't know any and she said if you don't, you will and this guy will have a lot of impact in your romantic life. And, I met a guy 40 years old 3 days later and in romantic capacity. Second thing, she said someone from past will connect with you on whom you turned your back and just yesterday an old flame got in touch and told me he is still in love with me and asked if I would marry him :).

But am too much involved with 'A' and not able to get over him. She has given me some advice and timeframe for prediction and I would wait for it. Sarah didn't really give me any time frame and didnt give any other information except A, my soon-to-be-ex and a new guy whom I would be meeting (and almost everyone had said to me about this guy I havent met yet).But Sarah went on to saying that A and I are destined to be together and its pre-written.

Cookie tells me different thing that I would need to reach out to him and that we would have to start as friends, if I talk about relationship it wont help because everything has to start from scratch. Now am so confuse what to do :(. Barbara says not to get in touch with him and that he will contact me in 3 weeks and Cookie says I should try to be his friends. Also, Cookie didn't pick anything about me except this man and my soon-to-be-ex. Not sure what to do.

By the way, its off the topic but just wana update a prediction from Lisa Dianne, Allynis and MsLisaM also came to pass so just in case if you wana try any of those,


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« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2012, 08:04:09 PM »
Newgirl, what type of prediction was it? Job/romantic related?

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2012, 08:08:52 PM »
The one manifested are romantic ones but she gave me prediction related to finances too- those have some time to manifest.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2012, 09:56:21 PM »

Why don't you wait for Barbara's timeline predictions to manifest or pass - and then reach out to him if you need to? 3 weeks is not far off at all to wait and see what happens. It's when weeks turn into months turn into years, etc, that we get ourselves in trouble with waiting for timelines. I would say that is the most practical advice I can offer. Always go with your gut. If something or advice someone offered to you doesn't resonate then you shouldn't proceed with what they are advising.

Just an opinion.

Offline newgirl

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« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2012, 10:24:51 PM »
@ PrettyLittleLiz

You are right and what you say makes sense. I sent her our pics in the morning but I haven't scheduled the appt and am planning not to do that too. I just checked the amount I spent in Feb on these psychics and I am so embarrassed about that. I can't even tell the figure and I believe I am at the point of insanity.

I have decided not to call anyone whether he comes back or not. Anyways if we are destined to be together no one can stop it and if I have to try so hard for something, it doesn't really worth it. Love is suppose to be both sided and if one person is so angry or scared or whatever that he can't believe in "Love will set everything Right" , I think we need to pack bags and get on with our life no matter if we can't forget them ever.

Offline Amaranth

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« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2012, 03:00:59 PM »
I have read with Cookie and AstroSarah twice each, and Barbara once.  Here's what I have to say about each:

AstroSarah- very realistic and honest predictions- will tell you good with the bad; so if you don't want just fairytales then definitely give her a shot.  She has incredibly good prices compared to other top psychics, and really, you usually get more than you paid for ( I only paid for half an hour and she stayed on the phone with me well over an hour ).  She is easy to talk to and very honest ( she 'missed' her phone appointment with me and pretty much gave me her personal cell phone number ( she texted me from it ) which I would think as a psychic would be really risky as I'm sure lots of 'addicts' would abuse/take advantage of that trust by constantly texting or calling 'off the clock' to get further insight on their situation.  So I feel she is a very genuine, caring person that puts her clients first just by that.  However, pay her for one good, long session, because if you call her before projected timelines yet again, she'll just give you the same information she gave you last time and really not be able to expand on it, so you'll actually spend the majority of the reading talking like friends meeting for coffee, lol.  Basically: good prices, honest and caring readings.

