Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Anyone else devastated?

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--- Quote from: jas on June 15, 2020, 12:31:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on June 14, 2020, 06:04:05 AM ---Is anyone else genuinely devastated about their  situation? I am not just a bit sad, I am in so much pain and have been for such a long time. I get everyone has their pains and hard times but I’ve done that a million times over. I can’t believe I have to endure this hurt yet again. I woke up a couple of days ago and really questioned how long I am able to continue to feel this way.

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I have been where you are and the pain was unbearable.  At one point I walked out into my front yard at 2 am and looked up at the sky and just begged God, the universe or whatever higher power there might be to please allow me to die.  I felt like my whole body had a mild electrical current running through it - the pain was actually physical.  There was another day when I had no food left in the house because I hadn't been to the grocery store in a week (I was working remotely and never left the house) and I had to look down at my feet and tell myself to put one foot in front of the other.  I had days where I crawled to the bathroom because I was so overwhelmed.  It took three years to get over it.  I know that it's what you want to hear but the good news is that I did get over it and my life did go on.

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I can't count the number of days I begged God to let me die. I begged him if I couldn't be happy just let me go. Now I'm in a committed happy relationship with someone that cares about me deeply. You can get through it. It does get better. Let go of what's dragging you down and find your happiness.

Thanks for your responses, guys. I am actually feeling better and stronger and building up my self esteem. The comments helped <3


--- Quote from: Pinkamena on June 18, 2020, 09:56:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on June 18, 2020, 09:27:41 PM ---Thanks for your responses, guys. I am actually feeling better and stronger and building up my self esteem. The comments helped <3

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Yay!!! I’ve been watching this thread and thinking about it. You are in my thoughts!
Please don’t get discouraged if your mood fluctuates! Keep trying and getting back up. It’s not easy and at times it’s seems obstacles to hit harder when you ARE  turning it around- but remember what you did to pick yourself up. You have to get up!

I’m currently a little low, not as bad as before, but I do remember feeling really desperate over my circumstances and saying the same things that were said here. But the fact is well what am I putting into it to change? It’s hard pill to swallow... all I can say if you’re still breathing your life isn’t done with you yet and we must fight to be happy and alive. Creating those things consistently is everyone lesson. Like here I am about to get into my affirmations about self love and I’m rolling my eyes... ugh not feeling it, yet what are my choices? We are never really powerless over any situation unless we say we are... so do fight for to turn it around, it is worth it. You’re worth it!

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Thank you! And 100% agree! It doesn’t mean I’m happy now and everything is fine. The truth is it’s much easier to sink into that sad feeling when you’re not having a great day than to keep ploughing ahead and picking yourself up when you really don’t feel like it. Some days I won’t manage it and will succumb to it, but the key is to keep on going. Really hope you feel much better soon XXX

How are you guys doing? I’ve not been great recently

Im sorry, you are having a hard time. I think lots of emotions are running high now. I try to remind myself to enjoy the journey and not just live for the destination. Also, whenever Im having a bad day I like to unplug, take the day off and watch some funny movies. This too shall pass! xo


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