Author Topic: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine  (Read 13709 times)

Offline Thalou

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A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« on: June 12, 2020, 07:14:05 PM »
I'm new in this forum but I'm following your reviews for a couple of months now.
I feel it is time to share my experience with psychic readings, as I've been going through this for several months.
All of my readings had a specific question about whether my POI is coming back (we've been back and forth since the beginning) and if they can see another woman in his life.

I will not focus on the wrong ones, as there were many, I will only mention those that got it right.

Analisa, she was pretty accurate in the first reading, then I think she was just making up things. During the first reading she said your poi has commitment issues and there is another person in his life. She actually said "there will always be the one, and then the others" which my poi admitted happening.

David James: If you have issues with 3rd parties he is the one to go to. He nailed down not only his disorder but he also picked up on the other persons my poi was dating at time, and that was not always the person in question. He however can be a bit mean in delivery... but still he is very accurate.

Aqua Marine: She predicted the disorder and the reconciliation with the other person. She said " he will briefly go back to her and then back to you" , however her overall outcome was positive, saying that after all these you will settle down with him properly, which up to now I cannot validate.

Ari: Absolutely right on the and she nailed down the exact time he left me for the other one. She ofcourse spotted his disorder too. On the final outcome she said "you will move forward, and you will be the first leaving this behind". However in the second reading I had with her, things were not that clear...

Vanilla spiritual reading: Ohh she is really good and underated in my opinion- she nailed his personality and also gave some very accurate timelines on him leaving me and going back to his ex, she said he will come back to you but in the meantime I see you moving on.

Magic song: Very good empath, she saw his issues with commitment - but insisted that he is not going back to his ex. Just that I have to take into consideration his issues and move forward.

Miss Ann: Her cards can be scary accurate, she described my poi pretty accurate, she saw the detachment coming but the overall outcome was positive, seeing us together, which again I doubt.

Angels Readings: I really like her, she spotted almost everything, but I think she lost one part... she said he will come back to you, and he will want only you... I'm afraid she was wrong.

Sophea: She nailed the date of him reconnecting with his ex, same as Ari. She said he will come back but same thing will happen later on this year, when I see you moving forward.

Pixie Dust: she also said wont change, even if he comes back again. Of course she saw the reconciliation with the other woman.

And now the absolute best for me are:

Stephanie Theresa: I have no words for her, she connects quick and she will tell you the absolute truth. She said he has commitment issues, he will never change, if you allow him he will be coming back and then leaving cause simply he cannot be loyal and committed to anyone. She also predicted relocation and me moving forward with another man. All resonates with me and my poi.

Estrella: First time I read with her, I was really scared with her accuracy, she sees things like out of the blue. She actually said the exact things as Stephanie, him going back to her, and then to me, seeing us in parallel, and then me moving forward, relocating and meet someone new there. She even spotted  something in his personality that he admitted a few days after. She is a bit frugal though with money and time.

There was another reader who got this absolutely right she is not on bitwine but worth to mention her, is Yana from psychic source. She gave me the big picture 6 months back when I was not sure about anything. She said he has commitment issues, he will never change, and she predicted a new man coming in my life later on.

Worth to mention Pat from Kasamba, amazing empath, she nailed down almost everything. Same fo Danielle and Donavon also from Kasamba.

I dont want to open the topic around scam readers (there are too many)... but I have to mention one of them giving her the prize of the most fairytale reader: that is Yazmin from Kasamba, just dont go there.

Hope saved some money and time for you.
I'm done with readings, I will be adding comments for all of those I have read with hopping would be helpful for you.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 07:27:57 PM by Thalou »

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2020, 08:21:33 PM »
Thank you so much for this, it is always helpful to glean how readers have done for others!

I've read with ST, MagicSong (now Delaney on Kasamba), Yazmin and Danielle. I wondered if Yazmin is always so busy because she gives fluffed up readings, but a lot of her reviews do mention that her predictions come true. Maybe they are fake, or friends of hers or something?

I'm a little confused about your description of the reading with MagicSong. So was she wrong, when she said your POI wouldn't return to his ex? Or did she mean that POI wouldn't return to his ex again after that?

Offline Thalou

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2020, 08:46:15 PM »
Hi jolimamo, Yazmin is definitely a fairytale reader... not even a good empath I would say... she said I see engagement and you leaving together... I have to admit it was uplifting at that time but seeing how things went down she was totally wrong.

About Magic song, she is an excellent empath. For my poi she predicted instability and back and forth which was the case, but for some reason she was always saying that she does not see him involved with The ex. Is just him wanting to stay uncommitted... the truth however is that he went back to his ex...

How was ST for you?

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2020, 09:01:54 PM »
I read about the same POI both times. I like her, because she seems realistic, but also balanced. She warned me of possible struggles, and she never says YES or NO with me, it's always, "It's possible." As in, it's possible for POI and I to end up together. For my situation, she seems to lean more towards the positive, so I suppose time will tell.

