Author Topic: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine  (Read 13712 times)

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2020, 04:45:48 AM »
This is the thread about him I found when I searched his name,4732.msg90606.html#msg90606


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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2020, 07:33:20 AM »
i had a reading from David james many years ago and i.was asking about a guy i met over work occasions and i.didnt know this guy's background
david was yes very negative and he said if you wanted to be slapped by this big lady then you go ahead, i honestly didn't know the poi was married by that time.
end up david was right, poi was married and since they were Vikings so yes that lady could slap me out of the planet and later i found out the poi was fooling around quite a bit so few women did get the big slaps lol.

so in my opinion he was very negative very rude, but accurate

this was my only time with him, he is just too rude haha

Offline Thalou

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2020, 08:42:19 AM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

Nobody has the exact same situation as someone else . It’s no reason to give a copy n paste read to clients . He used the same lines on a number of people on n off this forum

Oh no, I wasn't saying that that would be a good excuse to give the same readings! I was asking because I feel many customers are going through very similar scenarios. Some examples:

Is my husband/boyfriend cheating on me?

Or, you feel strongly connected to POI, never felt this kind of connection before, he is with a third party or went back to a third party (often times a baby momma), POI is hot and cold, he has gone silent, is hiding, is working on what he really wants, he does have feelings for you, he's miserable with her, he will come back to you, etc. etc.

So I was just wondering if that was the type of carbon copy reading he was giving out to many people, or if the people on this site who compared notes were all going through similar things.

From what I remember people complained he told them all they were being cheated on and used the same lines . Who knows if they all have the same issue with their poi idk these people but I think he has a thread here on and anyone can search it . I never heard him tell anyone anything positive so he basically enjoys bringing bad news and giving same reads

Then he was lucky with me... cause I was cheated... multiple times... I only had a reading with him. I wouldnt go for a second after what he said. However, he described my poi similarly to ST... ST said he is selfish and too self focused, and David James said he is an energy vampire despite the outwards appearance... they were both right in my case.

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2020, 04:57:51 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

No, we had a good mix! One girl asked how her POI felt about her (it was her husband) and he said something like "You mean when will he break down his walls and stop ignoring you?" And she said no, so he ended it and blocked her. He told me "you mean when will he break down the brick walls around him?" when I asked about an ex. Several of us asked different questions about different situations with POIs, exes, spouses, and he gave the same answers. He fired out answers without taking time which was extremely disappointing. Apart from that line (which is no longer accurate to my situation) he gave me no indication of a connection, also none of his predictions came to pass for me....

ST took a little time and got my POI *dead on* and predicted reconciliation
Miss Ann got my POI dead on and predicted reconciliation
Some PO readers (High rated ones, check the thread) all got my poi on and told me we would reconnect.
Waiting on a reading from Kisha and Yona,.

I don't care who you are, do not use the same lines when people pay you good money.

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2020, 06:04:15 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

No, we had a good mix! One girl asked how her POI felt about her (it was her husband) and he said something like "You mean when will he break down his walls and stop ignoring you?" And she said no, so he ended it and blocked her. He told me "you mean when will he break down the brick walls around him?" when I asked about an ex. Several of us asked different questions about different situations with POIs, exes, spouses, and he gave the same answers. He fired out answers without taking time which was extremely disappointing. Apart from that line (which is no longer accurate to my situation) he gave me no indication of a connection, also none of his predictions came to pass for me....

ST took a little time and got my POI *dead on* and predicted reconciliation
Miss Ann got my POI dead on and predicted reconciliation
Some PO readers (High rated ones, check the thread) all got my poi on and told me we would reconnect.
Waiting on a reading from Kisha and Yona,.

I don't care who you are, do not use the same lines when people pay you good money.

Okay that makes me feel a little better. I had a reading with him last night because I was so curious after reading everything about him. I'm hoping to hear more testimonials that his predictions are wrong, or that he got the present wrong, because my reading was negative. However, I can see his version being the true one, so I'm really hoping he actually is a fraud.

