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That astrologer ain’t famous, they’re both ego maniacs who have latched onto each other to profit off their collective hysterical audiences

I can't remember if she got future things right i don't think she did but some stuff she said that was current was correct in regards to how i felt about one person and what they did and another little thing about a different guy at the time

She one prediction right in regard to my scalp. This is one of the 10 predictions from this year

Funny thing I read with Matilda one year ago, I wanted to talk about my POI and Matilda was rumbling on other things and just told to move on from my POI. I told her I was planning to move to Italy for next year and she said “ohh that could be cool” but I listen you speaking French and I see you in a France. Maybe you’ll visit France while you live in Europe. I started doing my paperwork to move and all the doors were closed for Italy and my only option to leave fast was France. I moved to France and now I’m living and speaking little French . My reading was done on June of 2023

Well. She completely called the entire US election WRONG so there’s that 🤣🤣🤣


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