Cookie- she is my favorite psychic now.  I spent about an hour on the phone with her last reading because I just kept adding money to hear more- because she is just FULL of information ( my poor pocketbook! LoL ). She is scary accurate- she ACCURATELY named several of the people in my situation as well as where they lived right down to the city, and their occupations.  It almost makes you wonder if she's sitting in front of Google during her readings, because you will find it just unbelievable.  Also able to accurately describe people, too, and I'm not just talking educated guess like 'tall'.  I'm talking describing hair length, color, and even whether or not it's highlighted!  I also like how you don't have to lead her on to get answers- all she does is ask you to say your name 3 times, and/or the person you're calling about, and she just launches straight into it.  She talks fast and rarely repeats herself, so you will be able to squeeze a lot of info out of just a few minutes with her- which is good for folx trying to watch their spending.  She's a bit pricey, but even then, still not as expensive as the top people at PS and other places, and I've found her more accurate than all, so she is worth every penny.  Also, I came away from my last reading with her with total peace of mind- and i havent previously gotten that feeling with my previous 11 readings from others on the same subject.  I just finally felt satiated- I finally felt that the Universe would provide for me in time, and that feeling was Priceless, and broke my psychic-calling cycle.  Basics: Crazy accurate, detailed, and easy to talk to, doesn't rehash- gives you more 'bang' for your buck, however she can be hard to get a hold of.

Barbara- She seems to have worked for several others and that's great, but I just don't feel she connected at all with me.  She seemed to kind of talk circles and got information incorrect ( saying either I or the friend I was calling about has 2 kids, and neither of us have any children ). She also gave the ages of at least 4 people involved, and was off on all of them by over 10 years.  A couple of years I can understand, but 10+ years is too much of a gap.  When it became obvious that everything she was saying and asking I was saying 'no' to, she said 'Well, you're really guarded right now' like it was my doing that she couldn't give me a good reading.  Believe me, I'm not going to call a psychic if I'm just going to shut them out, especially with the cost of calling them in the first place.  I gave her 10 minutes, but after that didn't bother adding more money and let the call drop.  I was not impressed at all.  Basically: Easier to get a hold of more than others and fair rate, but inaccurate.  Believe me, I wish I could have faith in her accuracy, coz she told me I would suddenly come into money in July.  I would love to believe that, lol.

So keep in mind this is just what my experience has been, and may not reflect that of others, or what yours might be should you call.  But I agree with everyone else- if you can go without calling anyone at all, that's the better choice.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 03:06:53 PM by Amaranth »


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« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2012, 05:17:45 PM »
THank you for posting your reviews here everyone. I don't know if I should be calling anyone right now, because....I really don't know if i even WANT to know what's going to happen at this point. Just in too bad a spot right now. But I def. would like to call Cookie sometime. Maybe when things start going in a more positive direction.
Also looking forward to hear when things predicted for you all come about. Please keep us posted.

Many, many thanks and blessings.

Offline Synergy

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« Reply #29 on: February 29, 2012, 05:25:22 PM »
I've had one of the worst weeks EVER.  I know that I used to hate it when people would come on here telling their stories about how all psychics were wrong... BUT I'm about to become one of those people.  Please forgive me if I say some negative things about anyone's favorite advisors.  I just can't believe that NO ONE saw what is happening right now.

First, the one person who was right about something was Aurora.  I found out this weekend that Chance is back with his lying, scheming, cheating, manipulative ex girlfriend.  There are far too many details for me to share here, but I will say that he and I spoke on Monday and he flat out told me that he slept with her on Saturday night.  Wow.  Um, thanks?  Aurora told me he would get back with her, and I didn't believe it for a second.  Well, it's true.

Now the next biggie NO ONE SAW.  NO ONE.  My old SM (the older man who I was seeing last year) married one of our coworkers.  He stopped by to see me Monday morning and told me that they got married in Vegas on Saturday.  My jaw was on the floor.  He also said they've been secretly dating for A WHILE.  Well, and he and I weren't officially over until summer 2011, so I don't see how they've been together for awhile unless I was something he had on the side.  I'm in shock. 

I went on a rampage on Monday.  I called Kisha, Barbara, Lisa Dianne, and Aurora.  Quite frankly, I'm not sure if I can believe anything anyone says considering what has happened to me this week.  I'm flabbergasted.