He told me positive things too, about a new guy, but I don't know if it was generic or not. Around my age, we'll have a strong connection,  good career, not rich, good with kids and animals, and he saw a potential marriage. I've never in my life wanted to get married or have my own kids,  I told him that after, so he said it would be up to me. So again, don't know if it was something basic he tells everyone after he crushes you about the POI.   :D

Has ST gotten any predictions right for you, or are they still pending?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 06:12:24 PM by jolimano »

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2020, 06:30:15 PM »
I'm still waiting on her predictions to pass but I'll share a little bit of what she said with me;
The energy is off and on. It won't be easy, he will lack consistency.
The reason we're apart is a lack of consistency.  This was the outcome, it could be rocky and I needed to be aware of that. Stephanie pointed out what he's like and his personality which isn't "he's hot and cold, he doesn't know what he wants", he's very particular. I can't speak for how her outcomes have worked out for me personally but i did really like her and how she was able to reassure me that she was connected without even asking. Her reviews on this site are wonderful too so you should look her name up and check her reviews out!

If you're considering a read with her, I recommend you go to, my only regret is that I didn't get a reading through her website. She was extremely polite and so lovely :)

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2020, 06:52:01 PM »
@massine, your person ISN'T hot and cold? I feel like that's so common,  haha congratulations to you that he's not! ^^
I've read mostly positive reviews about ST but I did see somewhere around here that her positive predictions don't come true, only her negatives do.

@friendlyface congratulations for your prediction coming into fruition! I wish I saw more of those type of reviews. I mostly come across the ones where nothing ever happened for them,  ever.

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2020, 08:29:32 PM »
Does Stephanie Theresa tell everyone that POI or ex will contact again and come back but that it will be short lived or he will walk away or won't last? I heard several people having this same prediction with her. Another thing is why does she only does readings by chat (typing)?

She didn't tell me any of that.

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2020, 09:39:44 PM »
@massine, your person ISN'T hot and cold? I feel like that's so common,  haha congratulations to you that he's not! ^^
I've read mostly positive reviews about ST but I did see somewhere around here that her positive predictions don't come true, only her negatives do.

Haha thanks, he's just a stubborn git and just can't seem to move past his ego atm 😂 I had read that some people said that, however others also came forward with their stories of how she said their POI would come back and did! Lemme see if I can find the link!

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2020, 10:15:49 PM »,5908.msg120121.html#msg120121,5810.0.html,4745.15.html

I know a girl on this forum had some luck with her too.

The best threat to read from front to back is,4627.30.html
She doesn't give positive predictions often and I think that's the issue

Offline Thalou

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2020, 07:59:22 AM »
Does Stephanie Theresa tell everyone that POI or ex will contact again and come back but that it will be short lived or he will walk away or won't last? I heard several people having this same prediction with her. Another thing is why does she only does readings by chat (typing)?

She didn't tell me any of that.

She was clear from the beginning with me, she said he will be coming and going and this will be exhausting for you. That is the true we were back and forth for several months. In this last break up, I went to Stephanie and she said, he will be back but nothing will change, he will leave again and the reason for that is not his ex is that he cannot maintain a realtionship. She said this is a repeating cycle for him. So yes, she saw him back again, but in this last reading she also said "if you allow him" he will be coming and leaving.

I wonder if she tells people that they will get back together or that they won't at all or there won't be any contact anymore. Several people have the prediction of poi contacting, returning but not lasting

Offline Thalou

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2020, 08:14:34 AM »
MagicSong told me the same thing about my POI.
That he wanted no responsibility & was avoiding me at all cost - wanting to stay uncommitted.
Well...... she was VERY wrong. No give away due to lurkers but he is VERY happy to have me back in his life.
Now, Analisa tells everyone there’s “interference” & it will be on his terms when he comes back& he has commitment issues& blah blah

Never read with the others besides Ari and ST. The others don't have a good track record.
Well in my case they were all aligned, saying that he has issues with commitment and that he will be going back and forth as he pleases, but have no intention to stay with anyone.
The only ones that predicted a change in his behavior saying that he will be back and he will want to commit and this will take time was Miss Ann & Angel Readings.  Honestly I like them both, as they gave me a very accurate description of his personality, but I doubt if this guy will ever change.