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she had got many things right since years ago but if she says you have a opportunity with another that there feelings will be there is she usally accurate with it? she is one of my top readers after reading with her alot.
--- Quote from: whimerj on April 04, 2022, 05:50:58 AM ---she had got many things right since years ago but if she says you have a opportunity with another that there feelings will be there is she usally accurate with it? she is one of my top readers after reading with her alot.
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Have anyone had an experience with her where she starts off positive and later readings about the same situation are more negative and she 180s? Which have you found to be more correct the initial positive readings or the later negative?
Matilda seemed spot on the first couple readings (email). But subsequent readings were more vague. Maybe part of the problem is with email readings, psychics have convenient access to prior readings, your questions, their answers, and base responses on the story line. I have done her 10 predictions a couple times. Some happened right away, one within minutes of getting the reading. Other predictions were mentioning my work place and old school friends. I've been retired since 2014 and cut ties with my past a long time ago. Maybe she doesn't understand what spirit is telling her so she fits it in how she thinks it will be. Or she fills in with vague generalities that is bound to resonate with some people. Twice she's mentioned someone on social media that I don't know who will contact me to slander someone and to not believe them. I since read on here another psychic is slandering Matilda, so wonder if she just throws that one in for people in case that person tries to slander her to her clients. She does seem to have a gift, just not sure how much, if any, is filler. I would definitely try her to see how she works for you
I am pretty sure there are always stuff that doesnt happen. In my experience with her and I have only done phone readings i found that she was really good. But I think we have this expectation that psychics are going to have a 100% hit rate. I have never had an email reading or a just general prediction reading and I think that maybe a phone reading would be much more comparable. I found I have had an email reading with another psychic that nothing resonated or ever happened.
--- Quote from: Onyx on March 26, 2023, 08:41:28 PM ---Matilda seemed spot on the first couple readings (email). But subsequent readings were more vague. Maybe part of the problem is with email readings, psychics have convenient access to prior readings, your questions, their answers, and base responses on the story line. I have done her 10 predictions a couple times. Some happened right away, one within minutes of getting the reading. Other predictions were mentioning my work place and old school friends. I've been retired since 2014 and cut ties with my past a long time ago. Maybe she doesn't understand what spirit is telling her so she fits it in how she thinks it will be. Or she fills in with vague generalities that is bound to resonate with some people. Twice she's mentioned someone on social media that I don't know who will contact me to slander someone and to not believe them. I since read on here another psychic is slandering Matilda, so wonder if she just throws that one in for people in case that person tries to slander her to her clients. She does seem to have a gift, just not sure how much, if any, is filler. I would definitely try her to see how she works for you
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