As far as accuracy goes, she definitely picks up on a lot without me saying anything, correctly describing the dynamics of our connection, energies involved, and she saw the main blockage right off the bat. However, I always have this skeptical side, because I'm pretty sure the majority of us call psychics for the same scenario. I knew my situation was common, but I had no idea how common until I started speaking with psychics and reading tons of reviews!

She doesn't give timelines, which I hear is the norm. I'm fine with that, they never work out for me anyway. I didn't ask for one, but the last reading she did give me a "possibility of contact" after a week or two after the reading, but so far that hasn't happened. But my reading was on May 31st.

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2020, 09:11:06 PM »
Just gonna chime in; I've heard bad things about some of these readers and I also read with one in particular that someone on this  site posted a negative review and was able to tell his opening lines and several things she had been told matched EXACTLY with what I had been told. Many of those readers aren't good and I'd advise you look up their names in this forum.
This isnt a "you're wrong and here's why" or an attack, it's just a recommendation for you and others reading this as I got stung by some bad readings from not great advisors! <3

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2020, 09:46:41 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Offline Thalou

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2020, 09:53:03 PM »
I'm reading this forum for some months now. I know some of them have bad reviews, but they work for me.

About David, honestly... I have seen the reviews... but he spotted something that only my POI knew, and I actually asked him and he admitted. So I dont recommend him for being abrupt and rude, but he sees the third parties... and for me that was enough.
Estrella said if he could have 3 at the same time he would go for it.... 2 days after my poi said there were always three... he has a patern you know... I knew only for his ex... up to I spoke to David & Estrella... so kinda works...

Offline massine

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2020, 10:42:50 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2020, 10:52:56 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Yea I knew I seen it ... I also think he has his own thread here of him telling everyone the same lines and giving all negative reads. I never tried him but I definitely remember this name. Goes to show u that if u not careful you will spend your money with a whole fake just from reviews here.  I would definitely skip pass him from the list on this thread of recommendations

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2020, 10:58:17 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2020, 11:45:40 PM »
MagicSong told me the same thing about my POI.
That he wanted no responsibility & was avoiding me at all cost - wanting to stay uncommitted.
Well...... she was VERY wrong. No give away due to lurkers but he is VERY happy to have me back in his life.
Now, Analisa tells everyone there’s “interference” & it will be on his terms when he comes back& he has commitment issues& blah blah

Never read with the others besides Ari and ST. The others don't have a good track record.

Offline marciamia

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2020, 11:50:59 PM »
Who’s Estrella? Link? Anyone have any other reviews?

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2020, 11:53:42 PM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

Nobody has the exact same situation as someone else . It’s no reason to give a copy n paste read to clients . He used the same lines on a number of people on n off this forum

Offline jolimano

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2020, 12:54:54 AM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

Nobody has the exact same situation as someone else . It’s no reason to give a copy n paste read to clients . He used the same lines on a number of people on n off this forum

Oh no, I wasn't saying that that would be a good excuse to give the same readings! I was asking because I feel many customers are going through very similar scenarios. Some examples:

Is my husband/boyfriend cheating on me?

Or, you feel strongly connected to POI, never felt this kind of connection before, he is with a third party or went back to a third party (often times a baby momma), POI is hot and cold, he has gone silent, is hiding, is working on what he really wants, he does have feelings for you, he's miserable with her, he will come back to you, etc. etc.

So I was just wondering if that was the type of carbon copy reading he was giving out to many people, or if the people on this site who compared notes were all going through similar things.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 01:02:01 AM by jolimano »

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: A summary of all the readings I had on Bitwine
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2020, 02:05:21 AM »
Question.... isn’t David James on this forum for being negative and a fraud ? Or is he all of a sudden a good psychic ?

Yes girl!!!
I think some stuff is in the now sadly deleted Aries Thread. Someone posted like 10 lines he used and he used Every. Single. One. On me. I felt like an ass. He gave several of us identical readings.

Massine, the people who were all fed the same lines, did they all have the same situation that they were asking about?

Nobody has the exact same situation as someone else . It’s no reason to give a copy n paste read to clients . He used the same lines on a number of people on n off this forum

Oh no, I wasn't saying that that would be a good excuse to give the same readings! I was asking because I feel many customers are going through very similar scenarios. Some examples:

Is my husband/boyfriend cheating on me?

Or, you feel strongly connected to POI, never felt this kind of connection before, he is with a third party or went back to a third party (often times a baby momma), POI is hot and cold, he has gone silent, is hiding, is working on what he really wants, he does have feelings for you, he's miserable with her, he will come back to you, etc. etc.

So I was just wondering if that was the type of carbon copy reading he was giving out to many people, or if the people on this site who compared notes were all going through similar things.

From what I remember people complained he told them all they were being cheated on and used the same lines . Who knows if they all have the same issue with their poi idk these people but I think he has a thread here on and anyone can search it . I never heard him tell anyone anything positive so he basically enjoys bringing bad news and giving same reads

