Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Card Reading & Divination
Card help please! (Clarifying cards)
So orginal question was "will poi break up with girl he is with (that he left me for) and come back to make things right with me, apologize?
He is a new reader and was just practicing!
Here was the read:
Im getting a very firm NO from spirit, while shuffling. He will not break up with the girl hes with BUT he could very well come back to you with an offer, meanwhile STILL being with the other chick on the side. Although he secretly regrets the things he did to you and hes ashamed, hes much much too proud to ever really show it. Im getting that they could already have a baby together or will, or maybe that the lady has a kid herself (she does, reader didnt know that). No he wont break up with her, but Yes he will contact you possibly by phone call as im seeing a phone in the cards. He has real genuine love for you, but hes very extremely toxic as he wants to come back and outright control, manipulate, and dominate you. Hes been spending his time feeling lonely at home, and so yes he will contact you. Maybe yall could be soulmates, but if yall are now is definitely NOT the time. I said yall might be soulmates bc at the end I got a card that just said "soulmates" and the lovers card, maybe he justthinks that... it very well seemed like an offer because on two cards there was a hand extended out towards you with some sort of treasure. Also him telling you something. I didnt ask if he loved the other girl but ill pull 3 cards real quick, and ill show you the cards this time and the ones your asking about...
Then he pulled these..
And said...
Yes, he very much loves the woman hes currently with although hes still dissapointed and a bit ashamed on what happened between yall. Possibly he cares about you as or almost as much, and hes thinking he can go back and forth between yall without yall noticing basically cheating.
Because I asked and i got "lovers" and "soulmate" I also felt it. hes not lying I saw in the cards he thought that yall are soulmates. Regardless, if he reaches out dont accept. If its meant to be itll be.
SO HIS WAS DIFFERENT THAN EVERY OTHER READ IVE GOTTEN.. this was the clarifying cards for if he loved her or me..
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Sound like a mess...not a straight answer. I am confused reading the answers given to you.
Fairy dust I do not see any thing but circles.
Me too!!!
And its so diff from all the other readings fam, friends, and on here!!
I not sure about the 3 bottom cards, neither what for / when they were drawn
But the top row:
4 of cups => missed opportunity, offer not coming, passing on an offer, not seizing an offer - That man on the card is not excited, self absorbed - not willing to take any action
king of swords => head over heart, being logical and cutting emotions out, being cold and detached but feeling that this is the right attitude to have
2 of pentacles => keeping busy and focusing on your own personal balance, potentially going back and forth between ideas, tasks and people
7 of swords => indirect / potentially deceitful communications / thoughts. Mind games. Escaping a situation - Getting away with something.
Don't wait on that guy. Wherever he is at at this time is not worth your attention and effort. You deserve better. My 2 cents
So... i think he flipped the energies...
Because he just reached out and asked to talk in person
And user what you just said, sounds like me
But yes
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