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--- Quote from: PurpleRain on September 22, 2020, 02:38:55 PM ---Unlike this forum the Sps moderator is dedicated towards keeping out fake reviews and removing shills. Someone posted about Matilda saying she had tons of reviews on another site. When the Mod checked out the other site, it wasn't full of reviews but full of people arguing.

When I gave Matilda a positive review I was also met with much resistance. she got a major thing correct and some things were not correct, but her behavior months later did proved that she is a little batty. You can inbox me for details.

Sugarskys reading is a little suspicious. The reading seems rather scripted and vague. Only thing that seems to be specific is informarion that can be found online.

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Agree, she's batshit nuts. I won't dispute the fact that she may have a gift if she connects. My opinion is if she doesn't connect, she either 1) googles you to find something or 2) gives you a bunch of nonsense. Unlike more ethical readers, she can't seem to admit she doesn't connect with everyone.
In my case, it was #2. At the time, my contact/payment info was in a former name and there was nothing to find on me. The reading was complete rubbish (2 years out I can confirm it). The one thing she could have been correct on, I can now say she was wrong on as well. I would have respected her more if she said she couldn't connect and just refunded me.


--- Quote from: Fidget1028 on September 22, 2020, 05:15:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: PurpleRain on September 22, 2020, 02:38:55 PM ---Unlike this forum the Sps moderator is dedicated towards keeping out fake reviews and removing shills. Someone posted about Matilda saying she had tons of reviews on another site. When the Mod checked out the other site, it wasn't full of reviews but full of people arguing.

When I gave Matilda a positive review I was also met with much resistance. she got a major thing correct and some things were not correct, but her behavior months later did proved that she is a little batty. You can inbox me for details.

Sugarskys reading is a little suspicious. The reading seems rather scripted and vague. Only thing that seems to be specific is informarion that can be found online.

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Agree, she's batshit nuts. I won't dispute the fact that she may have a gift if she connects. My opinion is if she doesn't connect, she either 1) googles you to find something or 2) gives you a bunch of nonsense. Unlike more ethical readers, she can't seem to admit she doesn't connect with everyone.
In my case, it was #2. At the time, my contact/payment info was in a former name and there was nothing to find on me. The reading was complete rubbish (2 years out I can confirm it). The one thing she could have been correct on, I can now say she was wrong on as well. I would have respected her more if she said she couldn't connect and just refunded me.

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I think she may google things when she doesn't connect as well. I have sent you a PM


--- Quote from: Crystal1211 on September 22, 2020, 12:02:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: Calleronhiatus on September 22, 2020, 04:01:45 AM ---
--- Quote from: Smiley1 on September 22, 2020, 02:26:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: Crystal1211 on September 22, 2020, 02:22:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: sugarsky on September 22, 2020, 01:42:50 AM ---You should all be a bit suspicious of this woman. message for details.

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Why? She knew so many private details about me & pple around me she could not have searched on the internet

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This conspiracy goes way back too.  Fact is she’s a spectacular medium and when people get so much information they get scared or say fraud etc.

She’s always been accurate with me but I actually understand why people question her.  She’s spooky etc.  it’s natural to doubt.

I’d say she’s a better medium than psychic. 😩

Shame people have been conned so often or are naturally suspicious it makes us question the real ones.

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Lol. She was literally caught on someone’s LinkedIn minutes before their reading. It’s not a conspiracy. She may have real gifts but she also has been caught googling clients. The threads that keep getting deleted because Matilda starts accounts on here and the threads get deleted as a result. She was also exposed on the SPS forum for self-promotion. I’m not saying she doesn’t have a gift. She very well may. I am saying she has been exposed for googling clients and trolling forums going back to at least 2015 or 2016. The admin on this forum blocked her last summer after tracking her IP address. Let’s not act like she has not been caught doing multiple unethical things.

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I wouldn't trust anything from SPS the moderator accuses everybody for being a psychic. All someone did was leave a good review & hope just started going at them. I've seen the same thing in here but much worse over there.

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That forum is a mess. I’m not disputing that. It is a Yona Shrine. That doesn’t negate the fact that Matilda did troll that forum and get caught. She got caught on here too. The problem is that the admin on here only gets on once in a while and by the time the admin gets on the thread has gone totally off the rails so it gets deleted. If her thread wasn’t deleted 100 times then you newbies could see the reviews about LinkedIn and making Career assumptions based on a users PayPal photo.

She CLEARLY googled my name before our reading last week.  It was obscenely obvious.  The "details" she pointed out are the first several details online when you google my (unique) name.  Yes, if I were totally naive this would have sounded amazing, but it was almost embarrassingly obvious.  And then when I got to my questions, you could tell things got way more generic.  Sorry, but that was a huge turnoff to me.  I cannot trust someone who does that.


--- Quote from: maggie214 on October 06, 2020, 10:36:52 PM ---She CLEARLY googled my name before our reading this past week.  It was obscenely obvious.  The "details" she pointed out are the first several details online when you google my (unique) name.  Yes, if I were totally naive this would have sounded amazing, but it was almost embarrassingly obvious.  And then when I got to my questions, you could tell things got way more generic.  Sorry, but that was a huge turnoff to me.  I cannot trust someone who does that.

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Second this wholeheartedly. I know I posted in this forum earlier about my experience - but this woman is claiming a gift of mediumship and there are people out there whose hearts are broken and are looking for healing. It is so immoral and wrong to feign a connection when she's simply google searching obituaries. Any talent she does have is completely overshadowed by such manipulation.



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