Author Topic: Finally got approved! My readings  (Read 17883 times)

Offline serenejoy

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Finally got approved! My readings
« on: June 15, 2020, 12:00:18 AM »
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 11:11:26 PM by serenejoy »

Offline massine

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2020, 12:54:33 AM »
Spirit Leadus was scarily accurate for me. One thing she said in particular really confirmed with me that she connected so I'm a little disappointed that she didn't work for you!

As for good old ST, if you read through her site directly you get more information (someone on this site kindly pmed me to let me know!

If you're looking for good readers, I recommend lily oak on PO (look her reviews up, they're mixed!), Spiritual Elaine worked for me but isn't talked about much on this site, and I also like Cordelia Darkly but she isn't talked about at all on this site!

Jackie worked super well for me too, she's just amazing 😍

I also really like Psychic Ericka (NOT PSYCHICGODDESSERIKA) as she was spot on with the present situation

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2020, 01:31:15 AM »
Spirit Leadus was scarily accurate for me. One thing she said in particular really confirmed with me that she connected so I'm a little disappointed that she didn't work for you!

As for good old ST, if you read through her site directly you get more information (someone on this site kindly pmed me to let me know!

If you're looking for good readers, I recommend lily oak on PO (look her reviews up, they're mixed!), Spiritual Elaine worked for me but isn't talked about much on this site, and I also like Cordelia Darkly but she isn't talked about at all on this site!

Jackie worked super well for me too, she's just amazing 😍

I also really like Psychic Ericka (NOT PSYCHICGODDESSERIKA) as she was spot on with the present situation

I just went back to listen to SpiritLeadus 's video recording and I think the interpretation of the cards seemed to be off, considering what literally every other reader said. She actually pulled a lot of similar cards but interpreted them negatively. If she ends up being correct for me (which I hope she is not) I will definitely give credit where its due! Also- what is up with the cards she uses? they look like she just grabbed a sharpie and quickly drew something! LOL

I forgot to mention Cordelia!! She was so in tune and definitely predicted similar time-frames and positive outcomes. I have to be honest my situation with my POI is tricky but its also very good. He is very honest with me and we are working through some things. To hear the positive outcomes aligns with my own intuition and the reality of where it seems to be headed, but there is always the other side of things.

BTW- I didn't know there was another Erika! I wonder if I've been getting  that screwed up with who I went to

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2020, 02:29:18 AM »
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think spirit Leadus is a psychic, I think she’s strictly a tarot card reader.  I liked her at first but she’s been wrong on multiple occasions so I had to cut her off my list.  Just goes to show some advisors work better than others!  I do like Onikah though, very pricy but accurate.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2020, 03:03:25 AM »
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think spirit Leadus is a psychic, I think she’s strictly a tarot card reader.  I liked her at first but she’s been wrong on multiple occasions so I had to cut her off my list.  Just goes to show some advisors work better than others!  I do like Onikah though, very pricy but accurate.

That is what I kind of gathered from her. For my own selfish needs I'm happy to hear she has also been inaccurate for you. I truly feel she did not accurately predict anything for me, considering that all those other readers were aligned in positive outcomes. I also read with a psychic/medium in person back in November 2019 and he was able to pick up on soooo much including cities of certain people, nationalities, living arrangements, etc- and they all align with these other readers.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2020, 03:23:41 AM »
Lol no it’s ok. I’m a card reader and knew right off the bat she had no ability, she reads basic cards and doesn’t even know how to interpret them sometimes.  Strange huh?  Nice lady I’ll give her that, accuracy slim to none.  Not for me.

Who from my list would you say has been the most accurate for you?

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2020, 03:30:27 AM »
I posted this shortly after I was added here:

“ I feel like I should add the extremely long list of purple ocean/purple garden readers I have tried.  Most of them were on the half price special nights.  I wanted to list the names so anyone who searches for a name can find this and then message or reply to ask me about specifics of that reader.  Happy to go back and reread or rewatch the questions and replies specifically upon request.  None of them stood out as correct and some of the ones people like were very wrong like jewels.  Lynn.  Truth intuitions

The one that stands out the most as the worst was tattooed psychic.

Nicole rivers 
Psychic jewels
Enchanted empress
Love life psychic
Cheyenne Nicole
Georgeanna grace

Mystical visions - accurate reading that he would reach out to apologize and nothing I could do would make him ready.  No timeline.  It was 2.5 mos later he reached out and he is still around now.

