Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 360539 times)

Offline flora0250

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« Reply #1230 on: January 05, 2025, 05:54:18 PM »
Glad I’m not the only one with that experience - I don’t mean glad you had similar experience but it makes me feel less alone :) sending good energy your way!

I feel like I got a similar reading on a past POI-that by a certain amount of time he would be forthcoming with his reasons/feelings and I would have clarity on his feelings for me/the situation. Ultimately, we would remain friends. Well, that was a decade ago. He moved across the country and we have had zero contact. Do I think she saw something 20 years out? No way, Jose :).

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

Offline jackY

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« Reply #1231 on: January 05, 2025, 06:07:22 PM »
I know what you mean :). Thanks, Flora!

Glad I’m not the only one with that experience - I don’t mean glad you had similar experience but it makes me feel less alone :) sending good energy your way!

I feel like I got a similar reading on a past POI-that by a certain amount of time he would be forthcoming with his reasons/feelings and I would have clarity on his feelings for me/the situation. Ultimately, we would remain friends. Well, that was a decade ago. He moved across the country and we have had zero contact. Do I think she saw something 20 years out? No way, Jose :).

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #1232 on: January 05, 2025, 07:09:52 PM »
Hi Flora. Thank you for sharing this. I'm unsure what you're saying she was wrong about? I'm a little confused. She said no reconciliation would happen. She said there was potential for some sort of friendship or him being in your life in some capacity but not in a relationship. She said it was up to you. I'm assuming you're referring the conversation that contains clarity that didn't happen in the 6?

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #1233 on: January 05, 2025, 07:17:25 PM »
Hi lala. Part of her February 2023 reading is happening now. She said there was an ending to a relationship but it wasn't a bad ending. She said I'll feel liberated (I do feel more free since he half moved out last month), and that I'll feel like I've obtained something. So this part of that reading did happen. Currently, this person and I are still speaking/seeing each other like once a week but the relationship part isn't really there anymore. It's a weird situation. The following readings have yet to happen and I do believe they will based upon everything that his happening right now. These readings fall in line with who I currently read with, Sincerity.

August 2021: A relationship that surprises me with the pace of things and with how things are coming together. I will be extremely satisfied with the commitment I have from my partner, as there will be a completely different dynamic with a specific commitment that really solidifies things. There is still a lot to unfold and a lot of development that is to come when it comes to my relationship. But things will reach a point where I will have a very solid, very stable type of commitment within 10. (She thought it was 10 months or the month of October 2022 but this hasn’t happened yet.)

March 2022: I will have a better dynamic with people in my life, even with people that I feel have not treated me fairly. There’s a 3 surrounding getting to a point where things are better aligned and much fairer. There is a bit of a process that must happen before I feel things are better. There’s a transition period that starts over the next few weeks or months before things get better. Really getting to a space where things are more aligned and better, she gets an 8 and 9 where there is noticeably a better balance. (The beginning of things getting terrible began just two months after this reading. It was like the beginning of the complete destruction of my relationship.) I will also feel that whatever this person is saying they are going to make happen, I will actually see that it’s what is happening rather than this person just saying stuff, putting it out there, and not living up to it. (He’s been saying stuff and not living up to anything. His words never match his actions and it's been this way since around May of 2022). This person is still in the process of working on maintaining things. Once I get into the summer, it shouldn’t be so much as this effort of trying to make sure things are maintained. It will be something that has been more of a regular part of this person’s habit or routine for a few months and I will be able to look at things from a place of bliss opposed to feeling that there’s uncertainty or that things have to change. Whatever change I need to see, there will be some sort of gradual progression.

October 2022: I will be seeing things unfold and it’s a long time coming. In a 6, I will feel like things are starting to give me give and take, back and forth, some type of compromise, some sort of balance when it comes to my love life. The things that I have put out, the way I’ve done things, it’s finally at a point where it’s reciprocal. I feel that but I will also have some bitterness there. I go through so much and have been in a dark space and have been in a situation where people have not been fair to me and the things I’ve put out have not been reciprocated and it doesn’t feel good. I finally get to a point where it’s give and take, back and forth. But then I have this feeling of ok now I have this but it’s taken me so long to get to this point so I will feel bitter. The sting of everything that has gone on and everything I’ve been put through causes me to have this emotional reaction from the things I’ve dealt with. The realization of everything it’s taken me to get to this point stings a little. I rehash things and reflect on what I had to deal with to get to that point. The things I’ve had to endure will not just be wiped out. I will heal myself and release those bitter feelings. I will be strong enough to work though and heal through it and I’ll be in a very good space. However, prior to getting to this point, I will feel that it’s taking forever to get there because in the coming months, I’m going to be in a space where I feel that things in terms of communication in my relationship are off. I will feel that I’m involved with someone that I can’t trust. There’s a suspicious energy etc. I go through the ringer which is why I will feel bitter when things get better. This situation is draining me. I need to reassess if this is worth it.

