Author Topic: Sandy Esther  (Read 31602 times)

Offline Synergy

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Re: Sandy Esther - Your Message From Above
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 05:49:39 PM »
I just had the most amazing call with Aurora (Your Message From Above). 

I spoke with her for 20 minutes, and she was spot on with her description of what is happening with Chance.  I don't necessarily want to share what was said because there is a lot of stuff I need to start doing so that I can begin to heal from all these experiences I have been through in the past few years, but I have to recommend her.  Even when she told me some "negative" things, she was able to help me see the positive in it too.  She also provided me with dates to look out for, but she told me that I also have the power of prayer to get things to happen more rapidly, or not at all.  It was a very interesting and HEALING call.  I felt as if she actually cared about the pain both Chance (due to his ex) and I (due to my experience with him) are going through right now. 

I did cry as I was on the phone with her, but somehow, by the end of the call I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

Kindred (and I think someone else recommended her too),

I cannot thank you enough for recommending her.  I hope she is right, but even if she is not, she has somehow provided me with a sense of peace that I have not felt in a very long time. 


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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2012, 06:52:30 PM »
Synergy I am so happy that you were able to speak with her. I totally agree that reading with her is healing, I couldn't think of the word to describe the feeling but that is exactly it. I learned a lot about myself from my calls with her and consider her to be a mentor and a teacher. I believe she is one of the few who really does take her work seriously and sincerely cares for the people she is sharing her gift with, she is fully aware of the pain that false hope causes and has always been upfront with me in the most compassionate way.

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 07:49:10 PM »
Did you realize she is so cheap at her website. Its $75 for half n hour . I will try from there only as I am not able to get hold of Cookie :(

Offline Synergy

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 10:55:45 PM »
I saw that her rate on her website is low, but I had money in my Keen account, so I spoke with Aurora there.  I may book additional time with her in a few weeks, as I would like to speak with her about other areas in my life too.  She gave me lots of timeframes, but also made me feel really empowered. 

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2012, 04:25:05 PM »
I spoke to Sandy Esther via keen about 2 weeks ago.  She was great nice and sweet. She even added free minutes as we were talking.  So far her predictions are coming true which means that I have major pain and heart break on the horizon.  At least she didn't feed me a fairytale.

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2012, 10:20:34 PM »
Sandy has also been right about contact for me for the second time. It has been 3 months since I last heard from my guy and he finally contacted me. I also just want to say that I noticed that eventually every reader may end up not connecting with us anymore and I don't know why that is. If I can put my two cents in, I would say that maybe, for the real ones, it's because their mission is done with us. Everything does come to an end and I feel like the very few psychics who truly have a gift, aren't suppose to tag along people who constantly need advice about their life. I don't think God's will for us to live off of these people's predictions or advice but rather seek them once & let the rest work itself out.


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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2012, 11:04:04 PM »
Sandy has also been right about contact for me for the second time. It has been 3 months since I last heard from my guy and he finally contacted me. I also just want to say that I noticed that eventually every reader may end up not connecting with us anymore and I don't know why that is. If I can put my two cents in, I would say that maybe, for the real ones, it's because their mission is done with us. Everything does come to an end and I feel like the very few psychics who truly have a gift, aren't suppose to tag along people who constantly need advice about their life. I don't think God's will for us to live off of these people's predictions or advice but rather seek them once & let the rest work itself out.

I like this viewpoint!

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2012, 06:10:36 AM »
I just had my first reading with Sandy Esther, and was very pleased.  I have to say, it was kind of funny because I was in her queue at #12 this morning, and in Cookie's queue as #6.  I didn't think I would hear from either of them today, so I went and took a nap after taking some allergy meds and 'Keen' woke me up.  I was so groggy I couldn't make out who the advisor was that I was being connected to, so I automatically assumed it was Cookie, since I didn't think Sandy Esther could have moved through her queue that quickly in just a few hours.  So I groggily said, "Hi yeah I just want to pick up from where we left off when we talked last time about my friend" and the reader launched into their reading.  It took me about a minute to realize it wasn't Cookie at all, it was Sandy Esther, whom I had NEVER spoken to previously, so I was very surprised and pleased that she knew as much about my current situation as she did when we honestly had never spoken before.

Now, I learned from this first reading that Sandy is VERY good about the past and present.  She told me the last time I heard from my friend was on the 10th.  YES.  The last time my friend contacted me was on the 10th of December, 2011.  So even though Sandy never mentioned the 10th of WHAT, I don't care.  She had 31 days to pick from and she NAILED IT.