Spiritual mind 411
Clairvoyant Sabrina
Lily oak
Honest psychic
Michelle psychic
Miss Cynthia
Claudia lovay
Anna leota
Psychic aria

Lori Ann Victoria
Psychic Bianca
Clairvoyant Christine
Noel Star
Readings by Barbara
Psychic Willow
Psychic zaria
Emanuelle Berger
Laurel Claire
The Irish owl
Psychic Ashley
Psychic medium Angie
Maria Malone
Psychic Ruth
Irish carol psychic
Psychic Lynn
Truth Intuitions
Love specialist
Psychic Nadia - wrong
Rose soulmates
Tattooed psychic
Light psychic
Psychic love Insight
Sister Michelle
Sister faith
Gifted reader
Romance rose
Modern mystic psychic
Readings by ashly
Psychic sheena
Athena love
Intuitive perspective
Love psychic Hannah
Psychic Ericka
Psychic T
Readings by peaches
Jackie’s tea and tarot
Bella love
Jess 111
Psychic Julia
Psychic Jenna
Lori Williams
Chosen raven
Psychic Mel
Turkish Gypsy girl
Lady mystery
Insightful Samantha
Psychic Bella
Infinity Kim
Readings by Gina
Advisor Cynthia
Psychic Betty
Insight by tiffany
Visions by celina
Psychic Jeanne
Psychic Carrie
Psychic Marlana”

I can add several to that list now lol

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2020, 03:38:46 AM »
I posted this shortly after I was added here:

“ I feel like I should add the extremely long list of purple ocean/purple garden readers I have tried.  Most of them were on the half price special nights.  I wanted to list the names so anyone who searches for a name can find this and then message or reply to ask me about specifics of that reader.  Happy to go back and reread or rewatch the questions and replies specifically upon request.  None of them stood out as correct and some of the ones people like were very wrong like jewels.  Lynn.  Truth intuitions

The one that stands out the most as the worst was tattooed psychic.

Nicole rivers 
Psychic jewels
Enchanted empress
Love life psychic
Cheyenne Nicole
Georgeanna grace

Mystical visions - accurate reading that he would reach out to apologize and nothing I could do would make him ready.  No timeline.  It was 2.5 mos later he reached out and he is still around now.

Spiritual mind 411
Clairvoyant Sabrina
Lily oak
Honest psychic
Michelle psychic
Miss Cynthia
Claudia lovay
Anna leota
Psychic aria

Lori Ann Victoria
Psychic Bianca
Clairvoyant Christine
Noel Star
Readings by Barbara
Psychic Willow
Psychic zaria
Emanuelle Berger
Laurel Claire
The Irish owl
Psychic Ashley
Psychic medium Angie
Maria Malone
Psychic Ruth
Irish carol psychic
Psychic Lynn
Truth Intuitions
Love specialist
Psychic Nadia - wrong
Rose soulmates
Tattooed psychic
Light psychic
Psychic love Insight
Sister Michelle
Sister faith
Gifted reader
Romance rose
Modern mystic psychic
Readings by ashly
Psychic sheena
Athena love
Intuitive perspective
Love psychic Hannah
Psychic Ericka
Psychic T
Readings by peaches
Jackie’s tea and tarot
Bella love
Jess 111
Psychic Julia
Psychic Jenna
Lori Williams
Chosen raven
Psychic Mel
Turkish Gypsy girl
Lady mystery
Insightful Samantha
Psychic Bella
Infinity Kim
Readings by Gina
Advisor Cynthia
Psychic Betty
Insight by tiffany
Visions by celina
Psychic Jeanne
Psychic Carrie
Psychic Marlana”

I can add several to that list now lol

Hey Kali! So just to make sure I understand correctly, none of those readers were accurate for you at all? I understood that you don’t like tattooed psychic lol- I don’t even know what to feel about him. part of me does think he has a gift but he’s had me confused recently.

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2020, 03:45:42 AM »
I posted this shortly after I was added here:

“ I feel like I should add the extremely long list of purple ocean/purple garden readers I have tried.  Most of them were on the half price special nights.  I wanted to list the names so anyone who searches for a name can find this and then message or reply to ask me about specifics of that reader.  Happy to go back and reread or rewatch the questions and replies specifically upon request.  None of them stood out as correct and some of the ones people like were very wrong like jewels.  Lynn.  Truth intuitions

The one that stands out the most as the worst was tattooed psychic.

Nicole rivers 
Psychic jewels
Enchanted empress
Love life psychic
Cheyenne Nicole
Georgeanna grace

Mystical visions - accurate reading that he would reach out to apologize and nothing I could do would make him ready.  No timeline.  It was 2.5 mos later he reached out and he is still around now.

Spiritual mind 411
Clairvoyant Sabrina
Lily oak
Honest psychic
Michelle psychic
Miss Cynthia
Claudia lovay
Anna leota
Psychic aria

Lori Ann Victoria
Psychic Bianca
Clairvoyant Christine
Noel Star
Readings by Barbara
Psychic Willow
Psychic zaria
Emanuelle Berger
Laurel Claire
The Irish owl
Psychic Ashley
Psychic medium Angie
Maria Malone
Psychic Ruth
Irish carol psychic
Psychic Lynn
Truth Intuitions
Love specialist
Psychic Nadia - wrong
Rose soulmates
Tattooed psychic
Light psychic
Psychic love Insight
Sister Michelle
Sister faith
Gifted reader
Romance rose
Modern mystic psychic
Readings by ashly
Psychic sheena
Athena love
Intuitive perspective
Love psychic Hannah
Psychic Ericka
Psychic T
Readings by peaches
Jackie’s tea and tarot
Bella love
Jess 111
Psychic Julia
Psychic Jenna
Lori Williams
Chosen raven
Psychic Mel
Turkish Gypsy girl
Lady mystery
Insightful Samantha
Psychic Bella
Infinity Kim
Readings by Gina
Advisor Cynthia
Psychic Betty
Insight by tiffany
Visions by celina
Psychic Jeanne
Psychic Carrie
Psychic Marlana”

I can add several to that list now lol

Hey Kali! So just to make sure I understand correctly, none of those readers were accurate for you at all? I understood that you don’t like tattooed psychic lol- I don’t even know what to feel about him. part of me does think he has a gift but he’s had me confused recently.

