Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Anyone else devastated?
Is anyone else genuinely devastated about their situation? I am not just a bit sad, I am in so much pain and have been for such a long time. I get everyone has their pains and hard times but I’ve done that a million times over. I can’t believe I have to endure this hurt yet again. I woke up a couple of days ago and really questioned how long I am able to continue to feel this way.
--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on June 14, 2020, 06:04:05 AM ---Is anyone else genuinely devastated about their situation? I am not just a bit sad, I am in so much pain and have been for such a long time. I get everyone has their pains and hard times but I’ve done that a million times over. I can’t believe I have to endure this hurt yet again. I woke up a couple of days ago and really questioned how long I am able to continue to feel this way.
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im not aware of your situation if you've shared it here but remember time does heal all wounds. when you are in it, it feels like the pain will never end but belleve you me, it will. hang in there and try and stay busy. the less energy you put into it, the quicker you'll be able to move past it. hope you feel better soon:(
--- Quote from: th3awakened1 on June 14, 2020, 11:30:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on June 14, 2020, 06:04:05 AM ---Is anyone else genuinely devastated about their situation? I am not just a bit sad, I am in so much pain and have been for such a long time. I get everyone has their pains and hard times but I’ve done that a million times over. I can’t believe I have to endure this hurt yet again. I woke up a couple of days ago and really questioned how long I am able to continue to feel this way.
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I have been where you are, just know it's not constructive for anyone's mental health to stay there. If you feel like you cannot cope maybe reach out to a counselor or psychologist to help you realistically get past this. Magical things happen when you let go and move on with your life without them.
Honestly, although we never reconnected as of yet, I am no longer devastated about anything between my POI and myself? Why? Cause I gave the best effort I could. Multiple psychics during the height of my binge and sadness who said not to reach out to him. I defied every single one of them and a vowed to get his attention and get him to speak to me even only as friends. I texted him once, dm'd him multiple times just to be friendly and I was met with silence. Silence to the point of he blocked me from contacting him on a messaging app but did not completely block me on the social media site. That shows me you want to still see things as you wish about what I am up to but don't want to talk to me? Mhmmm yeah ok a$$hole. We also ran into each other multiple times and he choose to literally ignore me so much to the point he would make every effort to be as far away from me in the same room as he could.
Someone's silence and continued silence even after you have tried to reach out and make amends is your answer. Let them be graced with the beauty of your absence and move on with your life.
All the energy I put into trying to get closer and fortify that connection was there I now channel into creating greater distance and working on how I want my own life to look. I cut ties with anyone connected between us that wasn't family or long time friends.
I have big dreams for my life and at this point we will not fit the mold anymore so I have really been focusing letting it truly go. Do I still think he'll reach out one day? Yes but when he does I'll be in such a different headspace at that point that I pretty sure he'll just get kept on read.
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I am not actually reading about him any more. I had a last reading but mostly asked about the past to understand how we got here and hoping to have closure because I never understood. I am also not actively waiting for him although I can’t help that deep down there’s clearly some hope. Maybe therapy is the answer because I am just stuck and not moving on.
I am in a devastating situation where the breakup was so out of the blue, and we had an apartment together, we were engaged, life was fab.
It's been 6 months.
I have this gut feeling he'll be back before the end of the year, some readers agree. I am not waiting for him because I'm too good for that and so are you <3
Put yourself first and focus on what you can do to make yourself happy, which may seem impossible right now but in the long run it will be worth it. Start casually dating, because for me knowing other people value me when my ex doesn't put me at ease. Do I want a relationship? Not now. But I enjoy dating and seeing what's out there.
I wrote letters to my ex in a little journal I had, I wrote every time I was upset or angry, every time I felt good about myself, everything things worked out. The most important thing is to let yourself feel hurt, and deal with the emotions, don't hide them. I feel for you my love but at the end of the day, as much as it doesn't seem like it now, you'll be on top of the world and your ex will have more regrets than you. PM if you ever want to rant or just bitch about him <3
You are enough. A thousand times enough <3
--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on June 14, 2020, 06:04:05 AM ---Is anyone else genuinely devastated about their situation? I am not just a bit sad, I am in so much pain and have been for such a long time. I get everyone has their pains and hard times but I’ve done that a million times over. I can’t believe I have to endure this hurt yet again. I woke up a couple of days ago and really questioned how long I am able to continue to feel this way.
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I have been where you are and the pain was unbearable. At one point I walked out into my front yard at 2 am and looked up at the sky and just begged God, the universe or whatever higher power there might be to please allow me to die. I felt like my whole body had a mild electrical current running through it - the pain was actually physical. There was another day when I had no food left in the house because I hadn't been to the grocery store in a week (I was working remotely and never left the house) and I had to look down at my feet and tell myself to put one foot in front of the other. I had days where I crawled to the bathroom because I was so overwhelmed. It took three years to get over it. I know that isn't what you want to hear but the good news is that I did get over it and my life did go on.
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