February 2023: There’s an ending to something but it’s not a bad ending. I’m in a space where I’m holding some sort of flag. I will feel like I’ve obtained something. I feel liberated. My love life is going to change drastically. There’s an ending to a toxic relationship but then there’s someone who’s going to want to marry me. My reading shows her one extreme (toxic and horrible) to another extreme (marriage and stability). She couldn’t see what happens in between. She didn’t know where this person was coming from that wants to marry me. She didn’t even see the person in the energy nor the relationship leading to the marriage, but this is after an ending. She said this confused her and hadn’t happened to her before in a reading as she always sees the relationship first. But somehow, she was able to see other details, such as it would require me to move residence. The person I’m married to would challenge me to do things I haven’t been able to do in years but in a positive way. I’m excited to be with this person. I’m comfortable and have no hesitation. It’s a very stable marriage. No time frame was given for this reading to occur. (I do keep in mind that she was unable to see this current guy’s energy in a previous reading when he was actually already there. We’d connected but hadn’t gotten into the relationship part yet as it was my brother’s friend who would just visit and hang out sometimes.)

Hi all: any updates on her last readings and predications?
I did an email reading with her right before she retired and many of things have panned out.
Waiting for two/three more things.


Offline flora0250

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« Reply #1234 on: January 05, 2025, 07:30:44 PM »
Hi Miss. You’re a very sweet person and I don’t mean this in an argumentative way but if you cannot see what she was obviously wrong about I really can’t explain it to you. It’s as clear as clear can be. No there was never any further contact or conversation of any kind and there will not be in the future. I am just not going to be able to invest the time and energy to explain what was already very clear in my post. I understand you want to say well maybe the conversation will happen but I can tell you it will not. She was wrong. I think you need to accept that she was wrong. Thanks for the reply though. Again don’t mean to be argumentative but it’s very abundantly clear from what I already posted and I do not need to defend myself.

Hi Flora. Thank you for sharing this. I'm unsure what you're saying she was wrong about? I'm a little confused. She said no reconciliation would happen. She said there was potential for some sort of friendship or him being in your life in some capacity but not in a relationship. She said it was up to you. I'm assuming you're referring the conversation that contains clarity that didn't happen in the 6?

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #1235 on: January 05, 2025, 10:03:12 PM »
Hi Flora. Definitely wasn't looking for any sort of defense. Was just trying to understand. Nevertheless, Kisha has been wrong from me as well, like twice. Not saying she's never wrong. She told me about a previous person I was with that she didn't see a move for him. Two months later, he moved to another state. She also told me that I'd see him again someday but that it would be a very long time and got an 8 with it. I haven't seen him since 2018. We're still friends though. Him and his wife talk about visiting the state I live in for vacation at some point so I may see him again someday but I don't care either way. Could be 8 years for all I know but I don't care if it never happens. So to date, that hasn't happened either. I'm not even suggesting you hold on to that reading below. Perhaps I got something out of your post that wasn't meant the way I read it. No worries. Have a nice day!

Hi Miss. You’re a very sweet person and I don’t mean this in an argumentative way but if you cannot see what she was obviously wrong about I really can’t explain it to you. It’s as clear as clear can be. No there was never any further contact or conversation of any kind and there will not be in the future. I am just not going to be able to invest the time and energy to explain what was already very clear in my post. I understand you want to say well maybe the conversation will happen but I can tell you it will not. She was wrong. I think you need to accept that she was wrong. Thanks for the reply though. Again don’t mean to be argumentative but it’s very abundantly clear from what I already posted and I do not need to defend myself.

Hi Flora. Thank you for sharing this. I'm unsure what you're saying she was wrong about? I'm a little confused. She said no reconciliation would happen. She said there was potential for some sort of friendship or him being in your life in some capacity but not in a relationship. She said it was up to you. I'm assuming you're referring the conversation that contains clarity that didn't happen in the 6?

