I read with her for the first time back in March, and all of the stuff she told me actually transpired. They were somewhat easy to predict relationship markers, like when we'd reconnect, the progression of how things would go, etc. she warned me of some hurdles, but assured me he's worth it. After a particularly difficult time with him, I decided to give her another shot (on the ever so notorious psychic binge haha) and I found her to be remarkably good this time! The one thing that blew me away (and I don't discount what you guys have stated about a ton of fillers, and her sort of talking a lot) is that she used the exact word that triggered the break up. He said something, and the way he described it came off so crass, it triggered me, perpetuated a fight, and then I ended up breaking up with him a week later (I did NOT want to, but he forced my hand, with his lack of perspective/accountability). she really nailed the complicated dynamics of what's going on, what drove this, and the way she outlined the reconcile (assured by her, and several others, that it will be 100% motivated by him and his efforts) seem quite plausible. I didn't give her any info, I literally just asked "what do you see upcoming between Danny and me" and I let her go off. the timeline she gave me is also reasonable, but I can't validate the prediction just yet, but I can tell you, given what happened, knowing him, and given the severity of things, it all seems realistic. the first prediction that she gave me, I can def. validate. I asked if he would be attending our xmas party for work and she said no, bc he's afraid that he can't control himself, he's worried about who ill be going with, and that he'll lay off social media for "a couple of days" following the event bc he's scared. well he finally popped online on IG two days later, but only for a small period of time.