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Exactly.  I’m not Matilda this sites ability to turn any positive review into “one that must be her” just amazes me.

I don’t think she’d come on here to promote herself if she’s fully booked for a year.  Duh! B

Oh yeah and don’t assume everyone drops to your own moral standards.

You girlies make me smile with your insecurities.  Lots of life outside this forum if u open ur eyes u might see it.

Obviously ur moral standard is very low

First of all, she’s not fully booked for a year. Duh. Her website says January 2024.

And she was on here promoting, with her “smiley” faces. If you know, you know.

Seriously Kate, no one cares.

Sorry I gotta run, Kim Kardashian just turned up at my doorstep for a cup of coffee. She’s one of my best friends you know?


--- Quote from: Tomato77 on October 17, 2023, 02:40:47 AM ---Oh yeah and don’t assume everyone drops to your own moral standards.

Obviously ur moral standard is very low

--- End quote ---

With all due respect and fun set aside you keep mentioning “moral standards”. What’s up with that?

Kettle meet pot, pot meet kettle.

Please stop projecting yours

An update after re-reading my readings and things have happened.  The first reading with Matilda was the best. Seems the first reading with most are the more accurate.  She originally said that while she did not dislike my poi, she said he was manipulative and to be very careful with money around him. He seemed too sweet to be like that. Turns out he got several thousand out of me, took some property, then moved and blocked me.

Is she really booked through the rest of the year or fake booked? Even Yona isn't booked that far out


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