Author Topic: Michael Sebastian  (Read 10527 times)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Michael Sebastian
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:58:47 PM »
Has anyone read with Michael before.  If so, did any of his predictions actually come true? 

Offline waiting4godot

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 05:41:06 PM »
I read with him in March. He got a lot of the present situation right. He saw the person I was calling about clearly, but for the predictions, a few came to pass, - a break up with my ex and the woman after me was accurately predicted to the day - but not the fact that they got back together a week after, thereby leaving me again.


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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2012, 06:22:38 PM »

I never read with him, but I would try to stay away from male psychics. They are worse then the women psychics. Men can be possibly empathic, and give advice, but not clairvoyant. I've read on this topic and several......professionals??? (for lack of a better word for them) said this, and it is always what I personally believed. JUST MY OPINION (i'm really tired of having to put a 'disclaimer' for everything i say, so can we all just respect everyone else's opinions without any backlash/personal attacks, please?)


I will be your twin Downer - I've read the Secret, I watched the DVD, I have also read other books along the same lines - did the vision board, positive thinking, positive affirmations. And good things DID happen, things I had on my vision board. Not all, but some. But also bad things happened. Part of the "Secret" is being able to 'let go', - not obsess over it. I was really actually able to do this for months at a time. Some things happened, some did not. But very bad things have happened when I actually was thinking positively, and never ever saw it coming, so...idk. But this discussion prompted me to pull out my vision board again. Now I just have to get into the 'believe it is already in my possession' mode. However, most of what I want are NOT material possessions. they are things about my family, how I would like them to be, what I would like to see happen with them (good, positive things, like success and happiness, so I don't know if it works via 'proxy' like that.)

Another is to not think about how what you want is going to come - just believe that it will, in fact, it says believe its already yours - already in your possession.  You really have to BELIEVE it and have FAITH. This belief runs along the same lines as the Bible, Mark 11:23 thru 11:25.

Also, one part of the Secret that is left out - Karma. You have to forgive others, whether to them personally or in your heart, and be sincere - so, purity of heart, and to do no harm and wish no harm against anyone.

Hope this helps.

Offline Miracle

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2012, 12:59:30 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:39:48 AM by Miracle »

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2012, 02:22:33 AM »
Welcome Gratitude- glad to hear your feedback...I read with Michael Sebastian as well years ago and he was so awful. May I ask which are the trusted advisors you connect well with on Keen please? I am curious to see if they are the same ones as mine. Thanks so much!

Offline Miracle

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2012, 02:34:39 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:40:04 AM by Miracle »

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 03:33:02 AM »
Thanks Gratitude...I read with Lisa Dianne a few years ago. She was amazing for the first few readings but after that it all went downhill. She got a few tiny details right but she also stated facts which were off. I never did call her back since she did not connect with me after a while. I don't think I have ever read with JustaskDrDonna.... I read with WiteLightAngel for 3-4 years now...although her little predictions did not come true, her overall predictions about the person in question were right. Besides her, I have never gotten a psychic that has been able to read my story well...I cannot imagine that I cannot find one single reader who can tell me concrete things...(maybe it is a sign!!!) it has been almost 6 months, that I have stopped calling (I do call once every 3-4 months) but then again, I don't hold my breath because I have been told so many fairytales, I just stopped believing! Instead, I focus on my life, my job and doing things for me. I guess time will tell what will happen! I am happy you have found trusted readers who connect well with you! Best of luck with everything :)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 03:55:26 AM »
Wishful - Thanks for the warm welcome :)  I hear you about psychics telling half truths, fairytales, etc, etc just so that we keep calling them back for just a little more.  I think I've called almost at least 50-60 psychics on keen (*sigh).  Thank God I've stopped that! Better late than never.  I have 2 trusted psychics on Keen that I now call on a regular basis but despite that I was tempted to speak to Cookie, Astrosarah, Barbara after reading their amazing reviews on this forum.  I waited in line for over a week to talk to Cookie, Astrosarah and Barbara4846 but couldn't get hold of them.  I consider it a sign from the Universe that I shouldn't call them (for better or for worse) so I am no longer attempting to do so.  I have to say that ever since I gave up on trying to reach the 3, I am at so much more peace with myself.  I am sure they are great psychics but the way I look at it is why bother calling anyone new, if they tell me good stuff I'll be happy but if they don't, it's dangerous territory because I'll go on a random psychic calling frenzy and end up getting depressed, anxious and broke.  So now rather than trying to call someone new, I buy myself something special or go to the salon/spa ;)   

Hi Funnygirl - My trusted psychics are Lisa Dianne and JustAskDrDonna.  LD is an amazing empath and super honest.  She's been so accurate on picking feelings, emotions, etc.  Her timing is not always spot on but comes to pass within plus or minus a few days.  That being said, lately she's been very accurate with her timing as well.  LD just knows how to calm me down when I am stressed so I am lucky she connects really well to my situation and gives good advice.  She also helps me with my meditations.  My other trusted one is Donna.  She is very straightforward and to the point but honest.  No fairytales with her.  Last year she told me my SM at the time is not the guy for me and I should keep away, wish I had listened to her then, she was so right!  Her advice is impeccable as well.  Who are your trusted advisors?  Would be interesting if we talk to the same people  :)
I have been talking about Dr. Donna and her terrific blog on here just recently.  I have never read with her. She isn't taking on any new callers, but I am enjoying her outlook and guidance she provides from her writings.  Could you tell us how long you have been reading with her and has she been correct in other predictions for you?

Offline Miracle

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 06:46:46 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:42:41 AM by Miracle »

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2012, 04:43:22 PM »
Hi Gratitude...I actually decided to call JustaskDrDonna last night (my big splurge was $20)...I then realized that she does not take new callers so this means in the last 4 years, I may have called her once. I don't even remember any case, she gave me predictions so I will let it sit and see what happens. Hopefully, she is right! Happy she has worked for you. I also read with Sandy Esther months ago, and not sure how her predictions are panning out for me. She got one tiny prediction right but besides that, not much so far. Oh well, I am done for the next 3-4 months. Take care!

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Re: Michael Sebastian
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2012, 04:52:15 PM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:39:25 AM by Miracle »