She also picked up an influential 'Pagan energy' around my friend, and the only other person to really pick up on that beforehand was Avalon and Cookie.  I have absolutely nothing against Pagans and Wiccans, but this particular one practices it maliciously and for her own gain and selfish reasons.  This person came between us, exactly like this person has forced my friend to turn on 3 other friends of hers before me.  This 'Pagan' person becomes very jealous of my friend's relationships with other people and sabatoges them.  I saw her manipulate my friend into doing this 3 times to 3 other people in her life before it was 'my turn'.

Sandy gave me dates for contact.  She gave me tomorrow, which kind of surprised me.  But she said it may not be literal contact- it may be heard via prayer or through my own head ( I'm empathic and was once strongly connected to this friend of mine, and could feel and hear her in my own mind all the time, but I have been 'cut off' even that route so to speak, except once in awhile a few feelings of fear and hurt on her end will leak through ).  She said for literal contact, she is going with March 21st of this year.  Kristine and Therese have also told me March when I talked to them back in December.  Sandy then said that we would still have ups and downs over the next several months ( also what Cookie and Stella said ) but that we would see resolution after about 6 months ( 6 months is exactly the timeline Stella gave me.  I already mentioned that in another post somewhere ).  Sandy also said that my friend would start to recognize the true manipulator in her life and start to pull away from them ( the Pagan ), same thing that Avalon said.

Anyway, there were other life issues that Sandy instantly mentioned ( an attorney and a lawsuit ) which is exactly what a couple of other psychics have told me ( I'm currently talking to lawyers for help with a wrongful termination lawsuit against my employer who fired me for being hospitalized ) and she projected about 4 years of a fight and then they would offer me my job back.  Another psychic predicted about a 3 year fight and that I would be offered a settlemet.  It will be interesting to see which one is correct, because honestly, I don't want that lousy job back, lol.

Anyway, when I mentioned a 'Pagan practicing for manipulative reasons' Sandy claimed she felt 'an attack' almost upon herself just by us discussing it.  Those kinds of claims I tend to kind of be wary of, but my most trusted psychic, without me even mentioning anything about the situation with my friend yet ( who was the one who told me about the outcome of my lawsuit ) also exclaimed the first time I saw her: "Dear, do you realize there is someone working evil against you?"

Normally I would caution people to not put that much weight into readers who make these kinds of claims, but since I KNOW about my friend's Pagan friend who does practice harmful things, and that that same person is the reason from my friend's own mouth that she isn't speaking to me anymore, then I trust what I am being told.

Anyway, I have a reading scheduled with AstroSarah tomorrow and I'm waiting for the callback from Cookie, and then I NEED to be done for awhile.  ALL THESE PSYCHICS except FOR ONE are telling me the same outcome, so I need to actually sit back and wait for the universe to unfold at it's own pace rather than chasing it, so to speak.

I now, tho, have a couple of favorites I'll know to go straight to when I'm ready to focus my energy on my ex-fiance, who I have been seperated from for 2 years after a 10 year relationship. 

But anyway, wanted to give a positive review of Sandy.

Offline Starrlite

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2012, 09:44:43 PM »
Has anyone spoken to Sandy Esther on Online psychic network.  I'm always skeptical about getting the same person.  It's so much cheaper 2 dollars a minute

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2012, 01:30:52 AM »
@Starrlite: i really doubt she even reads on that network because it says "Last seen: never" and i think she's been really busy lately. you can follow her posts on facebook (theres a link to it on her blogtalkradio page - just google her name and you'll find it)

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2012, 07:54:09 AM »
I had a reading with her today and I think it was okay. She gave me few time-frame which are in sync with others and I will update how it goes however I didn't become a great fan of her as was the case with Barbara and Cookie :)


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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2012, 07:15:31 PM »
I had my first read with her today. She answered the phone as Jesus Angel, so she definitely wants to remain anonymous now. She nailed the year I last spoke to someone, but I was asking in relation to an upcoming move. It was several years ago that I spoke to this person, so she nailed the year right.

How good has she been with timing? She gave me an exact date for development concerning a career issue.

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2012, 07:18:44 PM »
She was really good with past dates- gave the exact date of when my friend last spoke to me, so I hope she does just as well with future dates.  I'm still waiting for the one she gave me to pass- March 21st.

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2012, 07:20:15 PM »
When she used to be accurate for me, she would actually overshoot.  She told me I would meet Chance before I met him, but she told me it would happen a certain month, and we actually met a month earlier.  When she has told me that things would happen within a certain number of days, they have.

I just am weary about her now.  I hope she is accurate for you, though.  She's capable of it... I just don't know about these new changes she's making. 


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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2012, 11:33:00 AM »
Hi Everyone!

I have been lurking on this board for some time now and I decided to finally join .  I read with this reader the begining of March and let's just say she as well reccomended I read 2 psalms. Not sure what to take from that reading after reading somethings written about her. She was ok but I wont be calling her back .