Have tried a few psychics but feel like none of them are correct... Are the reviews on Bitwine even genuine?
Some examples,
Starz4Lynn -
https://bitwine.com/psychics/258851-starz4lynnMade a few predictions, but none of them comes true nor timeframe were accurate. If you do want to use her, make sure you tell her do not use her pendulum anymore.. has never ever been correct
https://bitwine.com/psychics/405470-analisaI feel so strongly that I am answering her questions rather than getting advices... When she doesn't know an answer, she wouldn't be honest but she will keep diverting your attention by asking a lot of irrelevant questions until time's up
Psychic Medium George -
Made some predictions, none comes true...
Rebecca Hetherington -
Dont know how she reads her tarots.. everytime when she said one thing, the exact opposite will happen. In some sense, she is still accurate. But you always need to trust the opposite..
mysticloveshayna -
fake.. predictions are wrong..
Love Adviser Aliscia -
She is really just making up fairy tales.. typing in long long long paragraph that can be simplified into a few words.. ffs. You end up keep topping up to ask some questions.. But since she's just making up faiy tales...... I am not paying her any longer.
Lidia LaDelle -
This is another fake one.. telling all the non sense.. predictions have never come true either.
Pixie Dust -
People keep saying she is accurate. But I think she is just a piece of guess work. Said something like we are distant physically but in fact we are both in the same city. She made a comment "I dont know why you people call and disagree.." .. but one good thing about her is that, she is "honest", in a sense that if you disagree with her reading, and you do decide never go to her again, you CAN ask for full refund in the same session. After the session, she would do a refund minus her 40% fee to Bitwine.
Spiritual Jav -
Just fake... I can't believe that I spend a few hundred dollars on her

Love Psychic Mary -
Her predictions can change from time to time... tell you something in Jan, and then tell you opposite in March...
Lovely Safire -
Asked for 3 poi for like half a year, none of her predictions was correct. Said that those 3 pois like me but nothing happened at all... Good thing is that she was also predicting I wont work out with my new poi. This is like another one you should believe the opposite..
Carla Curlee -
Made some predictions, but feels like she is trying to tell you something, be in the end I read the transcript a few times but I can't get anything useful out of it..
Precision Psychic -
She is just a guess work.. if you want someone to chat for fun, go to her.
Psychic Healing -
Another fake one.. ever poi I asked she said "I've just looked at your stars and he cares for you and he wants to get closer to you and he will apologise to you very soon". ffs what to apologise..? we have just met..
Love Whisperer -
$20 dollar a min.. I should have known that he is just fake.. but I didn't understand where his 1.2k reviews are coming from.. I tried him like 7 times... until I couldnt afford anymore... He is just fake.
cosmic73 -
Just another scripting person
Hayley Daniels-Lake -
When I had just met my poi for the first day, I came into her and she said my poi is already in love with me.. non sense..
CindyS -
She said she is a divorced woman, so that she doesnt want her clients to get hurt. But isn't she just way too pessimistic about love..? Every poi I asked I said I want to make friend with she would say "why are you rushing"..
Truthful Vision -
definitely scripting.. nothing is correct.
SaiSoulHealer8 -
He is definitely guess work or scripting.. we are colleagues so that my poi must be avoiding me doesn't want to complicate our relation. ffs, some big companies have multiple campus in a single city.
Field Expert -
Asked about 4 poi, nothing come true.
Terry Mastriantonio -
Really just scripting... predictions are all wrong..
Miss Ann -
I think she just doesn't really know how to read tarot. Have been with her for 3 years... but well... everything turns out to be wrong.
Miss Toria -
She was so certain and assuring me again and again that the contact would happen, but I hear nothing from poi.
ClarityLove Psychic -
Don't use him. This one is completely a scam. Try to raise a dispute with him, he will ask you to return an item to receive a refund

Psychic Love N Relationship -
This person has more than 1 accounts on Bitwine. To have a complete conversation with this person, you will need call in 3 times. The first 2 times, he will disconnect right before it reaches $10. And said it was the internet. Only the 3rd time he will allow you to go pass $10. But it happens like every single day. What sort of internet guarantee a disconnection right before $10 for only the first 2 chats? Same for his other account. How did I find out? his email address are both the same. Same name, same domain. the Domain was even a private domain not a commercial email address provider.
Psychic Stephanie -
She does not answer questions. If you want her to anser questions? You will need to keep shouting at her saying the following for 5 times over 20 mins, "I only asked a yes/ no question. Can you keep the answer short?" For a yes no question, she can type an essay over 5 mins to chat shits that dont even make any sense.
elizabeth the psychic -
I really dont know where she got her courage to claim that her timeframe is accurate. She said my poi will take me for a dinner. She even gave an exact date for it. And then what? nothing happened..
marva.lee -
just fake.
the Divine Soul -
I didnt know why I trusted her. In my old account, she told me that he loves me and we will be together for long term. But I changed to a new account, and she said she didnt remember she had told me about this, and then told me it is a short term. You know this woman is a fake one
Psychic.Sky -
he is just all about money. Prediction are all wrong
Regina Starr -
Do not use her. She is another SCAM. She will tell you about some non sense and then tell you to do a ritual. She offers free ritual, and then said that she has to charge you for the chat so that she can explain what you need to do with her to perform that ritual.
there are a lot more.... can't list them all....