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

Offline flora0250

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« Reply #1236 on: January 05, 2025, 10:22:02 PM »
Thanks Miss- no hard feelings at all or anything! Have a great day too :)

Offline Apalm831

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« Reply #1237 on: January 06, 2025, 10:54:07 PM »
Does someone keep communication with her? I want to read with her so bad. 😭

Yes. She will not do anymore readings and if you’re a friend of hers, she’ll block you for asking. Real hard and firm boundaries w Kisha. She has her reasons.

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« Reply #1238 on: January 07, 2025, 02:00:19 PM »
Does someone keep communication with her? I want to read with her so bad. 😭

I do, but she won't do any type of reading. Although she has given me some "golden nuggets" of information here and there - however, they are messages from God, not anything I have ever asked about.

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« Reply #1239 on: January 08, 2025, 03:05:33 AM »
WOW… no plans on coming back

Offline greekgeek

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« Reply #1240 on: January 08, 2025, 05:27:02 AM »
You're definitely not alone. I had 2/3 email readings and 1 phone reading with her over the years and except for a couple of very generic predictions that could apply to anyone, nothing ever panned out. So she has never worked for me.

Glad I’m not the only one with that experience - I don’t mean glad you had similar experience but it makes me feel less alone :) sending good energy your way!

I feel like I got a similar reading on a past POI-that by a certain amount of time he would be forthcoming with his reasons/feelings and I would have clarity on his feelings for me/the situation. Ultimately, we would remain friends. Well, that was a decade ago. He moved across the country and we have had zero contact. Do I think she saw something 20 years out? No way, Jose :).

I have rarely seen anyone say this reader was wrong. But just for a real honest take here, this is the email reading she gave me on my POI in 2018. And I’m sorry but I am just not buying in to the idea that it comes true years later. Honestly I think that is holding out hope for a downright false reading. She was accurate on the past & my feelings about our breakup. But he ended up getting married in 2020 to the woman he started seeing right after me (or actually I realized later he was with her before me and that was part of the deception). They are still married and I have absolutely no interest in reconnecting with him ever. I ran into him one time in a very strange way in public out of the blue this past summer. We didn’t speak thankfully and I don’t even know if he recognized me. All this for background to explain - she was just wrong. There’s no it will come true later here and the predictions just haven’t happened yet since I have zero interest in ever speaking with him again. I just really needed to share this to say she was not always right. Also my phone reading with her had even a more positive reading and it never happened. Not anyone is good for everyone.

“There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this breakup. I am getting that there was no real closure, and because of that there are feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment that linger on. In addition to feeling those feelings, there are still questions that are not answered, or at least answered truthfully. That is key here. Some of the things he has to say or explanations he has are not adding up, and you know deep down that he has not been entirely forthcoming with you regarding the break up and his reasoning. These feelings are going to be put at ease soon.

There are things that he was going through and feelings and issues that he internalized that you will become privy to in the next 6 months or by June. Regardless, you will get some solid answers and a reasoning for his actions. You will get a more truthful side of him and a side that is far more forthcoming than he has been. Most of his reasons for the state you two are in now are self-centered in nature, and more about him and his emotions than they are you, and what you did wrong.

When you and him are able to have this conversation, and you get a more honest and truthful version of him, there is a sense of healing that will take place. There may be contact prior to this, but bear in mind that any contact prior to the contact in a 6 will not hold the same significance. The timeline of this particular communication cannot be changed or accelerated, so do not feel discouraged if you have contact with him prior to that and do not feel clarity. It is coming, in its own time.

I am getting that you and him can rebuild what appears to be a distant friendship and move forward in a more positive way after having the necessary conversation. Reconciliation does not look to be on the radar in the foreseeable future, but there is the potential to heal and grow from the past and to maintain some sense of a friendship. There is a potential to have an open line of communication at all times going forward, so he is showing as being in your life, if you want him to be. So, he can be in your life in the future to some extent but not in the capacity as a boyfriend, at least for the foreseeable future.”

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« Reply #1241 on: January 09, 2025, 10:59:37 PM »
How can I contact her? Keen, CP? Please some tell me

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #1242 on: January 09, 2025, 11:25:56 PM »
How can I contact her? Keen, CP? Please some tell me

She retired in 2023. She's not going to return to giving readings in the foreseeable future.