Well some of them may have had some things correct I just listed them all out for anyone using a search feature. If there is some you’d like me to revisit and let you know on their accuracy etc I’m happy to! I have some time tonight 🤗

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2020, 03:53:07 AM »
I posted this shortly after I was added here:

“ I feel like I should add the extremely long list of purple ocean/purple garden readers I have tried.  Most of them were on the half price special nights.  I wanted to list the names so anyone who searches for a name can find this and then message or reply to ask me about specifics of that reader.  Happy to go back and reread or rewatch the questions and replies specifically upon request.  None of them stood out as correct and some of the ones people like were very wrong like jewels.  Lynn.  Truth intuitions

The one that stands out the most as the worst was tattooed psychic.

Nicole rivers 
Psychic jewels
Enchanted empress
Love life psychic
Cheyenne Nicole
Georgeanna grace

Mystical visions - accurate reading that he would reach out to apologize and nothing I could do would make him ready.  No timeline.  It was 2.5 mos later he reached out and he is still around now.

Spiritual mind 411
Clairvoyant Sabrina
Lily oak
Honest psychic
Michelle psychic
Miss Cynthia
Claudia lovay
Anna leota
Psychic aria

Lori Ann Victoria
Psychic Bianca
Clairvoyant Christine
Noel Star
Readings by Barbara
Psychic Willow
Psychic zaria
Emanuelle Berger
Laurel Claire
The Irish owl
Psychic Ashley
Psychic medium Angie
Maria Malone
Psychic Ruth
Irish carol psychic
Psychic Lynn
Truth Intuitions
Love specialist
Psychic Nadia - wrong
Rose soulmates
Tattooed psychic
Light psychic
Psychic love Insight
Sister Michelle
Sister faith
Gifted reader
Romance rose
Modern mystic psychic
Readings by ashly
Psychic sheena
Athena love
Intuitive perspective
Love psychic Hannah
Psychic Ericka
Psychic T
Readings by peaches
Jackie’s tea and tarot
Bella love
Jess 111
Psychic Julia
Psychic Jenna
Lori Williams
Chosen raven
Psychic Mel
Turkish Gypsy girl
Lady mystery
Insightful Samantha
Psychic Bella
Infinity Kim
Readings by Gina
Advisor Cynthia
Psychic Betty
Insight by tiffany
Visions by celina
Psychic Jeanne
Psychic Carrie
Psychic Marlana”

I can add several to that list now lol

Hey Kali! So just to make sure I understand correctly, none of those readers were accurate for you at all? I understood that you don’t like tattooed psychic lol- I don’t even know what to feel about him. part of me does think he has a gift but he’s had me confused recently.

Well some of them may have had some things correct I just listed them all out for anyone using a search feature. If there is some you’d like me to revisit and let you know on their accuracy etc I’m happy to! I have some time tonight 🤗

I understand now! Yeah if you want you can message me because I am curious to see how these worked or didn’t work for you.

1. Enchanted Empress
2. Sister Michelle
3. Athena
4. Jackie’s tea tarot
5. Psychic jeanne

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2020, 07:09:49 AM »
Lol no it’s ok. I’m a card reader and knew right off the bat she had no ability, she reads basic cards and doesn’t even know how to interpret them sometimes.  Strange huh?  Nice lady I’ll give her that, accuracy slim to none.  Not for me.

Who from my list would you say has been the most accurate for you?

My predictions are all pending but I would say Jackie’s Tea and Tarot and Peaches.  They are both forward to the point nom sugar coaters.  They both had a similar outcome but it’s tough since Jackie doesn’t do timing.  I do want to say I think jewels is good at getting the situation but when someone says they can’t see third parties or do time frames that’s a direct right off.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2020, 01:29:01 PM »
I read with Jewels years ago about another POI and she was somewhat accurate about the situation but it was kind of general, the outcome was incorrect though. This time around I have decided to not read with her.

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2020, 01:35:40 PM »
What did you think of peaches and Jackie?

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2020, 01:51:31 PM »
What did you think of peaches and Jackie?

I don't believe I've read with peaches, where can I find her? and Jackie's Tea & Tarot to me felt extremely genuine. She provided a lot of insight into my situation that wasn't vague,  the outcome was positive although not all rainbows and butterflies either. Time-frames are not something she does so its hard to really say how accurate she is, but her predictions were aligned with other top readers who do provide them. Only time will tell.

Offline kumamon

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Re: Finally got approved! My readings
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2020, 01:58:16 PM »
That's the one, I like him though....but also looking forward his predictions